English Language Arts B30

Ms. Proch / ROOM # 290 / SEMESTER 1 / PERIOD 1

Remind 101: Text @ProchRocks (581) 333-0267


Report Periods: October 16th & December 4th

Parent Teacher (Student) Conferences:October 30th (Because I would love for you to come too!)

Course Finalization Day: January 21st

Unit One: Search for Self

  • Identity and Sense of Self
  • Human Qualities and Ideals
  • Human Relationships
  • Joy and Inspiration
  • Doubt and Fear

Unit Two: The Social Experience

  • Beyond Personal Goals: Individual and Societal Responsibility
  • Social Criticism: Conformity and Non-Conformity
  • Dealing with Eternal Issues: Truth, Justice, and Compassion
  • Addressing the Issues: Causes and Crusades
  • Ambition, Power, and the Common Good

This semester will be thematic, meaning we will work through a few poems, then a few short stories, then a longer work of fiction or non-fiction within that same unit, then repeat the process. Within each unit we may encounter persuasive, narrative, comparative essays, a debate, oral reading of poetry or prose, story writing using satire, critiquing an author, visual/multimedia presentation persuading social change, and work with a “selfie” assignment.


My MAIN Rules:

Please Arrive on Time for Class

I prepare for this class, and so should you.

Being consistently late is rude, and distracting.

If you arrive late, please walk in quietly, sit down and learn with us.

If the door is closed and locked, please knock once and wait to be invited in.

Please Arrive Prepared for Class

I prepare for this class, and so should you.

Ensure you have proper writing utensils, binder, and the necessary texts.

Take Responsibility for Your OWN Learning

If you find yourself confused, you miss a day or two, you zone out in class etc. you need to help yourself.

I WILL NOT track you down to catch you up on what you missed, nor will I replace/recopy anything in your binder.

It is your responsibility to do one or more of the following: check handout binder, check the blog, ask a friend, text a friend, BBM a friend, Imessage a friend, Facebook a friend, send a tweet to a friend or me, email me, sign up for Remind 101, look on Teacher Logic or ask me. Please never be afraid to ask me. I am nice.

With so many options, there are NO EXCUSES for not having the assignments done, or done poorly.


BYOD Bring Your Own Device

This does not give you permission to bring ANYTHING you desire into my classroom.

If you would like to use a phone, tablet, etc. please show me the device and I will give you permission.

Behaviour (In and Out of Class)

All students are required to display polite, courteous manners towards teachers, office staff, maintenance staff, as well as towards fellow students. All students are entitled to a safe environment within the school, and especially this classroom, that is free from negativity, rudeness, inconsideration, ignorance or negative criticism. If at any time you feel that this is violated, please notify me and we can deal with the situation in a private manner. All students will respect and abide by the behaviours/procedures/policies/expectations within the Miller agenda.

Silent Reading

Every day will begin with ten minutes of silent reading. So when you enter the room at the start of class, begin your reading for that day Please ensure you are reading a book that you enjoy. We have scheduled library time every two weeks for renewals. All other library requirements will be on your own time.

Handing in Assignments

Assignments are due at the START of class (this is prior to silent reading). Please hand in the assignment and all required elements in the “Hand In” basket. You MUST have your name on the assignment. Assignment due dates are posted in the classroom, on the Blog, teacher logic and reminders sent using the app “Remind 101”

No Food or Drink

Please do not bring food or drinks (water is allowed) into the classroom. Even if unintentional, they can make an unnecessary, sticky mess. Also, due to allergies of fellow students let’s just steer clear of these issues and not have food/drinks in class.

No backpacks or bags allowed in the classroom

Please use your locker and leave your backpack or bag in there at all times.


  1. MILLER STUDENT AGENDA: Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Miller Student Agenda. Be familiar with all policies and procedures (attendance policy, dress code, technological policies etc) You must have your agenda on you at all times. You must have YOUR agenda in order to leave the classroom
  1. ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments are due at the beginning of class (typed, email, hand-written) If an assignment is late you will receive a 20% deduction off of your total mark. You will then have 3 days to complete the assignment and submit it. If the assignment is not submitted within the 3 day period a grade of zero (NHIO) will be given for the assignment.
  • If an extension is needed you must discuss it with your teacher at least 24 hours prior to the due date.
  • Assignments not turned in due to unexcused absences will receive a zero.
  • Furthermore there will be no re-writes or bonus assignments given.
  1. ASSESSMENTS: Students will have an opportunity to complete assessments missed due to EXCUSED ABSENCES (an absence excused within 24 hours of the absence), within three school days or, at the teacher’s discretion, with no deduction of marks.

Assessments not completed due to UNEXCUSED ABSENCES (an absence not excused within 24 hours of the absence) will receive a zero.

There is ZERO tolerance for cheating on assignments, exams, quizzes and any assessments. A mark of 0% is issued upon the offense.

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work and claiming that it is your own. There is ZERO tolerance of plagiarism. Any assignment that is plagiarized (or copied from another student…that is still plagiarism) will result in a mark of 0%. The instance will be reported to administration, student services and a parent/guardian. It is a serious offense and should not be taken lightly.

  1. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY: To excuse your absences or lates, your parent or guardian must notify the office within 24 hours of the absence or late.

It is the attendance practice of the Regina Catholic High Schools that if you have 15 or more excused/unexcused absences or lates, you must be removed from the class. Teacher contact will be made with a parent/guardian between one and four unexcused absences and/or lates.

  1. EVALUATION: Your knowledge and skills will be assessed through a variety of activities and assignments. This continuous evaluation provides opportunities for student development and improvement

Compose and Create 32.5%

Comprehend and Respond32.5%

Assess and Reflect 10%

CFD – Final Assessment25% (This WILL be broken up into a series of mini exams, some of which will be written in class prior to the CFD)

TOTAL = 100%