World History (1700 – present)

Review Questions: Industrial Revolution


-  industrial revolution - industrialization - cottage industry

-  urbanization - monopoly - interchangeable parts

-  mass production - union - textile

-  enclosure movement - strike - piece work

-  invention / innovation - spinning wheel - emigrate / immigrate

-  capital - (power) loom - class conflict

-  entrepreneur - invest - feudalism

-  laissez-faire - capitalism - socialism

-  proletariat - bourgeoisie - Marxism

-  middle class - working class - utopian

-  infrastructure - stock - corporation

-  sustainability - division of labor


- Karl Marx - Adam Smith


-  What was the enclosure movement?

-  What agricultural innovations came out of the enclosure movement?

-  What are the basic steps of the production process in textiles?

-  What are the basic required components of production, generally?

-  What are the earliest machine inventions & innovations (i.e. in textiles, power sources, transportation)?

-  What were the short-term effects of urbanization?

-  What conditions are necessary to industrialize?

-  What developments in power sources occurred in early industrialization?

-  What developments in transportation occurred in early industrialization?

-  What were/are the benefits of EARLY and MODERN industrialization?

-  What were/are the problems of EARLY and MODERN industrialization?

-  What is class conflict? What are its causes & effects?

-  What are unions? What did they fight for? What were their methods? How successful were they?

-  What are the benefits of setting up a corporation?

-  What are the conflicting goals of capitalism and socialism?


-  Where did industrialization initially spread outside of the U.K.?


-  Over what time period did the industrial revolution occur?

-  Over what time period did problems of urbanization & industrialization slowly get resolved?


-  Why was Great Britain the first to industrialize? (What factors made it the leader?)

-  Why did Great Britain attempt to keep its industrial technology to itself?

-  Why did Great Britain fail to keep its early monopoly on industrial technology?

-  Why was early 19th century government unresponsive to workplace abuses?

-  Why did unions form?

-  Why was public education one of the key demands of unions over time?


-  How did the enclosure movement lead to agricultural innovations?

-  How did agricultural improvements enhance industrialization?

-  How did demand for cotton motivate inventions and machine innovations?

-  How did improvements in transportation enhance industrialization?

-  How did the factory differ from the home as a workplace?

-  How were the short-term problems of urbanization resolved?

-  How were the problems of industrialization addressed by workers (skilled & unskilled)? By government? By business owners?