Human/Extraterrestrial Interaction

By Neil Gould

11 February 2008

Once upon a time, there was an old Toad who spent his whole life
living in a deep hole. He had never seen anything except for muddy
water and a few insects. One day a frog happened to come across
this hole, peered inside and saw the toad.
The toad asked the frog "what's it like living above the ground?"
To which the frog replied,"I wouldn't know where to start nor how to
explain to you everything that I can see and everything that I know
about this world"
The mindset needed to understand the Et/Ufo intrusions has been
denied the opportunity to keep abreast with evolution. There is a
huge chasm in mindset, between the people who have and those who
have not. It is the same between the military and educated and those
who are at the chiseling edge of enlightenment. Humankind has been
retarded by a small group who have used ET contact and the resulting
technology for their own greedy purpose and denied the rest of human
kind, their true heritage
This presentation illustrates both an objective and subjective view
of the exopolitical evolutionary implications of the ET human
contact. Only 120years ago man was still on horse back. Exopolitics
is at the chiseling edge of cosmic evolution, cutting a swathing
path through the establishment, amidst political correctness and the
stagnant human hippo population. It is the cosmic Ark of the
Covenant, which releases truth of human/ET contact, history and
modern politics concerning a subversive group of humans within the
military intelligence community.
The military are perhaps inspired by ET's who exchanged limited
technology in return for being allowed to harvest human DNA and
certain mucous-based tissues enriched with the nutrients that their
exobiology requires. Some ET's, from a human perspective are kind
and are rising mans consciousness through methods such as; implants,
knowledge bombs or even face to face lessons. Either way we cannot
judge these ETs as good or bad (which will be determined later in
the presentation). Fortunately, Exopolitics is the new medium
accommodating the enlightened minds as they pop into the new
To be able to forge ahead, the question below calibrates the mindset
of the human race: Why does Man presume to comprehend the level,
intentions, or motives of other life forms when he cannot even
figure out how to relate to humans or even whales?
Subjective perspective – Interdimensional Being
Cash rich drug company’s compromise ET/human reality
During childhood, the writer was diagnosed as suffering from severe
ADHD (attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity). As an adult
looking back it has become apparent that this disorder was as a
result of a series of interactions with an ET. There are many such
ET/human encounters happening on a daily basis, which do create
dilemmas for doctors and specialists. (Not all cases of ADHD are ET
related) Fallout, confrontation and ridicule occur when a doctor
brings this type of case to the attention of the mainstream medical
profession. Most universities are government funded; they must tow
the conventional line of entrenched mindset. No mainstream training
is available to diagnose the patient's condition. Conventional
treatment would prescribe a stimulant drug in line with the Merck's
Manual; an acceptable bible of the medical and drug industry, a huge
cash orientated distorter of truth. A doctor would then have to
conclude that the patient has a vivid imagination.
The interaction with the being was extremely pleasant and it served
a particular purpose. At the age of nine years old the writer was
able to understand that there were many facets and applications for
time to exist (dimensions & time lines). The writer engaged in a
face-to-face, mind-to-mind transfer of a multidimensional package of
information, an event that would exist in his mind every single day
as though the event was still at that same date in time. One path of
time cuts through current linear time.
The reader will understand that consciousness and multi dimensional-
hyperspace are linked. Its essence gives justification to a material
universe. The one cannot exist without the other, teeming with
traveling, embodied, disembodied entities, worm holed highways as it
serves to create mind and matter from pure white light. Within this
montage, one can begin to evaluate how it is possible for an
entity's, spacecraft, to weave in and out of human reality allowing
human/Et interaction, so denied by our leaders. The essence of the
quantum cosmos is to raise consciousness and maintain a level of
cosmic homeostasis.
