.5 Credits

Students will have an understanding of the world of marketing.

Chapter 1: Marketing Is All Around Us


Understand that marketing is all around us by identifying its related activities.

• Describe marketing functions and related activities.

• Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy.

Understand the marketing concept.

• Define the marketing concept.

Jones Soda Project
• Describe in detail what took place during Step 1: Generating Ideas.
• Describe in detail what took place during Step 2: Screening Ideas.
• Create a prototype of your NEW product. Describe in detail what took place during Step 3: Prototype Development.
• Ensure your NEW product patent has been approved by the Mr. McCauley.
• Explain the TANGIBLE product features and customer benefits.
• Explain the GENERIC product features.
• Explain the EXTENDED product features.

Understand the economic benefits of marketing.

• Describe the benefits of marketing.

• Define the term economic utility.

• Identify the five economic utilities.

• Determine forms of economic utility created by marketing activities.

Understand the basic fundamentals and concepts of marketing.

• Define the term market.

• Define the term target marketing.

• Understand the difference between customer and consumer.

• Understanding the "Four P's of Marketing".

Understand the concept of market segmentation.

• Define the term market segmentation.

• Understand the four methods used to segment a market.

• Understand current demographic, psychographic, and geographic trends.

DVD: Echo Boomers

DVD: The Millennials are Coming

Jones Soda Project
• Explain in detail who the target market is for the NEW product. Use demographic, psychographic and behavioral information as your rationale for the target market.
• Explain in detail the geographic area in which the NEW product will be launched.

Students will have an understanding of economics, the free enterprise system,

and how it relates to marketing.

Chapter 3: Political and Economic Analysis


Understand the free enterprise and the market-oriented economic systems.

• Explain the types of economic systems.

• Explain the concept of private enterprise.

• Explain the concept of competition.

• Determine factors affecting business risk.

• Identify factors affecting a business's profit.

Understand government and consumer functions.

• Explain the relationship between government and business.

• Explain the principles of supply and demand.

Students will understand the concept of marketing research and

how it relates to marketing.

Chapter 28: Marketing Research

Chapter 29: Conducting Marketing Research


Understand marketing research and information systems.

• Describe the need for marketing information.

• Explain the nature of marketing research in a marketing-information function.

• Explain the nature and scope of the marketing-information function.

Understand marketing research.

• Explain the nature and scope of the marketing-information management function.

• Describe sources of secondary data.

• Use data for information analysis.

Students will understand the concept of product planning and

how it relates to marketing.

Chapter 30: Product Planning

Chapter 31: Branding, Packaging and Labeling

Chapter 32: Extended Product Features

Introduce with DVD: The Launch


Understand product planning, mix, and development.

• Explain the nature and scope of the product/service management function.

• Explain the concept of the product mix.

• Plan a product mix.

Understand sustaining product sales.

• Identify the impact of product life cycles on marketing decisions.

• Describe factors used by marketers to position products/businesses.

Jones Soda Project
• Identify all the competitors of the NEW product. Explain why and how they compete with the NEW product.
• Explain how your product is positioned. (Price & Quality, Features & Benefits, Unique Characteristics, Relation to Competition, or Relation to Other Products in a Line)
• Explain how the competition is positioned. (Price & Quality, Features & Benefits, Unique Characteristics, Relation to Competition, or Relation to Other Products in a Line)
• Explain the positioning statement for the NEW product; provide rationale!

Understand packaging, labeling, and branding elements and strategies.

• Explain the nature of branding.

• Explain branding strategies.

Jones Soda Project
• Develop the NEW product’s brand name, brand mark or trade character. Ensure the NEW product’s brand name, brand mark or trade character has been trademarked or registered by the TGIC.
• Explain the importance of trademarks or registering the NEW product and its value to the company.
• Explain why the brand name, brand mark or trade character will be effective and what message it will send to the target market.
• Explain the type of brand the NEW product is…national, private, or generic, and its value to the company.
• Explain the branding strategies used in developing the NEW product (brand extension, brand licensing, co-branding, mixed brands) and its value to the company.

Understand packaging and labeling.

• Explain the functions of packaging.

• Explain labeling laws.

Jones Soda Project
• Develop a realistic package for the NEW product.
• Explain how the package utilizes the functions of packaging and explain the package’s value to the company and the target market.
  • Promoting & Selling the Product
  • Defining Product Identity
  • Providing Information
  • Meeting Customer Needs
  • Ensuring Safe Use
  • Protecting the Product
• Explain how the package utilizes Environmental and/or Cause packaging. Explain its value to the company and the target market.
• Explain the form of the NEW product’s package. (skin, blister, aerosol, flexible, shrink wrap, multi, aseptic, dispensing)
• Explain the 7 pieces of information on the NEW product’s label and the value to the company and the target market.
  • Product Illustration
  • Product Guarantee
  • Dates
  • Storage Information
  • Weight Statements
  • Manufacturer’s Name and Address
  • Universal Product Code

Understand extended product features such as credit.

