SOGIEFaculty/Staff Committee Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 16,2017, 10:30 a.m.

List of attendees collected by co-chair V. Wilkins

Topic / Discussion / Action
1. / Welcome.
Minutes from 2/2/17 were distributed via email prior to the meeting.
M. Gonzalez moved and J. Curtis seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried. / Introductions were made.
2/2/17 Minutes were approved.
2. / Need for CGIS representative / J. Curtis and A. Cirrincionenoted they will both be in attendance and will report out at SOGIE on those meetings and will share the responsibility.
3. / POTUS debrief continued. / Brief discussion. Decision to keep this on the agenda for next meeting.
4. / Updates on Spectrum issues.
One of the Spectrum e-board members approached J. Curtis and thought that club is still dysfunctional. There were differences in opinon as to what A stands for (asexual and/or ally). Also, it was noted that the ‘intervention’ that took place last semester was not effective, perhaps because some members were not present for that meeting. A. Cirrincionealso noted that she has had a few conversations with students that do not feel like their concerns are being recognized. There seems to be a lot of hurt on both sides, a lack of trust. All of the students have had a positive outlook for the future of Spectrum, but having trouble determining how to go from here. She recommends perhaps a half-day retreat to build camaraderie among the students prior to having difficult conversations. Trying to create respect among the students.Retreat to teach them what a safe space actually is; that it is ok to have differing opinions and learn how to have difficult discussions.
Discussion of solutions; L. Herman stated making a video with each of us stating why we are a part of SOGIE. Spring potluck perhaps sooner rather than later. M. Sgro noted bringing other SPECTRUM groups from other colleges could help. / M. Sgro will reach out to other Spectrum groups to start planning the collaborative potluck.
L. Herman will hold off on the SOGIE video for now, but will take the lead on that initiative in the near future.
5. / Update on spring LLL&P Series was discussed. M. Gonzalez updated that SJ Miller is coming on April 11, will do an afternoon session with students on Wednesday, April 12 (still looking for room availability to host that session), and a talk at 8pm (potentially in Sperry) that night. / M. Gonzalez is still working on funding for SJ Miller and specific room locations for the speaking engagements.
6. / Co-sponsor Pamela Means (singer/song writer) performance on Thursday, March 23. / CGIS will cover marketing and publicity of that event.
7. / Grant updates were discussed. M. Sgro was going to be submitting the ASC grant on February 7th. He was missing a report from a previous year, V. Wilkins was looking into it. We also needed three letters of support from supporting departments (co-sponsor, supportive of programming, etc.)
J. Curtis will commit $100 to this for the following year from WGS
M. Murphy let us know the CALS grant is $330 for this semester, which could help with the costs of SJ Miller this semester / V. Wilkins looking for prior years reports
M. Sgro submitting ASC grant
8. / Reading Group
B. de Lee looking to start a reading group/book club, first book Greek Sexuality by KJ Dover, as a way for people to think about a topic from an interdisciplinary viewpoint.
M. Murphy asked how much money was in the SOGIE account and if we could potentially use some money to purchase approx. 10 copies of the book for students that may be interested in participating.
L. Herman mentionedmaybe purchasing SJ’s book and read it before his event in April(Generation Bullied 2.0). / B. de Lee will check on prices for the Greek Sexuality book.
Entire committee will look into both books prior to the meeting and we can make a final decision at our next meeting on 3/2
9. / Revised by-laws
Instead of spending time reviewing by-laws in the SOGIE meeting, we will all review the by-laws and bring feedback with us to the next meeting. We will vote on the by-laws at the beginning of next meeting. / Entire committee will review by-laws prior to next meeting and we will have a vote.
10. / Reports/Announcements from our Partners
  1. PFLAG (Jeanette)
  2. Cortland LGBT Resource Center (?)
  3. Multicultural Life and Diversity (AnnaMaria)
  4. Spectrum (Brandon)
  5. CGIS Meeting
Due to time constraints we did not discuss updates from these committees. / We will discuss each of our partners and their reports first at the next meeting on 3/2.
11. / Other announcements:
J. Curtis is looking for a trans woman for Women’s History Month - please let her know if you had anyone to send her way. She has funds to pay $500-$1,000 for a speaker.
12. / March 2 – Next SOGIE meeting.

Recorded by: T. Mahoney(Proofed by ...)