AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)

LPTC General Membership and Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, August 2, 2011

Joint Propulsion Conference, August 1-3, 2011, San Diego, CA



Eric Besnard



General membership and Steering Committee


2 August 2011

San Diego, CA


AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)

LPTC General Membership and Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, August 2, 2011

Joint Propulsion Conference, August 1-3, 2011, San Diego, CA


Date: August 2, 2011

To: Eric Besnard, LPTC Chairman

From: Don Sargent, Secretary

Subject: Minutes - Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee,

Joint Propulsion Conference, August 1-3, 2011, San Diego, CA

Chairman Eric Besnard called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at the Joint Propulsion Conference in San Diego, CA. The agenda for the LPTC meeting is included as Attachment 1. Forty-six members were in attendance (Attachment 2 is the attendance roster).

The LPTC Steering Group meeting took place beginning at 6:00 PM on Monday, August 1st, prior to the full committee meeting. Fifteen attendees are indicated on the Attachment 2 attendance roster. Steering group minutes were taken and the topics covered were discussed again in the general meeting.

Key points and discussion from the general membership meeting follow:

Opening Remarks / Introduction

Eric Besnard started the meeting with welcoming remarks. The agenda for the meeting was also reviewed.

Eric then presented and discussed an organization chart of the Propulsion and Energy Committee and a summary of the P&E meeting (Attachment 4) that he had attended on Sunday, July 31st. Included was a status report (Attachment 5) of the Joint Propulsion Conference. Attachment 6 is a statement of the Purpose and Objectives of the Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee, presented at the P&E meeting by Eric. Eric also summarized the LPTC activities (Attachment 7) at the P&E meeting: he included LPTC highlights, accomplishments, issues, initiatives and plans, and financial status.

The main topic of the P&E meeting was the proposed restructuring of AIAA conferences, which may result in the JPC to be split among four main conferences, with Liquid Propulsion to be part of the “Space 20XX” conference. The AIAA proposal is summarized in Attachment 8. The P&E group voted unanimously to oppose the break-up of JPC. Following Eric’s presentation of the P&E proposal, an extensive discussion was conducted by the LPTC. An LPTC resolution was brought to the floor: “LPTC is opposed to dismantling the JPC. The LPTC supports keeping a strong Joint Propulsion and Energy Conference”. The LPTC voted on adopting this resolution: 32 For, 5 Oppose, and 2 Abstain.

Old Business

Don Sargent presented the status of action items from the LPTC General Membership meeting at the January 2011 ASM held in Orlando, FL. Action Items completed or closed during the course of the January 2011 meeting are in Attachment 3A. Action Items established during the course of the meeting have been added to outstanding action items from previous meetings, and are listed in Attachment 3B.

Next, the membership approved, by voice vote, the minutes as written (no comments or corrections were received) of the LPTC meeting at the 2011 ASM, held in Orlando, FL, January 4, 2011.

JPC Conference Planning Updates

2011 JPC, San Diego, CA, July 31st – August 3rd, 2011

•  Chip Sauer reported that there were no no-shows at this year’s Liquid Propulsion sessions.

•  The LPTC discussed possible improvements to the grouping of papers, to avoid sessions with only two papers, and to avoid late (4 PM) sessions

•  The LPTC members thanked Chip for a job well done

2012 JPC, Atlanta, GA, to be held July 29th – August 1st, 2012

•  Ivett Leyva discussed the planning for 2012 JPC.

•  ATK and AMROC will be sponsors

•  Site: Atlanta Hyatt Regency

•  Invitations will be published in December and January

•  There will be approximately 20 meeting rooms

•  Unfortunately, there will be late sessions

•  Wheel chairs will be available

2013 JPC, San Jose, CA, to be held July 14th – July 17th, 2013

•  Silvio Chianese reported the planning for 2013 JPC

New Business - Subcommittee Reports

Membership Subcommittee Report - Scott Forde

·  Several significant changes were recently adopted by TAC to guide technical committee membership.

•  An “Alumni” membership category has been established to recognize the value of former committee members who often continue to play important roles in TC activities and provide ongoing work in support of the committees.

•  Overall TC and PC guidelines for the number of committee members were also updated. The guidelines are: no more than 35 regular members and no more than 50 total members. This provides up to 15 additional members from the international, associate, and alumni membership categories.

–  International members do not count against 35 member limit.

–  Age 35 and younger members do not count against 35 member limit.

·  Action Items 11ASM-7 and 11ASM-8 were to name a new Membership Subcommittee Chair, to replace Scott Forde, who became LPTC Vice Chairman. Gary Grayson was selected by unanimous vote of the LPTC.

