Concept of Justice, Utilitarianism and Other Modern Approaches

Concept of Justice, Utilitarianism and other Modern Approaches.Since the dawn of human civilization, in the whole range of our legal, political and moral theory, the notion of justice has always occupied a central place. Although any attempt to define

Three Ways to Persuade by John Edlund

Rhetoric of the Op-Ed Page.Three Ways to Persuade by John Edlund.Over 2,000 years ago the Greek philosopher Aristotle argued that there were three basic ways to persuade an audience that you were right: ethos, logos, and pathos.Ethos: The Writer s Character or Image

Pragmatism and Education

PRAGMATISM AND EDUCATION.Prof Gert Biesta.University of Exeter, England.EDUCATIONAL THEORY.EDUCATION-AS-COMMUNICATION.FROM PRAGMATISM TO DECONSTRUCTION.JOHN DEWEY: THE MAN AND HIS WORK.born 1859 (Burlington, Vermont).secondary school teacher, with interest in philosophy