• Explain the purposes and importance of credit.

• Identify consumer protection provisions of appropriate agencies.

Students will understand the concept of pricing and how it relates to marketing.

Chapter 25: Price Planning

Chapter 26: Pricing Strategies


Understand the steps of price planning.

• Understand the different forms of price

• Understand the importance of price

• Understand the goals of pricing

• Understand the difference between market share and market position

Understand setting prices.

• Understand the various pricing techniques

• Understand the steps in setting prices

Jones Soda Project
• Explain the total cost of the NEW product prototype. Prototype cost ______
• Explain in detail the Pricing Concept that was used to create the channel member price and the MSRP price of the NEW product.
  • Demand-Oriented Pricing
  • Cost-Oriented Pricing
  • Competition-Oriented Pricing
• If Cost-Oriented Pricing concept was used…
• Explain in detail the factors that influenced the cost of the NEW product being mass-produced. Mass produced cost ______per unit
  • Cost of raw materials
  • Cost of labor
• If Demand-Oriented or Competition-Oriented concept was used…
• Explain in detail the factors that influenced the price of the NEW product to channel members. Channel Member price ______per unit
  • Cost & Expenses
  • Competition
  • Supply & Demand
  • Government Regulations…(price fixing, price discrimination)
  • PLC…(skimming, penetration)
  • Explain in detail any pricing techniques that were used to come up with the MSRP.
  • Psychological…odd, even, prestige
  • Discounts…quantity, discounts

Students will understand the concept of distribution and how it relates to marketing.

Chapter 22: Physical Distribution


Understand channels of distribution.

• Explain the nature of channels of distribution.

• Explain the nature of channel members relationships.

Jones Soda Project
• Explain in detail the channel of distribution the NEW product will take. Explain its value to the company and the target market.
• Explain in detail each channel member’s responsibilities in the NEW products channel of distribution.
• Explain in detail the NEW product’s level of intensity. Explain its value to the company and to the target market.
• Explain in detail the type of retailer in which the NEW product will be placed. Explain its value to the company and to the target market.

Students will understand the concept of promotion and how it relates to marketing.

Chapter 17: Promotional Concepts and Strategies

Chapter 19: Advertising


Understand the promotional mix, its concepts and strategies.

• Explain the role of promotion as a marketing function.

• Identify the elements of the promotional mix.

DVD: Maverick CEO’s: How To Attract Buzz

Identify types of sales promotion.

• Develop sales promotion plans.

• Analyze the use of specialty promotion

Explain the nature and scope of public relations.

• Develop public relations plan.

• Analyze costs/benefits of company participation in community activities.

Identify advertising media.

• Explain the types of advertising media.

• Evaluate the effectiveness of advertising.

DVD: The End of Newspaper

DVD: The End of Radio

DVD: The End of TV

Describe the essential elements of advertising.

• Explain the use of advertising agencies.

• Explain the components of advertisements.

Jones Soda Project
• Create promotional elements for your product using 3 of the following options
  • Web site
  • Viral Video
  • Social Network
  • Podcast
  • Billboard
  • Blog
  • Other ______

Students will have an understanding of the selling process.

Chapter 12: Preparing for the Sale

Chapter 13: Initiating the Sale

Chapter 14: Presenting the Product

Chapter 15: Closing the Sale


Define and understand selling.

• Explain the nature and scope of the selling function.

• Analyze product information for use in selling.

• Identify customer's buying motives for use in selling.

• Facilitate customer buying decisions.

Explain why preparation is important.

• Determine customer/client needs.

• Explain key factors in building a clientele.

• Differentiate between consumer and organizational buying behavior.

Describe initiating the sale and the sales process.

• Explain the selling process.

• Prepare for the sales presentation.

• Establish relationship with client/customer.

Explain determining needs in a sale.

• Explain customer/client needs.

• Assess customer/client needs.

DVD: How Not to Suck at Sales (Gitomer)

Describe how to present a product.

• Understand how to demonstrate a product.

• Understand how to recommend a specific product.

Understand objections and rejections.

• Understand how to convert customer/client objections into selling points.

• Understand how to handle customer inquiries.

DVD: Stop Losing Retail Sales (Segel)

Understand customer buying signals and identify how to close a sale.

• Understand how to close the sale.

• Understand how to sell a good/service/idea to individuals.

• Facilitate customer buying decisions.

DVD: Closing the Sale (Hopkins)

Understand effective selling.

• Demonstrate suggestion selling.

• Understand how to process sales documentations.

• Plan follow-up strategies for use in selling.

DVD: Effective Suggestion Selling (Segel)

Jones Soda Project
• Your company will give a professional sales presentation to the class. The class (and Mr. McCauley) will play the role of a wholesaler or retailer you want to stock/sell your product.