Objective perspective with current and past issues
Military Projects derived as a result of ET interaction
The military, through association with ET have engaged numerous
projects where they recruit members who have been identified as
having a propensity for mental imaging and transmission, great
understanding of physics and who have been known to have had ET
contact in their youth. Some projects are listed below.
a) Bi location and remote viewing for military purposes by CIA
at Stanford Research Institute
b) Project talent: Mind control for soldiers
c) Project Monarch: sophisticated manipulation of the child's
mind to protect itself from extreme trauma by creating Multiple
Personality Disorder
d) Stargate projects to assess future possibilities
e) Materialize and dematerialized matter using electromagnetism
and its complex associated physics
f) Extract the white light which is the purest form of free
Presented below are a few of many projects which are used
destructively. Some of the technology was as a result of
scientists/ET's working together:
- PROJECT CLEAN SWEEP, 1997, 1998: Electromagnetic resonant
induction and mass population control
- TOWER, 1990: Electronic cross country subliminal programming and
Targeting: Mass population, short-range intervals, long-range
- HAARP, 1995: Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass
population control
In these cases technology has been usurped by the military that have
chosen to use it in a very negative way
The Key political issues
ET interaction with the military has meant that new technology has
been used to:
a) Control the media and therefore the mind of the people
b) Geopolitical control exerted on energy and money
c) Retard the human evolution of consciousness
The above three points are the locks that the cosmic exopolitical
keys which must slot into and unlock.
One is amazed when one learns about the many different
extraterrestrials visiting, land, atmosphere and hydrosphere. Every
single living entity in the multi-verse can be viewed as puppets
hanging from cosmic strings in the upper dimensions, dancing in tune
with the harmonics of hyperspacial consciousness. Man is the toad in
the hole looking, up at the cosmic frog!
Consciousness propels and elevates human mental software. Within
this montage is what appear to us humans as good and bad ETs;
however the issue is not whether they are good or bad. Their actions
are the byproduct or result of what is necessary and called upon by
the great consciousness to lift mans awareness, in some cases a
pleasant experience and others not so pleasant. All are par for the
course in order that the greater good of the multi-verse achieves
homeostasis. It has been this way for millions of years as she tries
to improve her creation.
Star seeds as an Exopolitical solution?
The reader will be familiar with the subject of star children.
Professionals such as Mary Rodwell RN, Dr Boylan, and John Mack and
to some extent Budd Hopkins, all play a part in assisting the
arrival of new highly focused children, with the software able to
break apart the tight grip on humanity.
`A new race of human beings has emerged. Whilst superficially they
are undistinguishable however, they are the part of the next wave of
the bringers of light, to assist humanity with the awakening of
terrestrial consciousness. Human beings are awakening to their
innate connection to the Universe. This is the primary role for all
the NEW CHILDREN, coming to planet earth' — Tracey Taylor,
experiencer (2000)
Some of these star seeds were incarnated into the military where
they would begin to prepare the way for one of the cosmic
exopolitical keys to fit into the military lock, as a catalyst to
set man free.
Exopolitics is working the media as evidenced by presidential
candidate Kucinich, who brought the ET issue into the mainstream
television. In time the media trade unions will awaken to find that
they have been lied to and will parade on strike to cripple the
media truth embargo machine. The impetus comes from the maverick
type characters that have been upgraded by ET and incarnated on this
planet to assist with the balancing act.
A worldwide effort is underway to release the white light energy
from the vacuum of space. Once released, we are on the way to rid
the planet of poverty and pollution and only a step away from
joining the cosmic club. The military hold the secret, the
population is working to unlock it. ET contacts take place both on
the earth and in the sky demonstrating how antigravity and free
energy is possible. They focus our attention onto nuclear bases
signaling the danger and inefficiency.
As much as Exopolitics is doing the right job, by gathering like
minded groups, it is being supported by the older and younger star
seeds, who help propel Exopolitics with passion, without any
consideration for the consequences of standing on the toes of huge
and mighty military complexes that have a vested interest in raping
the planet. In many cases the ET interacts directly with the person
where a life long inspirational experience takes place. Some are
given a random timeline of the future in a holographic display.
Mary Rodwell, counselor, hypnotherapist, metaphysician and
Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network)
Western Australia asserts that Indigo children are highly
intelligent, creative, psychic, telepathic and posses healing and
clairvoyant abilities
This research also suggests that these children are so different
that they are often misunderstood and described as suffering from
ADD (attention deficit disorder).
Mary tells us that Robert Dean believes that we humans are connected
to Ets, both spiritually and physically, and suggests that they are
responsible for the Star Child phenomenon. The development of a new
humanity called Homo Noeticus is a term coined by John White who
studied parapsychology and noetics (the investigation of
consciousness). Robert Dean explains that some Ets could be working
with us or even within government. They look exactly like us and are
virtually indistinguishable. It is said they are here to interact
and assist in the journey.
