AAS Meeting Minutes 10/15/12

I. Attendance (Noah Gordon ‘14)

II. Public Comment

a.Open to all students on any topic

Richard Park ‘16: A friend of mine approached me about the lights being too bright in the bathroom (not ideal for early morning).

SPLASH! EDU Daniela: SPLASH is a one day event. We bring more than a hundred 6-12 grade students and we teach them interesting things ranging from how to make sushi to beat boxing. I’d like to ask Senate if anyone would like to volunteer; you, as Senators, are quite influential on campus. Deadline to register is next Monday.

III.BC Recs (Abigail Xu ‘15)

Daniel Parel ‘15: Animal welfare group rep. We’re having a presentation on food production and promotion of healthier animals and people. Currently, we’re thinking the meeting will be held in one of the Merrill rooms.

June Pan ‘13: ACF. Requesting emergency funding for a meeting on Wednesday called, “A Moment of Peace,” in light of recent discussion on sexual disrespect. Located in the Friedmann room. Offering tea, light refreshments, prayer and a relaxing time.

Arielle Taft: Rutgers University. Suggested that I advertise event publicly, but all I could work with were people who had already registered. Just seeking funding for hotel stay. Microfinance conference where people from around the world come together in New Brunswick to discuss how to start a microfinance institution.

Jess Sidhu ‘14: Arielle publicized a while ago, so it isn’t an issue. In terms of the hotel: we should fund two separate rooms. If students are uncomfortable with rooming with a member of the opposite sex, we should accommodate them.

Hao Liu ’16: I think it’s a really exciting opportunity and perhaps you could organize an event to discuss the conference with the Senate or the Development Econ class.

Richard: I feel like the majority of students didn’t hear about this. I’m not sure if it’s wise to just pay for two individuals to go all the way to NJ and back.

Hao: While I agree that we should fund separate rooms, this appears exclusive. So many people didn’t hear about this.

Abigail:Arielle sent emails to professors and entrepreneurship clubs. She made an effort; plus, she’s new to the BC. She didn’t know she could get funding for publicity.

Arielle:I couldn’t publicize it after BC told me to publicize (with posters) because the deadline already passed.

Abigail:Amherst Political Union requested funding in a previous Senate meeting. We got money for food and publicity. Transportation from hotel to airport is no longer an issue because it’s an exact issue.

Chris Friend ‘14: Investment club. Speaker staying at Lord Jeff.

BC recs passed.

Brendan Burke ‘13: Senate project. Sponsoring a photo exhibition/contest in Keefe.“Eyes of Amherst.” Pictures will be posted in the atrium area of Keefe. The event will hopefully last through the year. I’m requesting $150.

Hao Liu ’16: Is there a prize?

Brendan: If a photo wins, it’ll be framed and put up in the atrium of Keefe.


Motion to move busses to Boston/Bradley from Senate fund to discretionary.



a.Committee Reports

Rama Hagos ’15: On Wednesday night at 7:30, Mayor Morse will be here to discuss educational policy in Holyoake. He’s only 23 and he’s already a mayor!

Matt deButts ‘14: CEP met to discuss access to open curriculum. Any complaints about add/drop, courses, content or disciplines? Contact me or Adam Gerchick.

Peter Crane ’15: Program Board fired our older agent. We (program board) are now the new agent.

Jess Sidhu ‘14: College council met on Friday to discuss changes to honor code.

Risalat Khan ‘13: Trying to initiate dialogue of mascot of college and how it relates to our values. I believe our mascot (Lord Jeff) doesn’t go with our values. I’m all for changing it. My goal is to initiate dialogue with all members of community on how this mascot relates to our values and how Lord Jeff reflects our image.

Also, another idea: to increase transparency, we could possibly broadcast our meetings online.

Noah: I recently learned that the class of 2008 not only has the Sabrina, but it has been actively trying to raise money to restore the Sabrina and I think the AAS should give a bigger sum of money to this restoration.

b.General Announcements

Bess Hanish ‘13: I contacted Dean Moore about housing for winter break for low-income and international students. Still in the process of trying to speak with Dean Moore.

George Tepe ‘14: APU Johnson Chapel at 7:30 PM. World experts on campaign finance.

Derek Garcia ‘13:Senate project. In contact with RC’s of Seelye and Drew House.We’re working on buying a filter to install in the sinks. Second announcement: La Causa and Spanish dpmt. This event will happen in Friedmann room this Thursday night and it’s catered. Biddy confirmed to me that she was coming! It’ll consist of a catered meal and student-led performances.

Risalat Khan ’13: Trying to reach out to athletic captains about the mascot issue.

James Liu ‘16:Tania and I are working with facilities to organize an event for students to get together and rake leaves on the student quad. We’re planning for Thursday Nov. 8 from 1:30 to 3:30.

Tania Dias ‘13: It should be a big campus event. We’re also planning to hold a half-day, if possible.

