Data Set Question and Answer Codes

Topic 1: School Safety and Bullying

File: Mobilize_SchoolSafety_2011.csvlocated in Resources folder

Complete descriptions:

Question / Short descriptor / Code
Q1. How old are you / Age / A. 12 years old or younger
B. 13 years old
C. 14 years old
D. 15 years old
E. 16 years old
F. 17 years old
G. 18 years old or older
Q2. What is your sex? / Gender / A. Female
B. Male
Q3. In what grade are you? / Grade / A. 9th grade
B. 10th grade
C. 11th grade
D. 12th grade
E. Ungraded or other grade
Q22. During the past 12 months, have you ever been bullied on school property? / Bullied / A. Yes
B. No
Q23. During the past 12 months, have you ever been electronically bullied? (Include being bullied through e-mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, Web sites, or texting.) / BulliedElec / A. Yes
B. No
Q15. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you not go to school because you felt you would be unsafe at school or on your way to or from school? / DaysUnsafe / A. 0 days B. 1 day C. 2 or 3 days D. 4 or 5 days E. 6 or more days
Q97. During the past 12 months, did you talk to a teacher or other adult in your school about a personal problem you had? / TalkTeacher / A. Yes
B. No
Q16.During the past 12 months, how many times has someone threatened or injured you with a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club on school property? / FeltThreat / A. 0 times
B. 1 time
C. 2 or 3 times
D. 4 or 5 times
E. 6 or 7 times
F. 8 or 9 times
G. 10 or 11 times
H. 12 or more times
Q17. During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight? / Fights / A. 0 times
B. 1 time
C. 2 or 3 times
D. 4 or 5 times
E. 6 or 7 times
F. 8 or 9 times
G. 10 or 11 times
H. 12 or more times
Q18. During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight in which you were injured and had to be treated by a doctor or nurse? / Injured / A. 0 times
B. 1 time
C. 2 or 3 times
D. 4 or 5 times
E. 6 or more times
Q19. During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight on school property? / FightsSchool / A. 0 times
B. 1 time
C. 2 or 3 times
D. 4 or 5 times
E. 6 or 7 times
F. 8 or 9 times
G. 10 or 11 times
H. 12 or more times
Q88. During the past 12 months, how many times has someone stolen or deliberately damaged your property such as your car, clothing, or books on school property? / PropStolen / A. 0 times
B. 1 time
C. 2 or 3 times
D. 4 or 5 times
E. 6 or 7 times
F. 8 or 9 times
G. 10 or 11 times
H. 12 or more times
Q24. During the past 12 months, did you ever feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you stopped doing some usual activities? / Sad / A. Yes
B. No
Q20. During the past 12 months, did your boyfriend or girlfriend ever hit, slap, or physically hurt you on purpose? / Slapped / A. Yes
B. No
Q21. Have you ever been physically forced to have sexual intercourse when you did not want to? / ForcedSex / A. Yes
B. No

Topic 2: Exercise and Health

File: Mobilize_ExerciseHealth_2011.csvlocated in Resources folder

Complete descriptions:

