
1.  Cholesterol is found in plant and animal foods.

2.  LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol is characterized as the good type of cholesterol.

3.  Diets high in polyunsaturated fats may reduce LDL cholesterol, but may increase the risk for cancer.

4.  Trans fatty acids are formed during the hydrogenation process and are believed to contribute to heart disease.

5.  Hypertension causes arterial wall injury, thus contributing to heart disease.

6.  High blood pressure is a well known risk factor for cancer.

7.  The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) Die reduces allergies.

8.  The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet could reduce the risks for many chronic diseases.

9.  Elevated levels of sodium increase risk for heart disease.

10. Defecient levels of Vitamin E and folate increase the risk for heart disease.

11. Which of the following foods provides the best food source of the antioxidant nutrient vitamin E.

A. Citrus Fruits B. Green Vegetables

C. Legumes D. Nuts

E. Dairy Products

12. Hypertriglyceridemia causes the blood to ______

and is a risk factor for ______.

13. A blood pressure reading of 140/95 indicates:

A. Optimal blood pressure

B. Prehypertension

C. Stage 1 Hypertension

D. Stage 2 Hypertension

14. Metabolic syndrome includes five abnormalities:

A. Waist circumference greater than ______inches.

B. Fasting blood LDL cholesterol of ______mg/dl or greater.

C. Fasting blood HDL cholesterol of less than ______mg/dl.

D. Blood pressure of ______mm HG or greater.

E. Fasting blood glucose of ______mg/dl or greater.

15. Individuals with ______or more of the five abnormalities are considered to have metabolic syndrome.

16. Metabolic syndrome risk factors are associated with the development of ______and ______.

17. Having an elevated fasting blood ______level is not a risk factor for metabolic syndrome.

A. High Density Liproproteins (HDL)

B. Glucose

C. Triglycerides

D. Pressure

E. None of the above.

18. Which type of diet contributes to cancer?

A. High fat, high fiber, high in antioxidants

B. Low fat, low fiber, low in antioxidants

C. High fat, low fiber, high in antioxidants

D. High fat, low fiber, low in antioxidants

E. Low fat, high fiber, high in antioxidants.

19. Trans-fatty acids are generally not found in:

A. Fruits

B. Vegetables

C. Grains

D. Legumes

E. All of the above

20. Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally found in:

A. Olive oil

B. Fish oil

C. Flaxseed oil

D. B and C

E. A, B, and C

21. Atherosclerosis is best described as:

A. The hardening of the arteries

B. A contributing factor for heart disease

C. A nutritionally related medical condition

D. Preventable

E. All of the above

22. Eicosanoids are best described as:

A. Essential fatty acids

B. A High biological value protein source

C. A complementary protein source

D. Soluble fibers

E. Hormone-like compounds

23. Which of the following is not a risk factor for heart disease?

A. Genetics

B. Gender

C. Lifestyle

D. Diet

E. Bone mineral density

24. Heart health can be improved by increasing intake of

A. Soluble fiber

B. Plant Stanols

C. Omega-fatty acids

D. Vitamin E

E. All of the above