GLAStar ApplicationForm

Category- CY1

Best One Bedroom Floor Plan - 1 - 15 Years

Please complete for the person making this nomination



Please complete below for the community being nominated

Name of community nominated

Address of community City

Management companyPhone

Nomination and submission Instructions

  1. All entries must be made using the online entry form located at:

Payment must be made at that time.

  1. Entries and Applications must be received by 8:30 pm on August 3,2018.
  2. Complete the top of this Application form and answer each of the nomination questions on this fillable document in 200 words or less.
  3. Ensure that all entry information is based on information from September 1, 2017, to August 3, 2018.
  4. Your pdf and jpeg photo are to be emailed to nd must be received by the deadline to be eligible. Upon submitting the online entry form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to submit your PDF (not to exceed the application form plus five8 ½ x 11 pages) and jpeg photo. Each PDF can contain one link to a YouTube video, in which only the first 2minutes will be viewed. In the subject line of the email include the Category Code, Category Name, and Nominee Name.(Example: IND1 Assistant Manager of the Year First Name Last Name). Please note that each email is limited in total size to 24MB. If any of your emails are over the size limit, they may not be received by the committee and will not be judged.
  5. All information on the entry may be verified.

Questions: Please email or call PMAM offices 517-721-1293

Best OneBedroom Floorplan

Entry Questionnaire

  1. What makes your floor plan a unique layout?
  1. What are some features of the apartment floor plan and how do they benefit the resident?
  1. What are some of the architectural elements and finishes that make your floor plan the best?
  1. What do believe sets your floor plan apart from your competitor?

All of the following are to be included in ONE pdf and e-mailed to

(Double click box to place a check mark)

This completed form

Plus five additional pages to include

Minimum of two (2) pictures

Minimum of two (2) resident or prospect testimonials

Floor plan

Additional supporting documents as deemed appropriate (see instructions and limitations above)

Separate Attachment

Photograph (jpeg) of the Nominee - (will be used in the Award slides)

I certify the information for this entry to be true and correct