Flag Football Skills Evaluation

Class: ______

Skill / Cues
Forward Pass / • Spread fingers on laces gripping ball toward the back (the end
closest to you)
• Turn sideways to target.
• Step forward with the foot opposite your throwing arm.
• Bring ball back to your ear.
• Lead with the throwing elbow and extend arm fully toward target.
• Snap wrist downward as you release the ball and follow through
across your body as you release the ball.
Center Snap / • Grip the ball the same way as passing
* Spread the feet slightly more than shoulder width apart
* Place nonsnapping hand on the same knee, and extend the
snapping hand and arm back through legs.
* Snap wrist as the ball is released, pointing the hand toward QB.
*The ball should have a spiral on it and should be received by QB at
chest height.
Catching / • Keep eye on ball.
• Reach arms towards ball.
• Give with ball as ball hits hands (bring ball into body).
• Pinkies together if ball is below waist.
• Thumbs together if ball is above waist (Triangle with hands).
Running Routes / • run at a controlled speed using small steps
* lower body by slightly bending knees
* Feint a head or body movement to elude defender and increase the
chance of getting open.
*Push off from the inside of the proper foot
* Turn head to watch the Quarterback and focus on the flight of the
ball as it approaches
Punting / • Hold ball at waist level with two hands.
• Drop the ball on your foot. Do not toss it.
• Contact the ball with shoelaces (e.g. top of foot).
• Step once towards target with non-kicking foot.
• Kicking leg follows through to the ceiling or sky.