We met in the sanctuary at 7:00 pm for prayer then gathered in the meeting room. Those present were Father Urell, Frank Seymour, Jeanne Jeffery, Wendy Kolbusz, Claudia Boener, Phil Schmidlin, Paul Mecklenborg, Dennis Nunnold, Donna Cole, Joyce Lucas, Bill Dillon, Paula Dixon, Gail Green and Pam Glover.

Minutes from last meeting of May 28, 2015 7pm were approved.

Phil discussed the importance of the council asking the Lord to bless our work and to make our time together more fruitful. He requested a chosen special prayer be said prior to each meeting. The idea was approved.

Jeanne gave a personal thank you to Denise Godin for her dedicated work as Recording Secretary. An explanation was also given regarding council appointments with various length of time span. This is to prevent a turnover of the entire council at one time. There will be three new members rotating each year. New members were then introduced.

Appointment of new Chairman and Co-Chair for council was voted on and approved. Jeanne was appointed as Chairman and Frank as Co-Chair.

Fr. Wayne informed council that JoAnnStambersky will be Corresponding Secretary and Pat Zimmerman Recording Secretary. They are not voting members.

Jeanne discussed Council year in review (2014-2015). This was the first year for the new Council. They created and approved a mission statement also an organizational chart for the Parish was completed. Operational procedures were reviewed and approved.Fr. Leo’s plaque completed. It was also decided that after Oct. of this year all commissions should submit reports in writing to PPC unless something requires immediate approval/vote. Formation of a 3-5 year plan was reviewed after hearing requests from church members. At that time a 1 yr. plan was implemented to help navigate this goal. A church survey was created and tallied to help us understand needs. Results were revealed to the congregation on Sept. 11, 2015.

Vicariate-meeting has not taken place yet this year. A representative has not been assigned as of yet.

Finance Committee- report was given by Bill Dillon. Collections have decreased but are offset by responsible management. Income down 12% at end of year. The movie fund raiser profit was $4000 with a second movie to follow in November. The concert was well received and raised $919. Another is planned for next year on July 30th. Lighting and parking lot resurfacing completed. Going forward with St. Patrick Day Party. The proceeds from this will all be going for church needs.

Phil asked our standing on $14,000 lacking on CSA funds and Davisburg payoff. Fr. Wayne replied that this will end in November. Donna asked if budget could be offset by adjusting expenses. Showing our large expenses would not look as dire. Giving at Christmas time to avoid 7% charge was discussed. Fr. Wayne stated budget is then a problem due to cash flow.

Gail Green gave report for Christian Service. Foster Care quilts were donated to children’s camp. Finished Little Caesar’s fundraiser with$550 return. Half of the Grant money was received. Upcoming Crop Walk is Oct.11,2015 at St. Mary’s Milford. Plan is for Giving Tree ornaments to include each Christian Service Ministry.

Paula Dixon gave a report for Worship Commission. Kathy Rakowski is to be the new Chairman for that committee. Fr. Wayne has asked that their focus be on the Triduum (Easter Vigil). Revised mission statement was completed. Hospitality ideas were for ushers to greet at the door, and gifts for newly registered parish members (welcome wagon style). All Saints Day falls on a Sunday and will have evening prayer on Nov. 1st. Year of Mercy to start on Dec. 8t.h. An appreciation prayer breakfast is to be held on Oct. 10th. At 9am. This will also provide a time for training.

Donna discussed having a quote of the day or a list of deeds to do each day on the internet for the Advent season.

Phil brought up idea from last meeting of weekly coffee and donuts. Jeanne said this will be discussed soon.

Parish Activity meeting report was given by Pam Glover.

Women’s Club bake sale to be held on Nov.14 and 15th. There are 36 couples attending the Jubilarian Dinner on Sept. 24th. The Santa shop will open the first week in December this year. Advent by candlelight is to be on Nov.22nd.

Knights Daughters and the Squires will be helping at the Food and Wine Fest and trunks and treats, and holding another food drive. They are also sponsoring the first teen night.

Vocations- world day of prayer will be on April 17th. The group is looking for two new members and would like ideas from a younger crowd.

Right To Life-Baby bottle drive was successful. Life chain will be on Oct.4th.The annual spaghetti dinner will be held in April. Also the mother and baby the group supported has given birth and the adoption transition completed successfully.

Youth-Thirty four youth responded to survey and indicated they would like monthly week end events. A movie and pizza will take place on Nov. 14th. Group looking for a young male representative to join group. Youth group to began on Oct. 4th.7-9pm.Currently planned events are ST. Mary’s Catholic Yoga and Christmas party at Children’s Village.

Bible Study/library- The cassettes in library have been transferred to Cd’s. Next will be VHS’s.

Knights of Columbus-Held BBQ at Highland for 100 residents. Highway clean up to be on Oct. 3td. The Tootsie Roll Drive will be held on Oct. 9-11th. And will be on various intersections and location’s.Food and Wine Fest will be at 59 West on Oct. 24th. With a BBQ theme. Corporate Communion for members to attend will be Nov.1st. The spelling Bee is planned for Nov.7th to be held at the Highland Library. Fr. Leo’s golf outing was a success.

Phil discussed need for council to see reports of committees prior to Parish Council Meetings. They would review and discuss only if needed.

Old Business-Surveys were distributed to council members. Link to power point is complete. The complete survey results are in the church for viewing.

New Business-The survey results are to help council with thought process going forward. Also to see what changes parish members felt were needed.Plan is to start a committee (2-3) persons and Paula Holtz has agreed to help steer it.

Phil suggested each member list their thoughts on four things they felt were needed,then to read survey results from parish members.It was felt some disconnects were present. Example is Bible study was mentioned yet only a handful attend. Jeanne mentioned that what really hits you can be brought down to bullet points. Bill felt that we should not bias ourself but just take what comes out of the survey.

Dennis stated that a very important point is that the parish expects results from the survey. It is important that they feel someone is listening to their responses.

Donna replied that results should be on line so parish members are informed of them and that they are transparent.

Pastor’s thoughts-Letters of personal invite are being sent out to parish members that have high school age children. The invitation is for the youth group activities.There were 335 names listed as high school youth. On checking the list further onlyone in three were active in parish, two out of three names have never contributed in the last three years. The impression is that the parish is must smaller than we think we are. We must determine who we are and what we really have for numbers.

Fr. Wayne closed the meeting with a prayer. Meeting ended at 9pm

Next meeting is October 22,2015 at 7pm Respectfully submitted Pat Zimmerman, Recording Secretary