Dr Leir believes that some children born today are very different to
those born twenty years, they are much brighter. Dr Leir (like the
writer) asserts that it is because of the intervention of ETs with
"There are unexplainable anomalies in our genetic history and in
2003 it was discovered that 223 genes do not have the required
predecessors on our evolutionary tree
Dr Boylan believes that these children are often misdiagnosed with
ADD. He has suggested that `these kids are just bored with the slow
way they are being educated' and that is why they often misbehave.
Dr Boylan has many on his team who telepathically communicate with
ETs and their group react to the information. This is ET teamwork,
not what humans expect as contact, but it is because communications
come from a non-local mind.
Whitley Strieber, author of The Secret School, experienced lessons
on spacecraft. This testimony certainly suggests that the New Humans
are not only upgraded physically and psychologically, but operate on
a multi-dimensional frequency where they access information not
available to others. In many cases the contactee has a knowledge
bomb filled with instinctive information and the passion of the
knowledge influences their lives.
Historic & Biblical
From the work by Zacharia Sitchin we see archeological proof of an
interaction by ETs called Nephillim who came to earth 450,000 years
ago. It appears that they genetically engineered the primitive
humans, which were around that time on earth. Ancient cosmological
evidence exists on clay tablets showing clearly a higher
intelligence from that time.
Moses watched the burning bush on Mt. Sinai. It burned with fire
without being consumed, was his exclamation, quite understandable
when you have never seen a beam of light before. The digital
transmission of the oral Torah, a huge manuscript, from the ETs to
the brain of Moses, is clearly a case of human ET contact. Such
letters of the Aramaic of Hebrew alphabet are reminiscent and
similar to ancient symbols found in archaeology today. We find the
bible full of incident involving ETs however we are taught to think
of the stories as angels or man g-d. How the great religions have
been hijacked is enough to break ones heart.
Credo Mutwa an African Zulu contactee went through many a process to
learn the old secrets which were as guarded as the secrets of our
free masons. Credo, a Sangoma (witchdoctor) describes his unpleasant
experiences on a steel table in the mountain ranges of South Africa.
The medical procedures were invasive and painful. After finding
himself back in the African village he found that the presence of
the reptilian abductors was well known in the area. An example of
perhaps genetic harvesting, where the human is no more important
than tagging whales. Benefit is not always apparent to all; however
his story is broadcasted on the Internet and is a gold mine of
information from a very unlikely source. It shows that human/ET
contact knows no boundary between race and country. Perhaps there is
a lesson in that statement alone.
The writer has sought to present ET/human contact through a more
spiritual perspective because that is the very medium, which
represents the gap of the understanding between humans and ET's.
The testimony of Jim Sparks, the contactee who remembers almost all
of his ET abduction experiences is an all-important case. Jim saw
members of the military working with the ET's during his abduction.
This brings into question just how much of human reality may be in
the hands of ET and their human pets, the military.
Jim had had an education on board the craft; ETs made him learn sets
of multidimensional symbols, each of which are downloads of up to
20,000 words and some are holographic in nature. The experience
seemed frightening at first and unpleasant to Jim but later he
derived an enormous benefit. It was a clear intention of the ET's
for Jim to release this information that the ET's and military were
cooperating with each other. The act of freeing Jim and knowing he
would tell the world, was a kind act seemingly out of character, but
immensely important to us all.
To the writer, the multidimensional symbols are exactly what were
passed onto him, to allow his consciousness to penetrate the
complexity of human sadness which resonates in hyperspace and
accordingly to react to it through a medium called Exopolitics.
Exopolitics brings more awareness to the people through places of
learning, which are free of government funding, films, books and
action groups. It has only just entered the mainstream political
arena. ET, through programmed DNA on a spiritual level, propel
people like Shirley McLain, Larry King, Kucinich and many more to
bring the topic into the mainstream. ET meets us half way on a
physical level, flying low in the sky for people to see and take
pictures. I.e. Stevensville in Texas, Hong Kong and Phoenix lights
It is not good enough to think of ET/human contact as ET arriving
and shaking our hands on the steps of the Whitehouse. The issues
that we face are more fundamental and lie buried beneath the
complexities of our DNA, awareness and its "plug in's" to