There Will Be Stock Clues

Questions by John Lawrence and Max Schindler

Packet 4

MODERATOR: The last tossup that you read from the previous round should be: “ANSWER: Portugal [or Porto]”

1. Traditionally pork cecina[cheh-CHEE-nuh]is coated in this ingredient. Strips of this ingredient are cooked with onions and cream in a dish called rajas. These vegetables are stuffed with a shredded meat mixtureand smothered in walnut cream sauce or nogadain a dish meant to resemble a Mexican flag. A dark red variety of these that rattle when shaken are called Cascabel. Their flavor is (*) measured in Scoville units. The dried variety of one of these is called “ancho.” Cans of a smoked variety of this are packed in adobo sauce. These are stuffed and fried in a dish called this ingredient “relleno” [reh-LEH-noh]. For 10 points, what vegetable’s varieties include poblano and jalapeno?

ANSWER: chile peppers [prompt on “peppers”] [JL]

2. In a legal opinion concerning this issue, Robin Jacob noted that, while he could not answer the “Aristotlean question” about the essence of a certain foodstuff, one could certainly say that an orange-grapefruit marmalade was “made of” both fruits. The first controversy over this issue occurred due to a marketing campaign suggesting that a “new-fangled” product was superior to its bagged counterparts, leading to a 1975 FDA ruling about acceptable package labeling. (*) Proctor and Gamble had to pay a value-added tax not applying to most foodstuffs after a UK court ruled against them on this issue. Arguments about this issue note that the snack in question is blow-dried, not fried, after being molded and is less than 40 percent potato flour. For 10 points, identify this contentious issue that causes a saddle-shaped snack to be sold in red tubes bearing the phrase “potato crisps.”

ANSWER: whether or not Pringles are potato chips [accept any answers which contain both the words Pringles and chips; prompt on answers with just one][MS]

3. In a Christmas episode parodying It’s a Wonderful Life, a main character pees his pants in this restaurant while trying to ask out an employee. One character temporarily works at this restaurant after declaring that “the most mind-numbingly pedestrian job conceivable” is toll-booth attendant, Apple store genius, or working here. In this restaurant, one character alienates his girlfriend by proposing to her after only three dates, but then wins her back by (*) singing a keyboard-accompanied song based on a hit by the “Four Tops.” Two former employees of the restaurant go on to work for a pharmaceutical company run by a character played by Stephen Root. Before finishing her PhD, Bernadette Rostenkowski works in this restaurant. For 10 points, name this restaurant where Penny works as a waitress in the early seasons of The Big Bang Theory.

ANSWER: The Cheesecake Factory[JL]

4. This animal is served inside cornet-shaped tuiles [tweel] in a signature amuse bouche [uh-myoozboosh] by Thomas Keller. In contemporary French cooking, this is the animal most commonly cooked “unilaterally.” This animal is combined with tomatoes in a Polynesian salad called lomi-lomi. David Burke makes a famous pastrami from this non-cow animal. This is the animal most commonly cured with a mixture of salt, sugar, and (*) dill in Scandinavia. And it is the animal most commonly grilled on cedar planks in the Pacific Northwest. Varieties of this animal include Coho, Chinook, and Sockeye. A cured dish of this animal is named for Nova, and this fish is brined to make lox. For 10 points, bagels and cream cheese are often topped with smoked slices of what orange-fleshed fish?

ANSWER: salmon [JL]

5. A 2014 “Monster Munch” promotion introduced varieties of this foodstuff like Smelly Nelly’s Monkey Mess and Furry Ferguson’s Polar Bear Poop. RockTops patented a container that fits atop a soft drink to hold this foodstuff, so that you have a free hand with which to carry popcorn at theaters. It was invented by Curt Jones, who was inspired by his work with yogurt in a Carbondale microbiology lab. Shortly after Trump’s inauguration, internet sleuths dug up a number of (*) tweets mocking this foodstuff, prompting its parent company to write an open letter to their author Sean Spicer. It is only sold from specialized freezers that can keep it at minus 40 degrees, and its preparation utilizes liquid nitrogen to flash freeze small amounts of ice cream. For 10 points, identify this spherical “Ice Cream of the Future.”

