All those wishing to be considered for the NAMSS Student Instructor Program must complete the following application by Tuesday, March 1. The application must be submitted via email to or via fax to 202-367-2116. Any supporting materials can be submitted via e-mail, fax or via US mail to: NAMSS, Attn: Valerie Fry, Education SeniorCoordinator, 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036.

The Training of Instructors in-person workshop will take place in June or July 2016 for three days at the NAMSS Headquarters in Washington, DC. All applicants must be available to travel.Exact dates TBD.


  1. Candidates must be currently working inthe medical services profession.
  2. Candidates must be current NAMSS members in good standing.
  3. Candidates must not currently be serving as a NAMSS Board Member or Committee Member.
  4. Candidates must have public speaking experience within the last 24 months and provide verified documentation of experiences, i.e., at NAMSS Annual Conferences, state conferences or other speaking venues, addressing credentialing and other medical services professionals and healthcare related topics.
  5. Candidates must have current NAMSS certification as a CPMSM if teaching the CPMSM Certification Preparation Course or CPCS if teaching the CPCS Preparation Course, preferably both.
  6. Candidates must adhere to the NAMSS Code of Ethics, represent NAMSS positively in all public forums, and be an overall ambassador of the NAMSS education program.
  7. Candidates must hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university ORhaveat least five yearsof adequate or comparable educational or work experience
  8. Candidate must not have a conflict of interest – as an employee or owner – in a competing provider of educational programs and services.

Review Criteria

  1. Resume/CV
  2. Areas of expertise related to medical services
  3. Knowledge of,and years of experience, in the medical services profession
  4. Recent teaching experience: taught at least three courses within the past 24 months in the medical servicesprofession or related topic area
  5. Evaluation results from recent teaching experiences

Review Process

  1. The Education Committee will review all applications to determine if all requirements have been met including evaluation of data and information submitted by each applicant.
  2. Upon acceptance into the program:

(a)Student instructors must teach at least two NAMSS courses with a NAMSS instructor within one year of acceptance into the program.

(b)Student instructors must receive an average evaluation score of 4.0 or higher on a 5.0 scale for each course taught and receive full recommendation from the NAMSS instructor(s) with whom they were assigned in order to be considered as a full instructor by the Education Committee.

  1. After the Education Committee reviews the evaluation scores and the recommendations from current instructor(s), a decision will be made as to whether full instructorship will be granted. The student instructor will be notified of the Education Committee's decision in writing by the Chair of the Education Committee.


  1. When instructing for NAMSS, Education Faculty will:
  2. Be an advocate for NAMSS and overall ambassador of the NAMSS education program.
  3. Refrain from marketing their personal business interests.
  4. Refrain from making disparaging comments about course content, NAMSS, NAMSS staff, NAMSS leadership and other faculty in any public setting.
  5. Promptly communicate concerns or issues with content or processes directly with NAMSS staff.
  6. Dress in business attire.
  7. Adhere to all responsibilities outlined in teaching contract or other education agreements with NAMSS.
  8. Adhere to the NAMSS Code of Professional Conduct.

Conflict Of Interest

Each NAMSS Instructor is required to complete the Conflict Of Interest Statement and Disclosure Form on an annual basis.

Application Form:

City: / State: / Zip:
Work Phone: / Fax:
Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Current Occupation/title:
Type of Organization: / Hospital / Managed Care / CVO
Number of years working in the medical services or related profession:
Other than English, please list any other languages you speak:
Please list any professional organizations that you belong to:
Please indicate your certification(s): / CPCS / CPMSM
I. /

Personal Information



Current or Past Involvement with NAMSS (please check all that apply):

Committee Volunteer / Describe:
Board Member
Consultant/ / Projects:
Staff / Position:
Other / For example, Subject Matter Expert or Item Writer:
III. / Recent Teaching Experience
Please outline your most recent teaching experiences:
Course Title:
Course Title:
Course Title:
Have you presented training through webinars or online learning? If so, please describe:
Describe your involvement in working with any other areas related to the medical services profession that may not be covered above:
IV. Evaluation Summary
Please attach a summary or copies of the evaluation results from your most recent teaching experiences.
V. / Current Resume or Curriculum/Vitae
Please attach a current resume/curriculum vitae
VI. / Final Signature and Verification of Application (for all applicants)
By submitting this application, I certify that I:
  1. Am currently working in the medical services or related profession;
  2. Am a NAMSS member in good standing;
  3. Am currently certified as a CPCS and/or CPMSM
  4. Will adhere to the NAMSS Code of Ethics, represent NAMSS positively in all public forums, and be an overall ambassador of the NAMSS education program;
  5. Agree to keep content and materials confidential to NAMSS for all programs I develop or teach.

Signed by:

Printed Name:


Email: (application must be sent via e-mail or fax)
Fax: 202-367-2116
Supporting Materials:
Fax: 202-367-2117
Mail:NAMSS Executive Office
Attn: Valerie Fry
Education Senior Coordinator
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-367-2435