Summertime……and the livin’ is easy! Just try to explain that to the farmers and gardeners! Withall the record flooding, cold and now hot temps, they have toiled overtime in their fields but Gen 8:22 assures us “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

We were happy to join other sponsors in the fundraiser June 11 for Water Street Mission. Several of us attended the Ball Brothers concert at Maranatha in Decatur where all proceeds went to help fund the needy in the city. We were blessed immensely by this energetic young group of southern gospel singers. Pastor David found out they were blood brothers, but not relatives!

The parable in Luke 10 asks “Who is my neighbor?” The answer is “the one that shows mercy.” And in

Acts 1 we are told to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost ends of the earth….translated means family, city, country and nations. For this reason each time we leave the sanctuary, we are literally entering the mission field. Would you like to be part of the great commission with us? We are collectingtoothbrushes and toothpaste for the local food pantry this month. And we will celebrate Christmas on July 30eveningwith a potluck and wrapping party,boxing up the toys, clothes, basic necessities for Flagstaff Mission in AZ. We pray that each person attending their December events will go away with a personal Savior and a personal gift.

It’s that time again – VBS time—and a lot of our people are deep into the planning stages to make it a great experience. Save the date M-F July 10-14 from 6:30-8:30 when kids can become hands-on inventors (can you say LEGOS?) as they discover they’re lovingly crafted by God and built for a purpose. Join in on the fun music, lessons, crafts and snacks! Call Lisa 972-8050 or Dawn 825-9783 to register or arrange for transportation.

Love Does is the title of the new DVD/bible study series by Bob Goff we’ll be studying on Wednesday nights at 7pm. You’ll be challenged by this ordinary man’s incredible life stories that make faith simple and real. We have a book reserved for you so you can get in on the “action”!

And remember Sunday worship begins at 10am.

Save the dates– June 16 and July 21 Community Sings!

Choirchimes will be playing also. Meal at 6 music at 7.

Welcome new members Marty & Jean Kearney! Happy anniversary to Marty & Jean, Andy & Nola, Terry & Bev, Gene & Sheila, Craig & Lara, Al & Jackie! HappyBirthday to Tom, Cindy, Carole, Melvin, Craig, Bill, Joan, Ethan, Jean, Kaley, Aubrey, Karen, Terry, & Bob,not to mention our USA on the 4th of July—pray for our country and it’s leaders daily! God is in control! Thanks go out to our trustees for the new road signs at major intersections! Follow the Way to find friends, family, and faith. Let God be your steering wheel, not the spare tire!