
/ Judy Braus


/ 202-419-0412






October 16, 2017

Ginger Potter Wins environmental education award

Individual recognized by the North American Environmental Education Association

Washington, DC, October 16, 2017– Ginger Potter,Senior Education Specialist in the Office of Public Engagement and Environmental Education (OPEEE) for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was recently recognized by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE). Potterwas honored with the Award for Outstanding Service to Environmental Education by an Individual at theglobal level. This award is given toindividuals that exemplify global leadership in the field of environmental education.

Potter led efforts in the field of environmental education for more than three decades. In her role at the EPA, Potter influenced environmental education programming and research throughout the country and around the world. Potter is responsible for environmental education program design, implementation, and management as well as research, evaluation, and strategic planning in the Office of Environmental Education. She serves as the Technical Advisor for the National Teacher Training and Professional Development Program and is the Co-Chair of the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP), a learning network designed to build capacity for environmental education around the world.

“Ginger Potter exemplifies truly inspirational environmental education leaders who change the field,” said Judy Braus, NAAEE’s Executive Director.“Our award winners are leading the way toward a more sustainable society from classrooms to communities across North America,” said Judy Braus, NAAEE’s Executive Director.

NAAEE presented 10 awards to outstanding individual and organizational leaders across North America. For a full list of 2017 winners, visit

About the North American Association for Environmental Education

For four decades, the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) has been dedicated to accelerating environmental literacy and civic engagement through the power of education. NAAEE supports a network of 20,000 educators and 56 regional affiliate organizations working in environmental education in more than 30 countries. For more information, visit

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For more information, contact Judy Braus at 202-419-0412 or email at .

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