Ian Drummond LLB

Solicitor To The Council

Glasgow City Council

City Chambers

George Square

Glasgow G2 1DU

Phone 0141 287 4521

Fax No 0141 287 3627

Our Ref:IAD/RQST2355310/JK/cassidy5

Your Ref:

18 May 2009

by email only

Mr J Cassidy

Dear Mr Cassidy


I refer to your email of 22 April 2009 relative to your request for information received by email on 19 20 March 2009.

Your Request

You requested the following information

“1Minutes of any meeting of the COSLA Strategic Migration Partnership since the inception of this Partnership.

2Copies of any information produced or distributed by the COSLA Strategic Migration Partnership in connection with the Home Office UKBA UASC Reform Programme which I understand you hold, due to you being a member of the partnership. The request is being made of yourself as no other Public Authority has made this information accessible to the Public.”

The Decision

A decision letter was sent to you by Jennifer Small, Freedom of Information Officer, on 16 April 2009, in which she noted you clarified your request of your point 2, above, as follows:-

“2.1Minutes of the COSLA UASC Reform Working Group, since the Group’s inception.

2.2Copies of any information produced or distributed by or through the COSLA UACS Reform Working Group, as may or may not have been noted in the above Minutes (2.1).”

The decision letter advised you that the information you requested was being collated and that the officer concerned would be happy to meet with you at a mutually convenient time if it would be helpful to gain the information you require. Under the terms of Section 15(1) of the Act the public authority is under a duty to advise and assist an Applicant. You were directed to the web link for COSLA Strategic Migration Partnership on which website you would be able to obtain Minutes and reports regarding your request point 1.


The Review

You sought a review of your request response on 22 April 2009.

“Please pass this on to the person who conducts freedom of information reviews, as no information has been provided, no additional time requested to meet your deadline.

This request is currently overdue, a response from Glasgow Council. By law, the response had to be prompt but no later than 20 April 2009.”

The Review Decision

I have now carried out a review of Ms Small’s letter.

I have concluded that Ms Small’s letter satisfied point 1 of your initial request as the Minutes of COSLA Strategic Migration Partnership are available to you otherwise than by requesting the information under Section 1 of the Act and as such the information is exempt information in terms of Section 25 of the Act. Under the Council’s duty to advise and assist you were directed to the location of the web page on which the Minutes would be available.

With regard to point 2 of your request, I apologise for the delay in responding to your request and regret that you did not receive the information. I understand that the officer dealing with this matter explains that a large increase in workload resulted in this matter not being dealt with in accordance with Council procedures or in terms of the Act and I regret you did not receive a response.

I can confirm, following my investigation and searches carried out by officers relative to your point 2.1 that the Council are not represented on COSLA UASC Reform Working Group. The Council do not hold any Minutes of COSLA UASC Reform Working Group and as such in terms of section 17 of the Act give notice that the Council do not hold this information

With regard to your point 2.2, following investigation and searches, one document was retrieved as being held by the Council. This document was produced by COSLA Strategic Migration Partnership concerning the UASC Reform Programme; it is slides of a presentation dated 17 April 2007. I attach a copy of this document for your information and consideration. I can confirm Glasgow City Council hold no further information regarding this matter.

If you are not satisfied with this response you have the right to make an application within six months of receipt of this letter for a decision by the Scottish Information Commissioner, KinburnCastle, Doubledykes Road, St AndrewsKY16 9DS.

Yours sincerely



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