This document contains THREE sample letters…scroll down for more!


Mr. & Mrs. John Smith

46 Main Street

Blue Point, NY 11715

Dear Mr. & Mrs. John Smith,

I want to thank you for including in your response to God’s generosity in your life financial support of your parish. As part of your financial stewardship plan this year, you committed to sharing $10.00 per week. This contributes to the Gospel-centered mission and vision of St. Vincent’s parish that takes place in the many ministries and services in which we together offer and participate.

To date this year, your donations total $130.00 or an average of $10.00 per week. In prayer, I give thanks to God for your generosity. Your practice of stewardship as a way of life is an inspiration to me.

Peace be with you,



Mr. & Mrs. John Smith

46 Main Street

Blue Point, NY 11715

Dear Mr. & Mrs. John Smith,

I want to thank you for including in your response to God’s generosity in your life the financial support of your parish. To date this year, your donations to the Sunday collections total $ 130.00 or an average of $10.00 per week. This contributes to the Gospel-centered mission and vision of St. Vincent’s parish that takes place in the many ministries and services in which we together offer and participate.

We have no record of your having submitted a commitment card for this year. If you wish to complete a card, please call the rectory and we will send you a Financial Planning Guide.

I give thanks to God for your generosity. Your practice of stewardship as a way of life is an inspiration to me.

Peace be with you,



St. Vincent Parish

14 Church Street

Sometown, NY 11446

Phone: 516-555-3121Fax: 516-555-1212

March 31, 2004

Mr. & Mrs. John Smith

14 Main Street

Patchogue, NY 11711

Dear John and Mary,

Thank you for your generous donations to the regular Sunday collection during the first quarter of this year. Your contributions enable us to accomplish the Gospel centered mission and the vision of St. Vincent Parish through the various ministries and services in which we together offer and participate. It is our hope that this report will be helpful to you in assessing your actual giving with your commitment. This record is being provided for your information only.

Your personal totals this quarter (13 Sundays) are:

(A)Your total Regular Sunday Offerings for the First Quarter: $130.00

(B)Your Average per week is: $10.00

(C)Your 2004 Commitment was: $10.00 weekly on Sunday.

Once again, thanks for returning to the parish, the poor, and other charities a part of the many gifts God has bestowed upon you.

Peace be with you,


P.S. If you find any errors in this information, please contact Mary Jones in the Parish Office immediately (555-3658). We owe you good records, so don’t hesitate to call.