Erik Christianson ‘14: Association of Student Liberty screening the third party presidential debate with Larry King as the moderator.

Noah Gordon: Met with John, Abigail and Chris on Friday to talk about van policy. Considering a new policy that gives priority to earlier van reservations to recognized AAS clubs. After that period has elapsed, reservations open up and more accessible to other people. Clubs will be able to reserve one van at a time.

c.Officer Reports

Tania: You’ll receive an all-school email about the trustee meeting. Students who met with trustees were a great group with wonderful ideas. The trustees were receptive and it was a great first move.

Met with Ethan (Head of Evaluation at Amherst): we need a roster and record of past senators of the AAS.

Also, students are concerned that the AAS is hostile to women. We are working on this issue.

James and I met with Bob Shay. Steam tunnels: connect all the buildings around Amherst. We could possibly have tours of the steam tunnels.

V.AAS party fund (JJ Hoffstein ‘14)

a.$500 out of Senate Fund, plus $10 for publicity

b.Students can submit their receipts and be refunded for all non-food-or-beverage party-related purchases like cups, decorations, etc., with a cap of $35 per party. Parties that use the Party Fund must be inclusive, meaning it must not be a "closed" party.

(Happy Birthday to JJ, by the way!)

JJ: Senate project. Many non-senators are excited about this. One page of paper work would include if the party is inclusive or exclusive.

Chris: How is the AAS not liable for funding alcohol implicitly?

JJ: No comment.

Servet Bayimli ‘16: What safeguards are there besides checking a box?

JJ: This is a trial, so other methods can be incorporated later.

June Pan: Generally, student projects make Amherst a better place and work for the improvement of diversity, transparency, etc. What would your senate project do for campus?

JJ: AAS will help promote inclusive parties.

Matt deButts: I can just predict horrible news headings about how students get hurt or suffer alcohol poisoning with something that the AAS supports. It’s helping social gatherings happen, but it’s bad for PR and it undermines what we stand for as an institution.

Bess: We can publicize an open party on the Facebook page.

Juan Gabriel: I don’t think this will achieve its goal effectively. It would crowd out the spending towards more alcohol. As a Senate, I don’t think we can actually support that.

Tania: This is a great idea, but I’m concerned that the AAS can be liable. I will conduct further investigation into this matter.

Noah Gordon: I like the idea in the broadest sense.It could be reworked to subsidize safer drinking habits. We need a clever way to go about this.

JJ: From the people that I’ve talked to, they think it’s an outstanding idea. They think it’s the best thing the AAS has ever done for them. This is something people will really like and will make the AAS relevant in so many social spheres where it is currently completely dead.

Bess: If we’re funding after the fact, we can choose not to fund (on the liability issue).

Jess: Do you really think people will have parties without alcohol so they can get funding from the AAS? No, they’re going to purchase their own cups to have all the alcohol they want.

Andre: I think it’s a great idea. I think it affects the student body in a great way. I just think that the liability is too much of a concern. Just because we’re funding this after the fact, it doesn’t mean that we’re not held accountable. How do we know what actually happened at the party?

VI.Discussion of transportation for clubs (John Yarchoan ‘13)

a.Allow clubs to petition for funding for transportation in their club budget

b.Proposal, clarifying questions, straw poll

Abigail: Limited amount of vans. Sometimes, small number of groups who need vans weekly for competitions or events. Few groups complain that transportation can be expensive so they can’t afford it on their own, but the AAS also has a limited budget and we do not want to go bankrupt.

Proposed new transportation funding. During club budgets, clubs would put this transportation cost in their budget. When BC meets, we can decide whether we should fund it or not.

Jeff Feldman ’15: how much does Frisbee spend?

John Yarchoan ’13: (Frisbee team) Large team and we travel long distances,

Andre Wang ’14: How much of an increase in club budget will result?

Abigail: Right now, there are only two groups that fall into first one. Less than 10 fall into second one.

Andre: If clubs submit budget late, could they still request out of discretionary?

Abigail: No, because it’s an extra incentive for students to get their budgets in on time.

Matt deButts: How do we know what a club’s mission is?

Abigail: Mission statements are submitted to Dean of Students.

John Yarchoan ‘13:Usually, many clubs will reserve 3 vans every weekend at midnight. This policy change will make it equitable for people to get vans who actually need it. If you get the vans, you can fill the gas at the AAS tab, so clubs don’t need to pay for gas.

VII.Orientation and First-year Life Committee Election

a.2 first-years (Servet and Juan Gabriel)

VIII.Judiciary Council Election (George) (If time allows)

a.1 senator

IX.Student Community Engagement Fund (George) (If time allows)

a.1 senator

X.Arts Committee (George) (If time allows)

a.1 senator

XI.Approve Minutes, 10-15-12 (George)

XII.New Business

XIII. Adjournment: 9:15 PM