ANSWER: Dippin’ Dots [MS]

6. This fruit flavors the Hungarian brandy pálinka.The Wachau valley in Austria is known for making dessert dumplings filled with this fruit. This is the traditional filling in a purportedly (but not actually) bow tie-shaped Danish pastry called an oranais[aw-ruh-nay]. A rare and prized variety of this fruit is named Royal Blenheim. A brandy made from this fruit is called marillenschnaps. A layer of this fruit’s jam comes between the ganache and the chocolate cake in a (*) sachertorte [ZAH-kur-tohr-tuh]. This is the lighter colored of the two fruits that can be used to make lekvar. The two main dried form of this fruit are the dark Californian variety and the brightly-colored Turkish variety. For 10 points, name this small, orange stone fruit.

ANSWER: apricots [JL]

7. In an interview with Eater NY, this chef complained about people coming up to him in airports and calling him an asshole, shortly after belligerently declaring (in the same interview) that people who cook at home shouldn’t call themselves chefs, because “what we do in kitchens and what you do at home have NOTHING to do with each other.” As of this tournament’s writing, it costs $24 to eat the famous spaghetti with tomato sauce at this chef’s flagship restaurant in New York, which Ted Allen declared to be the best pasta he ever ate. On the show that features him, this chef chewed out a contestant for including (*) raw red onions on two different dishes. For 10 points, name this chef and owner of Scarpetta, a red-bearded man who delivers harsh criticisms as a judge on Chopped.

ANSWER: Scott Conant [JL]

8. This substance is covered in whipped cream and chocolate shavings in a Belgian dessert whose name means “marvellous.” Rings of this substance are layered with whipped cream in the luxuriant Hapsburg dessert SpanischeWindtorte[SPAH-nih-shuh VIND-tor-tuh]. This is the main component of Southern “seven-minute frosting.” This substance is poached in crème anglaise[kremm awn-glezz] to produce Floating Islands. And this substance is filled with whipped cream and fruits in a dessert named for (*) ballerina Anna Pavlova. The Swiss variety is heated together with sugar over a water bath, whereas the Italian variety is made with a sugar syrup. A layer of this tops a namesake type of diner lemon pie. For 10 points, name this substance that is produced by beating egg whites until fluffy.

ANSWER: meringue [prompt on “egg” or “egg whites”] [JL]

9. The much-maligned “Burgerizza” at an Atlanta eatery of this type sticks a giant cheeseburger between two eight-inch pepperoni pizza buns. A Wisconsin-based establishment of this type sells deep-fried nachos on a stick. Balls of beef brisket are dipped in funnel cake batter, deep-fried, and coated in powdered sugar before being sold as Texas Snowballs at one of these venues in (*) Arlington. Some of these establishments are named for beverage companies, like Tropicana, Miller, and Minute Maid. One of these buildings sells Chicago-style “Comiskey dogs.” Late in their visits to these establishments, patrons stand and sing a song about buying peanuts and Cracker Jack. For 10 points, identify this class of establishments which sell hot dog varieties like the Fenway Frank.

ANSWER: baseball stadiums [prompt on more general answers like sports arenas] [MS]

10. This is the larger of the two ingredients added to tomato sauce when fish is cooked allaghiotta[JOH-tuh]. Besides raisins, this is the main ingredient added to Cuban ground beef with tomato sauce, called picadillo. Besides caramelized onions, this is the other vegetarian topping of the Provençal pizza-like tart called pissaladière[pee-sah-luh-d’yair]. Popular Italian varieties of this include (*) gaeta[guy-AY-tuh] and cerignola[chair-ih-N’YOH-luh], the latter of which is often dyed red or green. This is the main ingredient in a spread called tapenade [TAH-puh-nahd]. Greece produces a popular purplish-brown-fleshed variety called kalamata. For 10 points, what the green fruit of what Mediterranean shrub produce an oil that comes in “extra virgin” varieties?

