Ayurvedic Healing Course

·  Introduction to the Course and how to use it
·  Historical and Spiritual Background, Vedic and Yogic Science
·  Ayurvedic Cosmology, the Twenty Four Tattvas, Samkhya, the Five Elements
·  The Three Gunas, Karma, Goals of Life, Basic Principles of Ayurvedic Thought
·  Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology in Detail:
·  The Biological Humors of Vata, Pitta and Kapha - elements, qualities actions, sites, and aggravation
·  The Twenty Attributes - humors, elements, gunas and usage
·  Five subtypes of Vata, Pitta and Kapha (subdoshas)
·  Prana, Tejas and Ojas, the Three Vital Essences
·  Seven Tissues (Dhatus), actions, interrelationship, excess and deficiency states, sara condition
·  The Seven Kalas
·  The Three Waste Materials and their conditions
·  Agni (digestive fire) and its four states
·  The Fourteen Channel Systems (srotamsi) of the Body, their functions and conditions
·  Ayurvedic View of the Organs and their relationship to the Doshas
·  Summary of Medical Systems East and West
·  Enumeration of Ayurvedic Principles
·  Glossary of Terms and Bibliography
·  Constitutional Analysis (Mind-body types) - examining all factors of bodily structure, metabolism, disease tendency and psychology
·  Mental Nature according to Three Gunas and Three Doshas
·  The Disease Process
o  1: Disease and the Movement of Time, Climate and Environmental factors
o  2: The Six Stages of Disease in Ayurveda, classification and prognosis of disease
·  Examination of Disease
o  1: Aggravated states of the Doshas, Sama and Nirama conditions
o  2: Humors and Tissues in the Disease Process, the movement of the Doshas through the Dhatus
·  Diagnosis and Patient Examination: Differential Diagnosis of Disease Syndromes
·  Methods of pulse, tongue, abdomen, questioning and observation
·  Yoga and Ayurvedic Psychology, Spiritual Principles of Ayurveda
·  The Functions of the Mind and our Greater Consciousness
·  The System of Raja Yoga, Ashtanga, the Eight Limbs of Yoga
·  Examination of the Subtle Body, Chakras, and Nadis
·  Yoga Asanas and Ayurveda
·  The Science of the Six Tastes, Rasa-Virya-Vipak-Prabhava
·  Treatment through the Five Elements
·  Dietary Therapy, principles, outline of Ayurvedic Diet, Food Lists per Constitution
·  Food List and Food Type Analysis - Fruit and Vegetables
·  Grains, Beans, Seeds and Nuts, Dairy Products, Animal Products
·  Oils, Condiments and Spices
·  Ayurvedic Herbalism
·  Herbs for Digestion and Elimination
·  Ayurvedic Herbs and Herbal Preparations - Study Guide to Yoga of Herbs
·  Ayurvedic Therapeutic Measures: Palliation (Shamana) and Purification (Shodhana)
·  Pancha Karma, Tonification and Rejuvenation (Rasayana)
·  Ayurvedic Treatment of Disease - Study Guide to Ayurvedic Healing
·  Subtle Healing Modalities of Ayurveda
·  Aroma Therapy and list of aromatic oils
·  Color Therapy
·  Gem Therapy
·  Mantras and their therapeutic application
·  Yoga Psychology and Ayurvedic Counseling: healing the mind and emotional nature
·  Patterns of Doshic Accumulation: through the skin, breath, digestion, sensation, emotion and thought
·  Detailed Herbal Treatment through the Tissues and Channel Systems
·  Detailed Herbal Treatment through the Subdoshas
·  The Science of Prana and Pranic Healing, Treatment of Prana, Nasya, Pranayama
·  Marma points and Ayurvedic Massage
·  Integral Treatment of Prana, Tejas and Ojas
·  Meditation and Ayurveda, prescribing meditation by Constitution
·  Summary of Integral Healing System of Ayurveda


·  The course comes in four booklets, which are mailed out to the student all at once. Each booklet is 8 ½ X 11 and spiral bound for easy usage. Total length of course material is over 650 pages.

·  There is a five year time limit for completing the course, or a reinstatement fee may be required.


·  The course contains study questions and practical exercises at the end of each of the forty-fivelessons in order to guide the student in his or her study of Ayurveda.These test are to be answered by the student and not sent in to us.

·  It has four detailed final tests at the end of each of the four course booklets. These the student must return to the institute for grading. Students can send in answers by mail or by email.

