Lil Highlander Preschool

at McKean High School

Child Information Card

Child’s Full Name ______

M_____F_____ Date of Birth______

Name you prefer your child to be called in school:______

Name of Parent/Guardian: / Name of Parent/Guardian:
Relationship to Child: / Relationship to Child:
Address: / Address:
Home Phone #: / Home Phone #:
Cell Phone #: / Cell Phone #
Place of Employment:
Occupation: / Place of Employment:
Work Phone #: / Work Phone #:
Email: / Email:
Status of Parents: (check all that apply) ___Living Together ___Living Separately
___Married ___Divorced
Child Lives with: (List all names of people living in household and relationship to child. If sibling list age)

Persons other than parent/guardian authorized by you to pick up your child (Photo Identification with name and address will be required of them). List in order of preferred contact:

Name / Address / Relationship to Child

Physical Development and Background

Child’s Pediatrician______Phone ______

Has your child had any serious illnesses, accidents or hospital experiences?______

If so, please list:______

Known Drug/Environmental Allergies:______

(please indicate no known allergies if applicable)

Known Food Allergies:______

(please indicate no known allergies if applicable)

Please attach doctor’s note and food allergy action plan if your child has one.

[ ] Consent for posting child’s allergy information, including no known allergies (please print)

I, ______, the parent or legal guardian of ______, who is my minor child, hereby authorize the Lil Highlanders Preschool staff to post my child’s food allergu information in order to protect my child from contact with these foods.


Does your child have any physical limitations, injuries, illnesses, or health issues which would limit his/her participation in the full range of school activities? If so, please describe:______


Child Interests

What activities does your child enjoy with siblings? ______


Other children outside your family______

What type of play would you describe as being your child’s favorite?


Least favorite?______

What are your child’s favorite snack foods?______

Least favorite?______

Are there any foods you would like your child to try that he or she has been reluctant to try?


Has your child ever been in a play group or other school situation away from you?______

What would you like your child to get out of this preschool experience?______


What additional information would you like us to know?______



Additional Information Required

The following items must be received before your child can begin preschool:

Current (less than 1 year old) Child Health Appraisal

Field Trip Authorization

Deposit $20 (to be applied toward first month’s tuition)

Contact Information

Lisa Gonzon

Thomas McKean High School

301 McKennan’s Church Road

Wilmington Delaware


Field Trip Authorization

Lil Highlander Preschool

McKean High School

301 McKennan’s Church Road

Wilmington DE 19808

I hereby consent to have my/our children participate in field trips supervised by the teaching staff, on the grounds of McKean High School. I will be notified through the weekly newsletter of any field trips.


Child’s Name (please print) ______

Parent’s signature______