Question / Short descriptor / Code
Q1. How old are you / Age / A. 12 years old or younger
B. 13 years old
C. 14 years old
D. 15 years old
E. 16 years old
F. 17 years old
G. 18 years old or older
Q2. What is your sex? / Gender / A. Female
B. Male
Q3. In what grade are you? / Grade / A. 9th grade
B. 10th grade
C. 11th grade
D. 12th grade
E. Ungraded or other grade
Q79. During the past 7 days, on how many days were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day? (Add up all the time you spent in any kind of physical activity that increased your heart rate and made you breathe hard some of the time.) / DaysActive / A. 0 days
B. 1 day
C. 2 days
D. 3 days
E. 4 days
F. 5 days
G. 6 days
H. 7 days
Q96. On an average school night, how many hours of sleep do you get? / HrsSleep / A. 4 or less hours
B. 5 hours
C. 6 hours
D. 7hours
E. 8 hours
F. 9 hours
G. 10 or more hours
Q91. During the past 7 days, on how many days did you eat breakfast? / DaysBreakfast / A. 0 days
B. 1 day
C. 2 days
D. 3 days
E. 4 days
F. 5 days
G. 6 days
H. 7 days
Q67. How do yourdescribe your weight? / Weight / A. Very underweight
B. Slightly underweight
C. About the right weight
D. Slightly overweight
E. Very overweight
Q82. In an average week when you are in school, on how many days do you go to physical education (PE) classes? / DaysPE / A. 0 days
B. 1 day
C. 2 days
D. 3 days
E. 4 days
F. 5 days
Q83. During the past 12 months, on how many sports teams did you play? (Count any teams run by your school or community groups.) / PlaySports / A. 0 teams
B. 1 team
C. 2 teams
D. 3 or more teams
Q92. On how many of the past 7 days did you do exercises to strengthen or tone your muscles, such as push-ups, sit-ups, or weight lifting? / StrengthTrain / A. 0 days
B. 1 day
C. 2 days
D. 3 days
E. 4 days
F. 5 days
G. 6 days
H. 7 days
Q81. On an average school day, how many hours do you play video or computer games or use a computer for something that is not school work? (Include activities such as Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo DS, iPod touch, Facebook, and the Internet.) / VideoGames / A. I do not play video or computer games or use a computer for something that is not school work
B. Less than 1 hour per day
C. 1 hour per day
D. 2 hours per day
E. 3 hours per day
F. 4 hours per day
G. 5 or more hours per day
Q80. On an average school day, how many hours do you watch TV? / HoursTV / A. I do not watch TV on an average school day
B. Less than 1 hour per day
C. 1 hour per day
D. 2 hours per day
E. 3 hours per day
F. 4 hours per day
G. 5 or more hours per day
Q72. During the past 7 days, how many times did you drink 100% fruit juices such as orange juice, apple juice, or grape juice? (Do not count punch, Kool-Aid, sports drinks, or other fruit-flavored drinks.) / FruitJuice / A. I did not drink juice during the past 7 days
B. 1 to 3 times
C. 4 to 6 times
D. 1 time per day
E. 2 times per day
F. 3 times per day
G. 4 or more times per day
Q90. During the past 7 days, how many glasses of milk did you drink? (Count the milk you drank in a glass or cup, from a carton, or with cereal. Count the half pint of milk served at school as equal to one glass.) / Milk / A. I did not drink milk during the past 7 days
B. 1 to 3 times
C. 4 to 6 times
D. 1 time per day
E. 2 times per day
F. 3 times per day
G. 4 or more times per day
Q78. During the past 7 days, how many times did you drink a can, bottle, or glass of soda or pop, such as Coke, Pepsi, or Sprite? (Do not count diet soda or diet pop.) / Soda / A. I did not drink soda or pop during the past 7 days
B. 1 to 3 times
C. 4 to 6 times
D. 1 time per day
E. 2 times per day
F. 3 times per day
G. 4 or more times per day
Q69. During the past 30 days, did you go without eating for 24 hours or more (also called fasting) to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight? / Fasted / A. Yes
B. No

Topic 3: Teens, Social Media, and Online Behavior

File: Mobilize_MediaBehavior_2011.csv located in Resources folder

Complete original content:

Question / Short descriptor / Code
  • K2 how often do you use the internet?
/ InternetFreq. / 1= several times a day
2= about once a day
3= 3-5 days a week
4= 1-2 days a week
5= every few weeks
6= less often
  • K12 About how often do you visit social networking sites?
/ VisitSocial / 1= several times a day
2= about once a day
3= 3-5 days a week
4= 1-2 days a week
5= every few weeks
6= less often
  • K13 Thinking about the profile you use most often... Is your profile set to public so that everyone can see it... is it partially private, so that friends of friends or your networks can see it... or is it private, so that only your friends can see?
/ ProfileSetting / 1= Public
2= Partially private
3= Private (friends only)
4= Don’t know
  • K14 Have you ever decided not to post something online because you were concerned that it might reflect badly on you in the future?
/ FutureConcern / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
  • KDIG1 Overall, in your experience, are people your age mostly KIND or mostly UNKIND to one another on social networking sites?
/ KindUnkind / 1= People are mostly kind
2= People are mostly unkind
3= Depends
4= Don’t know
  • KDIG3 In the past 12 months when you have been on a social networking site, has anyone been mean or cruel to you?
/ MeanToYou / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
Have you done this on the internet?
  • K5a Use an online social networking site like MySpace or Facebook?
/ SocialSite / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Can’t/ Don’t know how
4= Don’t know
  • K5c video chat conversation with other people using applications like Skype, Googletalk or iChat?
/ Chat / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Can’t/ Don’t know how
4= Don’t know
  • K5d Stream video live to the internet for other people to watch?
/ StreamVideo / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Can’t/ Don’t know how
4= Don’t know
  • K11a Do you ever post comments to something a friend has posted on social networking site?
/ PostComments / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Can’t/ Don’t know how
4= Don’t know
  • K11b Do you ever send private messages to a friend within the site?
/ PrivateMessage / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Can’t/ Don’t know how
4= Don’t know
  • K11d Do you ever tag people in posts, photos or videos?
/ TagPhoto / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Can’t/ Don’t know how
4= Don’t know
  • K11f Do you ever post a photo or video?
/ PostPhoto / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Can’t/ Don’t know how
4= Don’t know
  • KDIG4a When people act mean or cruel on social networking sites, how often have you seen other people tell the person to stop being mean or cruel? (frequently, sometimes, only once in a while or never)
/ OthersIntercede / 1= Frequently
2= Sometimes
3= Once in a while
4= Never
5= Don’t know
  • KDIG5a And how about you? How often have you told the person to stop being mean or cruel?
/ YouIntercede / 1= Frequently
2= Sometimes
3= Once in a while
4= Never
5= Don’t know
  • KDIG5c How often have you joined in the harassment?
/ JoinHarassment / 1= Frequently
2= Sometimes
3= Once in a while
4= Never
5= Don’t know
  • KDIG6 When you’ve seen or experienced someone being cruel or mean online, have you ever looked for or asked someone for advice about what to do?
/ SoughtAdvice / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
  • KDIG7 Who or what did you turn to for advice? Was it a friend, a brother or sister, a parent, a teacher, a website, or someone or something else?
/ AskedWho / 1= Friend or peer
2= Brother, sister or cousin
3= Parent
4= Teacher
5= Website
6= Someone/something else
7= Don’t know
  • KDIG8a Have you, personally, ever had an experience on a social networking site that resulted in a face to face argument or confrontation with someone?
/ Face2FaceArgue / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
  • KDIG8b Caused a problem with your parents?
/ Parents / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
  • KDIG8d Ended your friendship with someone?
/ EndFriendship / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
  • KDIG8f Made you feel nervous about going to school the next day?
/ Nervous / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
  • KDIG8h Made you feel good about yourself?
/ FeelGood / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
  • K18 Have you ever said you were older than you are so you could get onto a web site or sign up for an online account, such as for email or a social networking site?
/ LieAboutAge / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know
  • K19 Have you ever shared one of your passwords with a friend or a boyfriend or girlfriend?
/ SharePassword / 1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know