·  Added four New Members in 2011

–  Mr. Stewart Bushman, John Hopkins Univ./APL

–  Dr. Mark Ford, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC

–  Dr. David Lineberry, University of Alabama, Huntsville

–  Mr. Jeff Schnackel, United Launch Alliance

·  Two Members stepped down in 2011

–  Jan 2011, Carl Engelbrecht retired from LPTC after 11 years

–  Aug 2011, Jeff Weiss retired from LPTC after 11 years

·  Recommendation by the Subcommittee to end the membership of Briggs Gordon, Australian Reaction Motors, who joined LPTC in 2009, because of Non-Participation. Mr. Gordon had not attended a meeting of the LPTC since joining.

·  As of July 31, 2011, there are 45 total members on the committee. The LPTC has 8 International members and 9 younger members.

–  There are at most 5 open eligible spaces {50 - 45} under the 50 total member limit.

·  Attachment 9 shows a breakdown of the LPTC membership by employment category, and Attachment 10 shows a breakdown of the LPTC membership by AIAA membership category.

·  Attachment 11 is an organization chart for the LPTC. This chart shows subcommittee assignments, as of July 31, 2011.

·  Subcommittee assignments were made for six new members:

–  Mr. Stewart Bushman – Awards Subcommittee

–  Dr. Mark Ford – History Subcommittee

–  Mr. Thomas Kmec – Membership Subcommittee

–  Dr. David Lineberry – Education Subcommitttee

–  Mr. Jeff Schnackel – Education Subcommittee

–  Dr. Nobuihiro Yamanishi – Publications Subcommittee

Treasurer’s Report - Mike Meyer

·  Activities for 2010 (see Attachment 12 for account activity details)

–  2011 Starting Balance $ 4831.38

–  Withdrawals

•  January Meeting - $311.17 1/31/2011

•  LPTC Shirts - $658.50 on 7/2011

•  Young Professional Award - $1000.00 on 8/2011

•  Student Award - $1000.00 on 8/2011

–  August 2011 Balance – >$1861.71

·  Projected Activities for 2011

–  Withdrawal: August Meeting -~ $300.00 8/2011

–  Deposits: LP Short Course at JPC in San Diego - > ~$ 3000.00 on 8/31/2011

–  Projected Dec 1, 2011 Balance – ~$4500

Publications Subcommittee - Geoff Reber

·  Little activity since ‘10 JPC

·  Tasks for rest of 2011

–  LPTC newsletter

–  Publish ahead of the Year in Review issue?

·  Tasks before 2012 JPC

–  LPTC newsletter w/ short course flyer

·  2011 Aerospace America Article

–  The Publications Subcommittee has an action (10JPC-9) to publish LPTC awards in Aerospace America.

–  Each TC submits a “year in review” article for the last magazine issue of the year

–  600 words and up to 2 pictures allocated to LPTC

·  Content is requested from the committee for the Aerospace America Article

–  Submissions are due 9 September

–  Great opportunity to promote your organization’s achievements & plans to the AIAA membership

–  Room for ~50 words from each organization on LPTC

–  Submissions may be edited (iterated with submitters) to provide an equitable representation of work in the LP field

–  Content that can’t fit into the article can be published in our newsletter

Webmaster - Gary Grayson

·  LPTC website updates accomplished since ASM 2011

–  Meeting minutes from 2011 ASM in Orlando posted.

–  Awards announcements and evaluation forms posted.

–  Several resumes and photos updated. Please verify your info for accuracy.

–  Past members Bates, Englebrecht, Glubke, Perry deleted.

–  New members Bushman, Ford, Lineberry, Schnackel added.

·  The LPTC website continues to run a special awards page feature section to publicize Dr. Pugmire’s Sustained Service Award.

·  Unfortunately, this is the last year for our LPTC website in its current colorful, ad-free format. AIAA is enforcing the new Sharepoint format on all TC websites.

·  Gary Grayson declined to continue as LPTC Webmaster

–  Justin Locke is the new LPTC Webmaster

Awards Subcommittee - Alfredo Lopez

·  2010 LPTC Best Paper Award (from 2010 JPC)

–  28 papers were reviewed by subcommittee

–  Best Paper selected: AIAA 2010-6660, NASA Ares I Launch Vehicle First Stage Roll Control System Cold Flow Development Test Program Overview, by Adam Butt, Christopher G. Popp, and Kimberly A. Holt (MSFC), Hank M. Pitts (Qualis)

–  Some Awards Subcommittee members felt that an additional criterion for selecting the Best Paper might be innovation. A new Action Item (11 JPC-6) was created for the Awards Subcommittee to recommend any change in these criteria.