ANSWER: olives [JL]

11. In a major city in this American state, fried eggs “over easy” are called “dippy eggs” and cottage cheese is called “crudded milk.” During the American Revolution, this state developed a spicy tripe soup called “pepper pot.” It is not Texas, but this state serves split hot dogs with cheddar and bacon on top, in what is called a Texas Tommy. The metropolitan area of this state’s biggest city refers to Italian ice as (*) “water ice.” This state makes a form of spreadable cheese called “cup cheese.” In this state, dumpling slivers called “rivels” are typically served in a chicken and corn soup. Pork offal is combined with flour to make a meat cake called “scrapple” in this state. For 10 points, what state is known for its cheesesteak sandwiches?

ANSWER: Pennsylvania [JL]

12. In the Seinfeld episode, “The Bubble Boy,” Jerry’s hostess girlfriend Naomi breaks up with him after hearing that he described her laugh as like Elmer Fudd sitting on one of these devices. In 2017, Bloomberg claimed that using one’s hands is equally as effective as using an expensive one of these devices, whose company sells ingredients in single-serving packs. A steam-powered version of this device looks like a three-tiered double boiler with hose running between it. Hurom is a brand best known for making these the slow, (*) “masticating” form of this appliance. And Tribest’s Green Star line is the “triturating” form of this appliance. This is the most common kitchen appliance to use on wheatgrass. Manual predecessors of this device include a reamer and a wine press. For 10 points, name this device often used to extract liquid from citrus fruits.

ANSWER: juicer [prompt on “squeezer”] [JL]

13. This ingredient is sandwiched between two biscuits and then coated in chocolate in a Wagon Wheel. This foodstuff was originally made by ancient Egyptians from the roots of the Althaea plant, though Alex Doumak patented the modern extrusion process for its production. This ingredient is at the center of the Canadian Whippet cookie as well as the Tennessee delicacy (*) Moon Pies. A Walter Mischel-run psychology experiment offered either one or two of these items to children to study delayed gratification. This ingredient is sold dyed and shaped like a chick in Peeps. For 10 points, what delicious white ingredient is roasted and placed between graham crackers and chocolate in s’mores?

ANSWER: marshmallows [MS]

14. On Parks and Recreation, a foodtruck dish called "The Swanson" consists of this specific food item wrapped in bacon. In a March 2017 interview on Conan, Zachary Levi perpetuated the myth that Disneyland's popular version of this specific food item is made from emu. This specific food item is mentioned in a work in which the author admits "I like the herb," but still maintains that AIPAC has undue influence on American politics. That post by Chris (*) Borglum suggests that dismissing his views on Israel because he is a wacky stoner is as ridiculous as claiming that Matt Weiner's reading comprehension is hampered by his consumption of these specific food items, as they block Weiner's vision while he eats them. For 10 points, name these dark-meat poultry parts that you might consume on Thanksgiving.

ANSWER: turkey legs [or turkey drumsticks; prompt on “turkey,” “legs,” or “drumsticks” by itself] [JL]

15. A Cledus T. Judd song begins “Last Friday evenin’ / I went to dry heavin’”, barfin’ up this foodstuff in a Texaco bathroom. In Tales from the Hood, a discussion about redundantly shooting people who are already dead sparks Ball’s meditation on the nature of this foodstuff. This item is the distinguishing ingredient of Mexican Pizza. This foodstuff is conventionally the (*) base layer of a seven-layer dip. This ingredient is found with tomatoes, sour cream, cheese, and meat atop the chips in Taco Bell’s Nacho BellGrande. For 10 points, what foodstuff is, contrary to what is suggested by its name, not pintos that are cooked twice?

