Okay, where do we start today? Well, let’s look at a checklist of tasks…

  • <mike.html> This is taken from X-file – Web Page Info – Template 1

‘Right click, view source, select all, copy, open a Notepad, paste, save as …to desktop’

  • <mikelinks.html> This is taken from X-file – Web Page Info – Review of Links
  • 3 photos – Click on the non-copyrighted photo to enlarge, then…

‘Right click, save as… desktop’

  • 5 links – Copy and paste addresses, send a descriptive title, and a short comment.
  • Text – Write up a short summary with the geological significance and/or important details of your topic.

Go to our class website or

1. If Mr R already has your web page ‘mike.html’ then use the sidebar and click on ‘Topics’

In the bottom half are the geology topics. Click on ‘Activities’ for either Volcanoes, Mountains (includes monuments and canyons), Earthquakes, Water (for waterfalls, rivers, dams, floods). Actually, see Mr R for the location of your web page! If you don’t have one?

Then use the sidebar and click on ‘X-Files’ and make your web page ‘mike.html’

Internet Project – Day 3 (page 2)

2. Also click on the bottom of your web page ‘mike.html’ to see if you’re connected to your review of links page ‘mikelinks.html’. If you haven’t sent Mr R this page yet?

Then use the sidebar and click on ‘X-Files’ and make your link review page.

3. You’ll need to send Mr R 3 photos. To actually be able to see the photos, we need to work on our web page ‘mike.html’ putting in ‘photo1.jpg’ in place of those ‘ventura.jpg’ photos.

Also, write in the captions for the three photos.

4. Search for 5 good links to your topic with (a) address or URL (b) short title (c) short comment on the site

5. We’ll also need some text put into our website.

Email to or post to our message board(s).

Period 1 uses with passwords <math> and <science>

Period 6 uses with passwords <math> and <science>

If either is too full, use with the same passwords

Read – Edit – Add a note – and click on Attachments for photos and/or a background.

Optional Extras – more text at the bottom of the page / more link reviews, up to 8 total / send Mr R your preferred ‘background’

Remember, you can work on your web page <mike.html> and/or your links review page <mikelinks.html> by going to our class website, finding your web page and right –clicking, etc… then email to Mr R and he will upload the new page.

*For those who do not have email, there will be another message board which will let you post (copy and paste) your new page to Mr R. For now, use the message board shown above in #5,

but starting next week use:

password <mathscience>


password <mathscience>

(attachments will still have to be sent via email or on a floppy disk)