SECTION 08 5113


Specifications are based on Series BR7500 Blast Resistant Concealed Vent Thermal C-75 Window as manufactured by U.S. Aluminum. Wheneversubstitute products are to be considered, supporting technical literature, samples, drawings, and performance data must be submitted 10 days prior to bid inorder to make a valid comparison of the products involved. Test reports certified by an AAMAindependent test laboratory must be made available upon request.



A. Furnish and install aluminumarchitectural windows complete withhardware and related components asshown on drawings and specified inthis section.

[Specify glass and glazing in this section if window assemblies are to be glazed by the window manufacturer. If glazing is to be done by a different contractor, glass and glazing should be specified in Section 08 80 00.]

B. 1-1/32" (26) Thick Glass

1. All units shall be factory glazed [OR] Reference Section 08 80 00 forGlass and Glazing.

List work and materials related to thissection but specified in other sections.


A. Section 08 40 00 -Entrances and Storefronts

B. Section 08 44 00 -Glazed Curtain Walls

C. Section 08 50 00 -Windows


A. Test Units

1. Air, water, and structural test unitshall conform to requirements setforth inANSI/AAMA/NWWDA 101I.S. 2-97 and AAMA 910-93 orCSA A440.

2. Thermal test unit sizes shall be36 inches x 60 inches (914 x 1524 mm). Unit shallconsist of a casement, fixedorprojected window.

B. Test Procedures and Performances

1. Standards:Windows shall conform to allAAMA/ ANSI/NWWDA-101 I.S.2-97 and AAMA 910- 93 or CSAA440 requirements for the windowtype referenced in 1.01.B. Inaddition, the following specificperformance requirements shall bemet.

2. Air Infiltration Test:With ventilators closed and locked,test unit in accordance with ASTM

E 283-91 at a static air pressuredifference of 6.24 psf. Air infiltrationshall not exceed .30 cfm per footof crack.

3. Water Resistance Test:With ventilators closed and locked,test unit in accordance with ASTM

E 331-96 /ASTM E 547 at a staticair pressure difference of 12 psf.There shall be nouncontrolled water leakage.

4. Uniform Load Deflection Test:With ventilators closed and locked,test unit in accordance with ASTME 330-97 at a static air pressuredifference of 112.5 psf positive andnegative pressure. No membershall deflect over L/175 of its span.

5. Condensation Resistance Test(CRF): With ventilators closed andlocked, test unit in accordance withAAMA 1503. CondensationResistance Factor (CRF) shall notbe less than 49.

6. Thermal Transmittance Test(Conductive U-Value): Withventilators closed and locked,

test unit in accordance with NFRC100 and AAMA 1503. Conductivethermal transmittance (U- Value)shall have a range between 0.35 to0.56 BTU/hr/ft2/°F.

7. AAMA C75 RatingSeries BR7500-Testing Procedures:AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/

A440-0.8 – LaboratoryPerformance Testing.AAMA 502-08 - Newly InstalledFenestration Products.AAMA 511-08 – InstalledFenestration Products After6 Months.

8.DoD - UFC 4-010-01 – ATFP- ISC Security DesignCriteria for Blast Protectionfor Windows

- ASTM F 1642- FAR 52.225-9, 11, and 12Buy America Act.

1.04 Quality Assurance

A. Provide test reports from AAMAaccredited laboratories certifyingthe performance as specified in1.05 or 11.15 of CSA A440.

B. Test reports shall be accompaniedby the window manufacturer's letterof certification, stating the testedwindow meets or exceeds thereferenced criteria for the appropriateAAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97 andAAMA 910-93 or CSA A440 windowtype.

1.05 Submittals

A. Contractor shall submit shopdrawings, finish samples, testreports, and warranties.

1.06 Warranties

A. Total Window System

1. The responsible contractor shallassume full responsibility andwarrant for one year the

satisfactory performance of thetotal window installation whichincludes that of the windows, hardware, glass (includinginsulating units), glazing,anchorage and setting system,sealing, flashing, etc., as it relatesto air, water, and structuraladequacy as called for in thespecifications and approvedshop drawings.



