Notes of the Board Meeting of9th January2007

held at the New Forest Enterprise Centre, Totton

Present:Barry OlorenshawMike Jackson

Julia BatemanDavid Simpson

Derek Mather Christine Ames

Amanda BamptonNeil Miller

Matt Callaghan

1) Apologies:

Apologies were received from Cllr. Michael Woodhall, Paul French and Belinda Charlton

2) Presentation from Steve Trotter and Emma Rigglesworth (New ForestNational Park Authority)

Steve Trotter (Director of Conservation and Enhancement) gave a short presentationoutlining the ways in which the National Park Authority (NPA) were engaging with businesses. Emma Rigglesworth (Head of Sustainable Development) explained the ways in which the NPA is supporting local businesses through a range of grants to assist those who rely on the local resourceswithinNew Forest and its natural landscape.
The questions session which followed the presentations focussed mainly on planning matters and in particular issues regarding a 20 year exceptions policy, housing for young commoners and the expansion of care homes within the NPA boundary. Members of the board also emphasised the need to retain for forest’s largest employers in the district in order to preserve the local economy asit was felt that planning issues may risk some of these larger employers deciding to relocate outside the forest. It was acknowledged by ST that the planners had experienced initial difficulties in meeting government set targets for decision making but these figures were now significantly improving. Issues of communication between the NPA and business were identified as a point for development, particularly during the (pre)planning process. It was felt by both members of the board and the NPA that a relationship between the Park Authority and the Business Partnership should be developed and as such it was agreed that continuing dialogue should take place between the two bodies.

Action: MC to place details of NPA assisted business grants on the NFBP website

3) Minutes of the previous meeting:
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as an accurate record.
NM had forwarded names of the 6 NFBP representatives for the January HCC Transport Conference. Not all of these people had received conference details at the time of the meeting.
Action: NM to contact John Sorrell regarding NFBP invites

4) Board members

It was agreed that further discussion should take place regarding the Presidency of NFBP at a future board meeting.

Action: MC to investigate the current Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire

MC had written to Belinda Charlton regarding her position on the NFBP board and received no reply although she had forward apologies for the January meeting

Action: MC to follow up the matter of board membership with BC

5) Business Awards (Further discussion)

As board members had previously been made aware, the NFBP Business of the Year (Muffins of Milford) had been forced to restructure their company resulting in the closure of their retail unit in Milford, although the business would continue to operate, selling pizza and soup. Given that the award recognised achievement for the year of 2006, the category prize has been retained although the business had voluntarily returned the overall trophy. As a result, the main prize would instead be re-awarded to The Work Shop Resourcing Ltd who were winners of the award for Best New Business. The company had been contacted on this matter and had accepted the award. Publicity was in the process of being arranged and the delayed Business Connexions Newsletter would be distributed in mid to late January with updated details of award winners.

6) Events programme for 2007

Skills and Employment Seminar (Spring):

JB had secured a verbal agreement with a senior figure from the Train2Gain programme who would be willing to speak at the proposed Employment Seminar. In addition MC had been provided with details of a senior representative from PRIME (an organisation dedicated to the employment of the over 50). Use of the Citizens’ Panel had been suggested at the December meeting to seek residents’ views on the employment of the retired sector. It was resolved that this would only relate to limited members of the panel and should therefore not be taken forward at this stage. A date still needed to be confirmed.

Action: NM / MC to contact B&Q / Waitrose regarding participation in this event

New Forest Show (July):

Although a final decision on the NFDC tent at the 2007 show had not been taken it was expected to be significantly smaller than that of recent years. As a result it was unlikely that the tent would be able to host the summer networking event. The neighbouring Wessex Petroleum tent had been suggested as an alternative venue which would need to be investigated further

Planning Seminar (September):

MC had made enquires regarding the availability of Hangar Farm in September. TottonCollegewere in the process of putting together the events programme for the autumn and availability would be dependent on this. BLO offered his support in the organisation of this event.

Business Advice Roadshow (October):

MC had agreed a date of October 24th for this year’s event to be held again at BrockenhurstCollege. This year would see a slightly different format with the focus being placed on 6-8 series seminars rather than the main exhibition area. A leaflet library as an alternative to the exhibition area would be considered. In addition the idea of a business card exchange was suggested for business to business network building.
Action: All to forward suggestions to MC for potential seminar topics

Business Awards and Winter Networking (November)
There was unlikely to be any ‘formal’ launch of this year’s awards given the timing of events in the calendar. Instead a press launch in early to mid September was proposed. Although no date for the presentation had been finalised the likely date would be 27th November. A variety of venues would be considered for the 2007 event.

7) Sector and other group / committee updates:

Local Strategic Partnership:
There had been no meeting of the LSP since the previous board Meeting.

MC reported that the next phase of NFBP website development would see the overhaul of the events calendar.


There were no transport issues to discuss

Crime reduction:

In the absence of PF there were no crime reduction issues to report.

Southampton and Fareham Chamber:

The most recent meeting had seen the circulation of the ‘Planning Gains’ document. BLO was preparing a report on this document which would be made available to board members on completion. The closing date for this consultation was 28th February.

In addition, the Barker Review of Land Use Planning was discussed to which the URL will be circulated.
Action: BLO to forward URL for Barker Review
New Forest Consultative Panel:

The City of Southampton was considering ‘The Laser Gateway’ which would project a green laser across the New Forest. Fearing light pollution and resultant effects the Consultative Panel had written to the City Council objecting to the proposals.

8) New Forest District LDF: Core Strategy ‘Future Matters’

The process of the LDF on employment sites had been halted which would effectively allow the ‘Core Strategy’ to overtake this in terms of proceedings. Officers from NFDC would attend the February board meeting to discuss issues relating to this document in further detail. As such it was resolved that a written response would be submitted prior to the consultation deadline from which, subsequent discussions with NFDC would flow.

Action: BLO to forward consultation comments to NM

PF to forward comments on the section relating to Community Safety

CA to forward comments on the section relating to Tourism

9) Significant property / site developments

There had been no further development on the RAF Hythe site since the previous meeting. Cllr. Mel Kendal had written to SEEDA supporting the case for marine related industry.

10) Any other business:

There was no other business

11) Date of next meeting:
The next board meeting would take place on Tuesday 13th February at 15:30. The meeting would be held at the New Forest Enterprise Centre.