Topic 4: Teens, Video Games, and Civic Engagement

File: Mobilize_GamesCivic_2008.csv located in Resources folder

Complete original content:

Question / Short descriptor / Answers
  • K4a Do you ever go online to get news or information about current events or politics?
/ OnlineNews / Yes
Don’t know
  • K5a In the last 12 months have you volunteered in your community?
/ Volunteered / Yes
Don’t know
  • K5c In the last 12 months have you (when there is an election taking place) talked to people and tried to show them why they should vote for or against one of the parties or candidates?
/ Election / Yes
Don’t know
  • K8b Do you agree or disagree with the statement: I think it is important to get involved in improving my community?
/ ImproveCommunity / Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
  • K8c Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Being actively involved in national, state and local issues is my responsibility?
/ Responsibility / Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
  • K8e Do you agree or disagree with the statement: I can learn a lot from people with backgrounds and experiences that are different from mine?
/ Differences / Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
  • K10 Do you ever play games ONLINE whether using a computer or a game console or other device?
/ OnlineGame / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14a What kinds of games do you play? Do you play fighting games?
/ Fighting / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14b Do you play puzzle games?
/ Puzzle / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14c Do you play action games?
/ Action / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14d Do you play first-Person Shooters?
/ 1st Shooter / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14e Do you play strategy games?
/ Strategy / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14f Do you play simulation games?
/ Simulations / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14g Do you play sports games?
/ Sports / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14h Do you play role-playing Games?
/ RolePlay / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14i Do you play adventure games?
/ Adventure / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14j Do you play racing games?
/ Racing / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14k Do you play rhythm games?
/ Rhythm / Yes
Don’t know
  • K14l Do you play survival horror games?
/ Survival / Yes
Don’t know
  • K15 Do you visit virtual worlds such as Gaia, Second Life or Habbo Hotel?
/ VirtualWorld / Yes
Don’t know
  • K16 Do you play Massive Multiplayer Online Games, such as World of Warcraft?
/ MMOG / Yes
Don’t know
  • K17 What are your current top three favorite games?
/ 3Games / <free response>
  • K18 About how often do you play games?
/ HowOften / several times a day
about once a day
3-5 days a week
1-2 days a week
every few weeks
less often
  • K26a When you play computer and console games, do your parents know which games you are playing?
/ ParentsKnow / Yes
Don’t know
  • K26c When you play computer and console games, do your parents talk to you about why you are allowed to play, or not allowed to play, certain games?
/ ParentsTalk / Yes
Don’t know
  • K29a When you play computer or console games, how often do you Help or guide other players?
/ HelpOthers / Often
Does not apply
  • K29b How often do you play a game where you learn about a problem in society?
/ LearnProblem / Often
Does not apply
  • K29c How often do you play a game that explores a social issue you care about?
/ ExploreIssue / Often
Does not apply
  • K29d How often do you play a game where you have to think about moral or ethical issues?
/ MoralIssue / Often
Does not apply
  • K29e How often do you play a game where you help make decisions about how a community, city or nation should be run?
/ Decisions / Often
Does not apply
  • K29f How often do you organize or manage game groups or guilds?
/ ManageGroup / Often
Does not apply
  • K30a When you play computer or console games, how often do you see or hear people being mean and overly aggressive while playing…. Often, sometimes, never?
/ OthersMean / Often
Does not apply
  • K31a When you play computer or console games, how often do you see or hear people being hateful, racist, or sexist while playing?
/ OthersHateful / Often
Does not apply
  • K31b When players act this way, how often do you hear or see other players responding by asking them to stop?
/ OthersIntercede / Often
Does not apply
  • K32aWhen you play computer or console games, how often do you see or hear people being generous or helpful while playing?
/ OthersHelpful / Often
Does not apply