·  Outstanding Student Award

–  Three nominations

–  Student Award selected: Tom Feldman (Purdue). Attachment 13 summarizes his accomplishments.

·  Young Professional Award

–  Four nominations

–  Young Professional selected: Dr. Jeffrey D. Moore (AMPAC-ISP). Attachment 13 summarizes his accomplishments.

·  Wyld Propulsion Award

–  "For significant improvements to solid and liquid nozzle reliability and performance through introduction and demonstration of innovative design concepts incorporating new composite materials."

–  LPTC is leading the selection committee for the 2011 Wyld Propulsion Award.

–  2011 Wyld Award Recipient: Dr. Ken K. Kuo, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University

·  The Awards Subcommittee has an action (09JPC-8) to create criteria for the selection of the LPTC Lifetime Achievement Award. Draft criteria were created (See Attachment 14).

–  A new Action Item, 11 JPC-8, requires the LPTC members to review and for the Awards Subcommittee to recommend these criteria to the Steering Committee by ASM 12.

·  The Awards Subcommittee has an action (09JPC-8) to create criteria for the selection of the LPTC Service Award. Draft criteria were created (See Attachment 15).

–  A new Action Item, 11 JPC-8, requires the LPTC members to review and for the Awards Subcommittee to recommend these criteria to the Steering Committee these criteria by ASM 12.

·  Education Report - Alan Frankel

–  The 2010 Liquid Propulsion Short Course had 31 attendees from the U.S. and from seven other countries. The honorarium to LPTC was $3,473.

–  Update for the 2011 Liquid Propulsion Short Course:

•  25 registered (as of July 30th)

•  Attendees from Japan, Italy, UK, Germany, U.S.

•  Honorarium to LPTC - $2,000 (min) – incremental revenue for every registrant beyond 19

–  The final agenda for the 2011 Liquid Propulsion Short Course follows the 2010 format with diverse subjects; instruction by TC members and other experts:

•  Propulsion Fundamentals (Leyva)

•  Structural Considerations in Rocket Engine Design (Alliot)

•  Russian LV Engines (Haidn)

•  Rocket Engine Testing (Kitsche, DLR)

•  Development and Flight Experience with ADN Monopropellant System (Persson, ECAPS)

•  Microsat, Nanosat, Cubesat Propulsion (Ketsdever, CU/AFRL)

•  Dual Mode Engines and System Trades (G.P. Purohit)

–  Considerations for 2012 Short Course

•  Consider dividing short course: Day 1 – Fundamentals (incl Chemical Reactions and Converting Chemistry into Performance, Stability); Day 2 – Survey of Topical Areas (similar to current approach)

•  Construct questionnaire to be completed in 5 minutes following each presentation to improve feedback – coordinate with AIAA PD office

•  Improved/alternative marketing approaches to increase attendance

–  Education Subcommittee Initiative: K-12 STEM

•  Lisa Bacon is Manager of K-12 STEM Outreach for AIAA

•  Contact Lisa for local section contacts in Atlanta and Education Subcommittee chairs for other TCs

•  Develop high school level propulsion activities

•  Develop teacher in-service training for one day in conjunction with 2012 JPC in Atlanta

–  Education Subcommittee Initiative: Establish leads for Short Course and STEM activities and align subcommittee members within these two areas

·  History Subcommittee Report - T. Kent Pugmire

–  Kent reviewed the speakers at the two 2011 JPC History Sessions - see Attachment 16.

–  The available DVDs of recorded history sessions from 2004 through 2011 are also listed in Attachment 16.

–  Collect and Archive Liquid Propulsion History Presentations

•  The San Diego sessions complete the collection of personal recollections by many key participants for much of the auxiliary propulsion and some of the prime propulsion development of this era. Future sessions will attempt to add to this archive as opportunities occur.

•  Filming at History Sessions - Adequate equipment now available for recording both video and sound.

•  All films and non published presentations (10) delivered to CPIA for reference and access.

–  Kent would like to prepare short synopsis of each recorded speaker’s presentation for easy access cataloging and distribution.

•  Action Item 11 JPC-3 was assigned to Kent: Create a list of brief identifications (subjects, people) of history videos, with the objective of soliciting LPTC volunteers at 12 ASM to prepare synopsis (not transcription) of each video.

–  Challenge: How to fund retiree's JPC travel if original company not willing (able). Nashville was difficult. Denver and San Diego were easy.

•  No financial support is available from AIAA. Action 09 JPC-9 (Follow up on request made to Ashwani Gupta for TAC funds for transcribing the history videos) was closed.