Support for Improving Professional Practice

COUNTY: / Wetzel / SUBMITTED BY: / R. Jay Yeager, Assistant Superintendent
What data did you analyze to determine district professional development, trainings and support?
Wetzel County Schools every spring surveys our professional teaching staff to determine the professional development needs for training for the upcoming school year. The survey is based on needs and items listed in the county strategic plan. The survey information is then used to prepare our professional staff development and incorporate those plans into the Title II plan which is used to fund a majority of our professional staff development.
Identify strengths and weaknesses as determined by the educator evaluation system and explain how these findings guided your professional development plan.
Only two of our schools, Paden City High School and New Martinsville School, are using the West Virginia Educator Evaluation System for Teachers at this time. Those two schools are the demonstrator schools for the new evaluation system. The self reflection standards/rubrics shall be used to determine the types of professional staff development that need to be offered according to the strengths and weaknesses expressed by teachers in the self reflection with the school principal. Teachers who have been placed on a "Plan of Improvement" under the evaluation system of Policy 5310 have shown areas of need for training and support. Both teachers on a Plan of Improvement are in special education and have shown weaknesses in preparing IEP's, preparing lesson plans, and being an active and successful co-teacher in a collaborative setting. Trainings have been scheduled by our special education director to address theses areas of weaknesses with all teachers.
Beginning Teachers
(Years 1 – 2) / 1. First year teachers will continue to be assigned a mentor teacher who will meet on a regular basis with their assigned mentor. Monthly meetings will take place between the mentor, the first year teacher, and the building principal. The building principal will submit to the personnel office documentation including monthly meeting agendas. The mentors will contine to be compensated $600 per year by the mentor stipend provided by the WVDE. / Personnel Director/Assistant Superintendent, Head Principals, County Office Administrators / ☐Title I ☐ Title II
☐Sp. Ed. ☐CTE
☐Other: Mentoring funds and Title II funds will be utilized. Title I funds will be utilized for Title I schools and all schools when funds can be blended. / Evidence:
Monthly mentoring reports, teacher evaluations, lesson plans, and teacher retention.
2. First year teachers will meet quarterly with an administrator to discuss various educational topics. For example, the special education director meets with new teachers to discuss co-teaching, the superintendent does a book study, the personnel director meets to discuss the renewal of certificates and choosing a masters degree program, and the principal/principals discuss good lesson planning or classroom management. The first meeting would be prior to the start of school. / Total $:
3. Second year teachers would meet twice a year, once prior to the start of school and one time at mid year. The topics for training and discussion will be determined by school principals and will include weaknesses common among second year teachers.
Experienced Teachers
(3+ Years) / 1. Professional staff development will be offered throughout the school year specifically on scheduled Continuing Education Days (CE) which will be scheduled on four (4) days according to the school calendar. Additional days will be scheduled during the summer months according to the amount of funding available for teacher stipends and presenter costs. Individual schools will offer training after school or on scheduled early dismissal dates according to the needs determined by teachers and the building principal. The county strategic plan will also determine the training that needs to be provided. Teachers will be surveyed in the spring for professional staff development needs. / All Principals and County Office Administrators / ☐Title I ☐Title II
☐Sp. Ed. ☐ CTE
☐Other: Title II, Title I, and Step 7 monies will be utilized. / Evidence:
The adaptation of the Common Core Curriculum into the classroom. Improved test score results. Positive teacher comments on evaluations of professional staff development which will be totally electronic for the next school year.
2. Teachers will identify strengths and weaknesses by the "Self Reflection" section of the West Virginia Educator Evaluation System. Identified weaknesses could be the determining factor for the planning of future professional staff development and training. / Total $:
3. On going training will continue in vital areas such as the Common Core Curriculum and the use of technology during instruction (Tech Steps).
Student Teachers / 1. Student teachers will continue to be utilized in Wetzel County Schools according to agreements that have been established with West Virginia University, West Liberty University, and Fairmont State University. Approved teachers will continue to be assigned student teachers by the particular college or university. The building principal will be vital in helping to observe the student teacher along with the assigned college/university personnel. The college/university will be responsible for performing all background checks and other necessary requirements. / School Principals, Superintendent,
and assigned Supervisory Teachers / ☐Title I ☐Title II
☐Sp. Ed. ☐CTE
☐Other: Click to explain other source(s) / Evidence:
To be determined by the cooperating college or university
2. Click here to enter text. / Total $:
No cost anticipated.
3. Click here to enter text.

West Virginia Department of Education

Division of Educator Quality and System Support

Office of School Improvement