A. Series BR7500 Blast Resistant Concealed Vent Window as manufactured by:

U.S. Aluminum

(a subsidiary of C.R. Laurence Co. Inc.)

Tel: (800) 262-5151 Fax: (866) 262-3299


2.02 Materials

A. Aluminum

1. Extruded aluminum shall be6063-T5 alloy and tempered.

B. Hardware

1. Locking handlesshall be cam type as supplied byU.S. Aluminum.

2. Operating hardware shall be4-bar stainless steel arms orequal.

C. Weatherstrip

1. All weatherstrip shall be E.P.D.M.or equal.

D. Thermal Barrier

1. Barrier material shall be poured-in-place two part polyurethane.To ensure that composite strengthremains unaltered during thermalcycling, a mechanical bondbetween the aluminum and thethermal filling shall be created bymechanically abrading theextrusion thermal cavity prior to filling with the polyurethanepolymer. A non-structural thermalbarrier is unacceptable.

2.Specified hardware shall not bridgethe thermal barrier.

E. Glass

1. Insulating glass shall be 1-1/32 inches(26 mm) as manufactured by [ ]consisting of [ ] exterior, [ ] air spacer, and [ ] interior.

2.03 Fabrication

A. General

1. All primary aluminum frame andvent extrusions shall have aminimum wall thickness of.125 inch (3.2 mm).

2. Mechanical fasteners, weldedcomponents, and hardware itemsshall not bridge thermal barriers.Thermal barriers shall align atall frame and vent corners.

3. Depth of frame shall be 3 inches (76.2 mm)for 1-1/32 inches (26 mm) glazing.

B. Frame

1. Frame components shall bemechanically fastened.


1. All vent extrusions shall betubular.

2. Each corner shall be mitered,reinforced with an extrudedcorner key, and hydraulically


3. Each vent shall be pressureequalized utilizing two rows ofE.P.D.M. weatherstripping

(or equal) installed in dovetailgrooves in the extrusion.

4. The vent shall present a flushappearance with the main framewhen in the closed position.


1. Screen frames shall be extruded.

2. Screen mounting holes in thewindow frame shall be factorydrilled.

3. Screen mesh shall be aluminumor fiberglass. (if applicable)

E. Glazing

1. All units shall be glazed withspacer and structural silicone.

F. Finish: All exposed framing surfaces shall befree of scratches and other seriousblemishes. Aluminum extrusions shallbe given a caustic etch followed by ananodic oxide treatment to obtain...

(Specify one of the following)

_____#11 Clear anodic coating

_____#22 Dark Bronze anodic coating

_____#33 Black anodic coating

A Fluoropolymer paint coatingconforming with the requirements ofAAMA 2605. Color shall be (Specify a

U.S. Aluminum standard color).


3.01 Inspection

A. Job Conditions

1. Verify that openings aredimensionally within allowabletolerances, plumb, level, clean,

provide a solid anchoring surface,and are in accordance withapproved shop drawings.

3.02 Installation

A. Use only skilled tradesmen withwork done in accordance withapproved shop drawings andspecifications.

B. Adequately anchor to maintainpositions permanently whensubjected to normal thermalmovement, specified buildingmovement, and specified windloads.

C.Adjust windows for proper operationafter installation.

D. Furnish and apply sealants toprovide a weather tight installationat all joints and intersections andat opening perimeters.

3.03 Protection and Cleaning

A. After completion of windowinstallation, windows shall beinspected, adjusted, put intoworking order and left clean, freeof labels, dirt, etc. Protection fromthis point shall be the responsibility

of the general contractor.


CRL / 08 5113 us alum series BR7500 blast resistant concealed vent window