·  Note our 'interactive option' for those whowant more assistance with the course. This allowsstudents to send in all the study questions and practical exercises for grading, as well as any other questions that may arise. There is an additional fee for this.


·  The course takes about 300 hours of study to complete and provides a certification worth 300 hours of credit in Ayurvedic Studies that is recognized by many Ayurvedic groups worldwide. It grants the title of Ayurvedic Life-Style Counselor.

·  Upon course completion options for further professional study are possible in the United States or in India.

·  Advanced Yoga and Ayurveda Distance Learning Program. Graduates can qualify to take this more specialized course of studies for those who want to specialize in Ayurvedic Yoga therapy.

·  Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda Course. For those who want to specialize in Ayurvedic (Vedic Medical) Astrology.

·  Note our website Training Programs section for other additional study options.


·  The course is usually sent by regular mail, but the course questions and all course communication can be done by email.

·  We can also email you the test questions for the course in order to save you the time of copying them down. Let us know if you want to receive the test questions by email.

·  In addition, we can send out the first section of the course by email. We often do this for overseas students who want to start their studies immediately. Please let us know specifically if you are interested in this option.

Advanced Yoga and Ayurveda Course

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Advanced Yoga and Ayurveda Course
PART I Traditional Texts and Teachings – 209 pages
Section 1 – Introduction and Background
Lesson 1. Course Orientation
Lesson 2. Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Overview
Lesson 3. Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge
Lesson 4. Spiritual and Cosmological Background
Lesson 5. The Three Gunas and Five Elements as Yogic and Psychological Indicators
Section 1 Final Test
Section 2 – Classical Yoga According to Ayurveda
Lesson 6. Overview of the Greater System of Yoga
Lesson 7. Ayurvedic Guide to the Yoga Sutras 1: Samadhi Pada
Lesson 8. Ayurvedic Guide to the Yoga Sutras 2: Kriya Yoga Pada
Lesson 9. Ayurvedic Guide to the Yoga Sutras 3: Siddhi Pada
Lesson 10. Ayurvedic Guide to the Yoga Sutras 4: Kaivalya Pada
Lesson 11. Key Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads
Lesson 12. Key Teachings of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Section 2 Final Test
Part II – 219 pages
Section 3 – The Therapeutic Application of Yoga Practices
Lesson 13. The Ayurvedic Application of Asana 1: Asana and Sattva Guna
Lesson 14. The Ayurvedic Application of Asana 2: Structure and Dosha
Lesson 15. The Ayurvedic Application of Asana 3: the Energetics of Asana
Lesson 16. The Ayurvedic Application of Pranayama 1: Energetics of Pranayama
Lesson 17. The Ayurvedic Application of Pranayama 2: the Role of the Five Pranas
Lesson 18. The Ayurvedic Application of Pratyahara: Internalization of Energy
Lesson 19. The Ayurvedic Application of Dharana: the Therapeutic Use of Concentration and Attention
Lesson 20. The Ayurvedic Application of Dhyana: Meditation as a Therapy
Lesson 21. The Ayurvedic Application of Samadhi or Unity Consciousness
Section 3 Final Test
Section 4 – Ayurvedic and Vedic Yoga
Lesson 22. The Yoga of Ayurveda and its Cosmic Background
Lesson 23. Agni Ayurveda
Lesson 24. Agni Yoga
Lesson 25. The Fire of Self-Inquiry
Lesson 26. A Vedic Prayer to the Heart
Section 4 Final Test
Part III – 198 pages
Section 5 – Higher Therapies and Practices
Lesson 27. Mantra Therapy 1: Background View
Lesson 28. Mantra Therapy 2: Primal Sound
Lesson 29. Marma Therapy
Lesson 30. The Yoga of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga)
Lesson 31. Karma Yoga, Timing and Ritual
Lesson 32. The Healing Energies of Tantra
Lesson 33. Kundalini and the Chakras
Lesson 34. Smarana: the Practice of Remembrance
Lesson 35. Advaita Vedanta: the Supreme Teaching of Yoga and Ayurveda
Lesson 36. Summary and Overview of Yoga Practice
Section 5 Final Test
Appendix 1: Teachings
Appendix 2: Glossary
Appendix 3: Bibliography
Appendix 4: Sanskrit Pronunciation Key
The course follows a similar format as the Ayurvedic Healing Course. As most students who take it will be graduates of that course, this will be easy for them to understand.
·  The course comes in three booklets, which are mailed out to the student all at once. Each booklet is 8 ½ X 11 and spiral bound for easy usage and is around 200 pages in length.
·  The course takes a good six months of serious study to complete. You have four years to complete it from the time you sign up for it.
·  The course contains study questions and practical exercises at the end of each of the lessons in order to guide the student in his or her study of Ayurveda.
·  It has five detailed final tests at the end of each of the five sections of the course, for the student to return to the institute for grading. Students can send in answers by mail or by email.
·  Students can email or write the institute if they have additional questions based upon the course material. This allows them a degree of possible interaction with teachers that is rare in most comparable distance learning programs.
You can take the course with more personal interaction. This option allows you to send the study questions and study exercises for each lesson back to us for grading and comments, as well as the final tests. It includes help by phone with the mantras introduced in the course. Currently this option is run by Dr. Frawley only and will allow you to have direct instruction from him.
This option requires an additional charge of $350.00. Email us if you want to pursue it. It is not available under automatic ordering. It provides an additional 100 hours of direct study credit to add to the 300 hours of indirect study credit that the course provides.
·  The course takes about 300 hours of study to complete and provides a certification worth 300 hours as a Yoga and Ayurveda Health Educator through the institute.
·  Upon course completion options for further professional study are possible with the Institute or with our affiliated organizations as noted under our Training Programs Section.
·  The course is usually sent by regular mail, but the course questions and all course communication can be done by email.
·  We can also email you the test questions for the course in order to save you the time of copying them down. Let us know if you want to receive the test questions by email.
·  In addition, we can send out the first section of the course by email. We often do this for overseas students who want to start their studies immediately. Please let us know specifically if you are interested in this option.

Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda Course

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The course is authored by David Frawley and represents his approach to Jyotish, attempting to make it relevant in the modern world without losing its traditional depth and spirituality in Vedic philosophy. Dr. Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) is Jyotish Kovid and Jyotish Vachaspati (Professor of Jyotish) through the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences founded by Dr. B.V. Raman. He is a noted writer on various aspects of Vedic science, Ayurveda, Yoga and Vedanta, including special courses in Ayurvedic medicine and in Yoga and Ayurveda.
·  Background of Vedic Astrology and how to approach it
·  In depth Study Guide to Astrology of the Seers
·  Planetary Types and their characteristics
·  Advanced Study of Houses and House Lords
·  Shadbala: the Six means of Judging Planetary Strength and Weakness
·  Horoscope Judgment, basic principles
·  Business Astrology, basic considerations
·  Relationship Astrology
o  1; Comparative Method via Ascendant and Planets
o  2; Computative Method or Kuta System
·  Vimshopak
·  Glossaries, Sanskrit and English
·  Astrology and Ayurveda, interconnections
·  Planets and Disease
·  Individual Constitution and Disease Tendency
·  Astrology, Diet and Herbs
·  Subtle Healing Remedies: Colors, Flowers and Aromas
·  Gem Therapy
o  1; Basic Principles and application
o  2; Advanced Principles
·  Mantra
o  1; Balancing the Planets through Cosmic Sounds
o  2; Sounds of Planets, Signs and Nakshatras
·  Sanskrit pronunciation guide
·  Planetary Deities and Yantras
·  Spiritual Astrology, How to Examine the Subtle Body
·  Chart Rectification
·  Nakshatras (Lunar Asterisms)
o  1; Description of Nakshatras
o  2; Systems of Nakshatra Classification
·  Karmic Astrology and the Lunar Nodes
·  Horary Astrology, the Timing of Events
·  Astrological Forecasting (Muhurta)
o  1; The Role of Nakshatras
o  2; Tithis and Related Factors
·  Ashtakavarga
o  1; the Basic System
o  2; the Timing of Events
·  How to Give a Vedic Astrology Reading
o  1; Background Information
o  2; Procedure
·  How to Read North and South Indian Charts
·  Synopsis of Chart Judgment
·  The Twelve Ascendants
·  Raja Yoga and Implications
·  Medical or Ayurvedic Astrology, Advanced Material
·  Maraka Planets and Referred Houses
·  Chart Rectification
·  The Jaimini System
·  The Question of Ayanamsha
·  The Antiquity of Vedic Astrology


·  The course comes in four booklets. Each booklet is 8 ½ X 11 and spiral bound for easy usage.