College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Statistics Division
Spring 2010 Semester
Course /
STAT105: Statistics for Engineering
Prerequisite / MATH211.
Textbook / Principles of Statistics and Probability. Lecture Notes. Dr. Zuhair A.

Course Team: When multi-sections exist and instructor information otherwise.

Name / Room / Ext. / Email
Dr.A.B.Chakraborty. / 11G -31 / 577 /

·  Meeting time Place

Sat: 10-10.50 4-15

Mon: 2-2.50 4-15

Tuesday: 12-1.50 16L

·  Office Hours:

Sun: 8-9.50, 3-4.50

Tues: 8-9.50

Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of probability and statistics. Statistics: summarizing data and graphical presentation Measures of central tendency, mean median, mode (grouped and non-grouped data). Measures of variability, standard deviation, range, skewness measure (grouped and non-grouped data). Definitions of probability. Random variables, expectations, and their distributions. Topics covered /include Standard discrete distributions (Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric,…) standard continuous distributions(normal, exponential, gamma, chi-square, weibull) and Simple uses/ application of distributions. Simple linear regression model and scatter diagram. Simple and Rank Correlation Coefficients.

Course Overview:

·  Measures of Location.

·  Measures of Variation.

·  Random Variables.

·  Some probability (discrete and continues) Distributions.

·  Moments and Expectations.

·  Simple linear regression model.

·  Correlation coefficients.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

·  Understanding a linkage between theoretical statistical measures, model and practical problems.

·  Understanding relationship between correlation and regression

·  Knowledge of probability distributions

·  Knowledge of some statistical analysis.

·  Skill to compute the probability of events

·  Skill of measuring the relation between variables

·  Attendance Policy:

-Warning and barring notices. Accordingly to the university policy.

·  Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend scheduled classes and labs. The attendance policy is regulated by the university attendance policies according to the following rules:

Absence / Action /
5% / First Warning
10% / Second Warning
15% / Final grade will be reduced one level.
25% / Barred from Final Exam.

Note that the University Academic Council has decided that students absent from the exam. (Quiz, Mid-term, or Final exam.)will not be allowed to repeat it unless the student is granted excused absence by the Dean. In that case, the student would be awarded at most “D” in the substitute exam.

·  Course Assessment:

Marks distribution of the course and activities:
1- quizzes : 10 marks
2- homework, and tutorials : 10 marks
2- midterm tests : 40 marks
4- final test : 40 marks

Learning Outcomes:

Understanding a linkage between theoretical statistical measures, model and practical problems.

Understanding relationship between correlation and regression

Knowledge of probability distributions

knowledge of some statistical analysis.

Skill to compute the probability of events

Skill of measuring the relation between variables

·  Tentative Weekly Outline:

Topics/Subjects / Week
Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median ,Mode,… / 1
Measures of variability: range, variance, standard deviation, skewness measure, coefficient of variation,… / 2
Measures of central tendency (grouped data): Mean, Median , Mode,… / 3
Measures of variability (grouped data): range, variance, standard deviation, skewness measure, coefficient of variation,… / 4
Principles of probability: some definitions and examples. / 5
Permutations, combinations, random variables, probability functions. / 6
Expectations, mean, and variance for d.r.v. and c.r.v. / 7,8
Mid-semester test I
Some discrete distributions and applications. / 9,10
Some continues distributions and some applications. / 11,12
Mid-Semester test II
Simple linear regression with examples. / 13
Correlation coefficients. / 14
Final test.

·  Referrence Books:

1. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (2007). R. E. Walpole, R. H.

Myers, S. L. Myers, and Keying Ye. Pearson.

2. Probability and Statistics for Engineering. Irwan Miller and John E. Freund. Wiley.

For Official Copy Only


Course Coordinator: Date:

Head of Section: Date:

Head of Department: Date:

Dean: Date:

** Approved Course Outline should be handed to students in the first lecture of the course.