ALEPH Acquisitions – V.22


The vendor function allows you to create records for various organizations your library orders material from. You must define a vendor before you are able to place any orders.

The vendor record contains administrative information about acquisition vendors such as address information, preferred currency, method of delivery and so forth.

Vendors are created, modified and deleted in the vendor list. The vendor list is accessed via the Administrative Tab in the navigation pane.

  1. Adding a New Vendor

To add a new vendor, click in the upper pane.

The first three tabs in the lower pane will become active. In tab 1. Vendor Info 1, the open date and update date are automatically populated with the current date. The cataloger field will be populated once the vendor is added.

Other fields in tab 1 of the vendor record include:

  • Vendor Code (mandatory): this is a unique code you assign to the vendor (up to 20 alpha-numeric characters).
  • EDI For Order Only: when checked, this field indicates the vendor is used via EDI for orders.
  • Vendor EDI Code
  • Vendor EDI Type
  • Additional Code: a supplementary code can be entered here if desired.
  • Vendor Name (mandatory): enter the name as it will appear in the list of vendors
  • Vendor Status: values include not active, active, domestic, foreign and donor.
  • Vendor Language
  • Country: used for reference only (not included as part of the vendor’s address)
  • Material Type: type of material typically ordered from this vendor (informational only)
  • Note: up to 200 characters in length.

Tab2.Vendor Info 2:

Fields in tab 2. Vendor Info 2 include:

  • Account No. (M): Account number for monographs, as registered by the vendor.
  • Account No. (S): Account number for serials, as registered by the vendor.
  • Vendor’s Bank Acct.
  • Currency 1-4 (at least one currency field is mandatory): These are the currencies used by the vendor and the currencies in which you will most likely receive invoices. Currency 1 will be copied into each order from this vendor as the default currency (if tab100 CHECK-INVOICE-CURRENCY=Y)
  • Terms Sign/Percent: enter a + or – to indicate if there is an additional charge or discount associated with this vendor as well as its percentage. The term will automatically be taken into account on each order the vendor is associate with.
  • Order Delivery (mandatory): determines how your library sends orders to vendors – either via individual letter or list format.
  • Letter Format: the default order slip that will be generated for the vendor.
  • Letter Send Method: how order letters are sent to this vendor. Note: to send the slip by email, the email address must be listed in the vendor address screen and the correct definition must be set in the print.ini file.
  • List Format: the format the system will use to generate a list of orders for a vendor when using the function ‘List of Orders for Vendor’ in the services menu.
  • List Send Method: how order lists are sent to the vendor. Note: to send the slip by email, the email address must be listed in the vendor address screen and the correct definition must be set in the print.ini file.

Tab3.Vendor Info 3:

Fields in tab 3. Vendor Info 3 tab include:

  • Contact 1-5: up to five contacts can be added for each vendor.
  • Mail Attachment: if emails are sent to the vendor, how should the attachment be handled (attachment only, email text only or both)
  • Delivery 1-3 (ACQ) (field 1 is mandatory if monograph orders are to be placed with this vendor)
  • Delivery 4-5 (SER) (field 4 is mandatory if serial orders are to be placed with this vendor)
  • Delivery Delay 1-5 (mandatory for each delivery method indicated): information in these fields is used to calculate the estimated date of arrival for an order.

After completing the first three tabs of the vendor record, click which can be found on any of these tabs. If you no longer wish to add the record, click at any time during the process.

After adding the vendor record, the fourth tab, Sublibraries, becomes active. The sublibraries tab is optional. Linking particular sublibraries to this vendor allows you to filter out unnecessary vendors from the vendor filter tab. It does not prevent other sublibraries from using the vendor.

  1. Adding Vendor Addresses

Once a vendor record has been created, you are able to attach addresses to it. At least one vendor address is required for ordering. To add an address, highlight the appropriate vendor name in the upper pane and click .

ALEPH provides the capability of using five different address types including order, claim, payment, return and EDI. The system will default to the information in the order address tab if other address tabs are not completed. After filling in the appropriate information, click .

  1. Duplicating an Existing Vendor

New vendor records can also be created by duplicating a current vendor record and making the appropriate changes in the record. To do so, click ..

The system will retain / duplicate information that is in the Vendor EDI Code/Type, Additional Code, Vendor Status, Vendor Language, Country, Material Type, Note, and all information in tab 2 and tab 3. It is important to make changes to any information that differs from the budget being duplicated. Once changes have been made, click to add the budget.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When a vendor is duplicated, the address is NOT duplicated. The address should be added as per the instructions in step 2 above.

  1. Modifying an Existing Vendor

Vendor records can be modified by highlighting a vendor in the upper pane and making the appropriate changes in the tabs in the lower pane. Once changes have been made, click to save them.

  1. Deleting an Existing Vendor

To delete a vendor record, highlight the record in the upper pane and click . The system will verify that you wish to delete the highlighted record. Vendor records that have attached orders cannot be deleted.

  1. Viewing and Filtering Vendors

The upper pane of the vendor list contains a vendor filter used to search for particular vendors in your ADM. You are able to search by several variables including vendor code or name, keywords, status, sublibrary and currency. The filter will stay in effect until you click .