ANSWER: refried beans [prompt on pintobeans] [MS]

16. NOTE: first name or last name acceptable

In one episode, a rival of this chef insisted that this chef’s cherry gêlée [zhell-ay] had no flavor and would lower the libido. This chef’s roasted lamb with white chocolate curry risotto lost out to Alex Guarnaschelli’s duck breast with white chocolate, knocking him out of the semi-final of The Next Iron Chef: Redemption. Surprisingly, this chef’s messy-to-eat burger, called “The Dirty Girl,” beat out Richard Blais’s during the burger challenge part of their match on Top Chef Duels. Dale Talde [tall-day] engineered this chef’s downfall in Top Chef (*) All-Stars by putting him in charge of the rival team for Restaurant Wars. Cliff Crooks was eliminated from Top Chef for pinning down this chef and trying to shave his head, in a season in which this chef lost to Ilan Hall. For 10 points, name this runner up from Season 2 of Top Chef, known for his molecular gastronomy and overuse of foam.

ANSWER: MarcelVigneron [accept either name] [JL]

17. Portuguese botanist João de Loureiro provides the scientific name of a form of cinnamon commonly named for this country. This country’s capital names a dish of fish marinated with galangal and turmeric and served with heaps of dill. Fish are caramelized and braised in a clay pot in this country’s dish of ca kho to. In the north of this country, mung bean paste fills fried glutinous rice sesame balls. In this country, shrimp, bean sprouts, and pork are stuffed in a yellow (*) pancake made from rice flour and turmeric powder called bánhxèo[bahnzhee-ow].Unlike the Chinese versions, which use pastry, this country’s spring or summer rolls use transparent rice paper. This country’s noodle soup is called pho [fuh]. For 10 points, bánh mi [bahnmee]is a baguette sandwich made in what former French colony in Southeast Asia?

ANSWER: Vietnam [JL]

18. One character in this film jokingly calls another “an aristocrat” when he asks for his steak to be cooked medium rare. Two characters in this film argue about whether three onions per two cans of tomatoes is too high a ratio of onion when making tomato sauce. That scene in this film opens with one character shaving garlic cloves with a razor so that they liquefy when cooked in oil. One character in this film fails to hear another character’s request for a (*) “Cutty and water” leading another character to re-enact a scene from The Oklahoma Kid during a poker game.For 10 points, name this film that features a famous dinner in prison scene, and a scene in which the Michael Imperioli-played Spider is shot in the foot by the ultra-violent Tommy DeVito, played by Joe Pesci.

ANSWER: Goodfellas [JL]

19. The Oesling region of Luxembourg produces a form of this foodstuff named for Éisleker. This foodstuff is pickled in a German dish called Eisbein [ice-bine]. This foodstuff is the most famous namesake products of Bayonne in southwest France and San Daniele [saandan-YEH-lay] in Italy. In America, whether the preparation method of this was wet or dry determines whether it is the (*)“city” or “country” form of this foodstuff. Peanut-fed animals produce a form of this foodstuff from Smithfield, Virginia. This is the non-dairy component of the filling of chicken cordon bleu [koar-dawn blurr].The most expensive form of this is produced from animals fed with acorns in Spain, and is described the adjective iberico. For 10 points, prosciutto [proh-SHOO-toh] is what form of cured pig?

ANSWER: ham [JL]

20. This company sells a soda named for the worst fighting game of all time: Shaq-Fu Punch. In an episode of Atlanta, both a customer and the cashier get confused when one of this company’s products rings up at $1.49. The only one of this company’s drinks that is not kosher is Grapeade. After the passage of HB1070, some idiots boycotted this company, not realizing it was in fact based in (*) New York. This company’s flagship product has remained priced at 99 cents for the last fifteen years. This company sells a premixed Arnold Palmer with a black-and-white picture of Arnold Palmer on the bottle. For 10 points, identify this iced tea brand, which capitalizes the Z in the middle of its name.

ANSWER: AriZona Beverages USA [begrudgingly accept things like Arizona iced tea] [MS]