Pelham Travel Basketball

2009-10 Parent Code of Conduct & Zero Tolerance Policy


All parent/guardians must read the code of conduct and zero tolerance policy thoroughly and sign this agreement and return to your child’s coach or Board member.

Parent Code of Conduct

As a parent/guardian of a child participating in Pelham Travel Basketball, I pledge to the best of my ability that I will:

  • Pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child
  • Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every event
  • When referring to any players on our team, or to our opponents, that I will speak with the same respect that my own child deserves
  • I will encourage my child to respect the game, their team and opponents, officials, coaches, and fans
  • I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of the desire to win
  • Always keep in mind that my child’s coach and the Board of Directors of this program volunteer their time to help my child
  • Always demonstrate to my child, and his/her teammates through my words and actions that winning does not equate to success in your sports
  • Always conduct myself in accordance with the true spirit of “Good Sportsmanship”
  • I will remember that the game/event is for the children, not adults
  • Agree to bring any and all issues or concerns to my child’s coach attention and attempt to have open communication with the coaching staff and program
  • Agree to all rules contained in the Zero Tolerance Policy

Failure to comply with the above policy will result in:

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Removal from event & incident filed with the Board of Directors
  3. Parental Season suspension from attending any event & incident filed with Board of Directors

I, the undersigned parent/guardian, have read and agree to abide by the Parents Code of Conduct. I understand that violations of this Code of Conduct may result in removal of myself or anyone else in my group from any Pelham Travel Basketball event. I further understand that lack of awareness or a misunderstanding of the Code of Conduct or ethnical standard on my part is not a defense for any violation. Please understand that anyone that attends any event with you is also expected to abide by this Code of Conduct.

I will also pledge to keep open communicate with my child’s coach to ensure that they have a fun and enjoyable season.

Parents Name (print): ______

Parents Signature: ______

Date Signed: ______

Zero Tolerance Policy

If a child is found to be using or in possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products at any Travel Basketball game, practice, or event he or she will be removed from the program immediately.

Parents, legal guardians, other family members, or fans using drugs or alcohol at any practice, game, or event will be asked to leave immediately. The authorities may be called to handle any situation that warrants it.

Abusive language or violence can result in probation or suspension from Pelham Travel Basketball events as the Board sees fit. Should the behavior continue after probations and/or suspensions have been issued, the child may be barred from registering or dismissed from the program entirely.

I have read and understand both the Code of Ethics and Zero Tolerance Policy, and hereby agree to the terms.


