23rd Canisbay Show

At Hall Park, Canisbay on Saturday 16th June 2012

(By kind permission of Mr D Kennedy)

Champion of Champions

Overall Trophies

Champion of Champions presented by Mr W. Mackay, A.I. Services

Reserve Champion of Champions presented by Clydesdale Bank, Wick

CATTLE (Confined to Parishes of Canisbay, Keiss, Bower & Dunnet)


1Commercial Cow

2Commercial Stirk born after 28 June 2010(Maybe split if sufficient entries)

3Commercial Calf born after 31 December 2011(Maybe split if sufficient entries)

4Any Pure Bred Cattle (Maybe split if sufficient entries)

SHEEP (Confined to Parishes of Canisbay, Keiss, Bower & Dunnet)

Section 1 - North Country Cheviot


6Shearling Tup

7Tup Lamb

8Ewe - having had a lamb and reared it


10Ewe Lamb

11Wedder Lamb

Section 2 - Texel


13Shearling Tup

14Tup Lamb

15Ewe - having had a lamb and reared it


17Ewe Lamb

Section 3 - A.O.B. Pure (Maybe split if sufficient entries)


19Shearling Tup

20Tup Lamb

21Ewe - having had a lamb and reared it


23Ewe Lamb

Section 4 - A.B. Cross

24Ewe - having had a lamb and reared it


26Ewe Lamb

27Wedder Lamb

28H.B. Ewe Lamb

29H.B. Wedder Lamb

Section 5 - Any Breed

30Pet Lamb (Open to anyone in the Caithness Area)

31Ewe & Pair of Lambs - not entered in any other section

GOATS (Confined to Parishes of Canisbay, Keiss, Bower & Dunnet)

32Female Goat any age (Maybe split if sufficient entries)

33Male Goat any age

Open Cattle Trophies

Open Cattle Champion presented by the Canisbay Show Committee

Overall Cattle Trophies

Cattle Champion presented by Mr D Dunnet, Linkmoor, Lower Warse, Canisbay

Best Animal over 1 yr old presented by Mr A. Green Snr., Roadside, Gills

Best Heifer or Stot 6mths - 2yrs presented by Mr Wm. Dunnett, Viewfirth, Gills

Best A.I. Calf born after 31 December 2011 presented by Mr W. Mackay, A.I. Services

Best Cross non A.I, Calf born after 31 December 2011 presented by Messrs Kennedy, Tresdale, Canisbay

Open Sheep Trophies

Open Champion Sheep presented by Mrs Avril Henderson, Alterwall, Lyth

Best Pet Lamb Handler presented by Mrs Jean Kennedy, Tresdale

Overall Sheep Trophies

Champion Sheep presented by Show Committee

Reserve Champion Sheep presented by Aberdeen & Northern Marts

Most Points in Sheep Section presented by Messrs Gunn, West Canisbay

Best Gimmer presented by Messrs M. Banks, An-Cala, Gills

Best Homebred Sheep presented by Messrs W. & I. Manson, The Ha, Auckengill

Best Group in memory of Mr M. Banks, An-Cala, Gills

Champion Texel in memory of Mr D. Mackay, The Smiddy, Mey

Best Spring Cross Lamb in memory of A. & G. Kennedy, Tresdale

Best Pet Lamb in memory of Mrs M. Banks, An-Cala, Gills

Best Two Exhibits from one exhibitor (Sheep, Cattle) presented by G & A Begg, Rockhill, Auckengill

Overall Goat Trophies

Champion Goat presented by Miss Diane Meikle


Ridden Section


34.Shetland RiddenRider to be aged 7 years and under. Pony not exceeding 10.2hh.

(On or Off Lead Rein)

35. Lead ReinRider to be aged 7 years and under. Pony not exceeding 12.2hh.

(Pony can be entered into any other class)

36. First Ridden Rider to be aged 10 years and under. Pony not exceeding 12.2hh.

(Off Lead Rein)

37. RiddenClassRider to be aged 14 years and under. Pony not exceeding 14.2hh.

38.RiddenClassRider to be over 14 years of age. Pony not exceeding 14.2hh.

39.RiddenClassRider to be over 14 years of age. Pony/horse exceeding 14.2hh.

40.Ridden Cob Type

Cup presented by Mrs T McCarthy, The Cottage, Mey for classs 34.

Cup/Trophy presented by The Park Hotel, Thurso for classes 35 and 36.

Cup presented by Mr & Mrs W Campbell & family Banks Cottage, Weydale for class 40.

Cup presented by Mr & Mrs D Kennedy, Whitegate, Canisbay for Parish Ridden Champion

(Rosettes 1st – 4th)

In Hand Section

41. Mountain & Mooreland 3 years and under (Pure bred)

42.Shetland Gelding (Pure bred)

43. Shetland Mare (Pure bred)

44. Miniature Shetland (Pure bred)

45.Welsh (Pure bred)

46. Mountain & Mooreland (Pure bred)

47. Arab (Pure bred)

48. Horses exceeding 14.2hh

49. Ponies not exceeding 12.2hh

50. Ponies not exceeding 14.2hh

51.Pony or horse not exceeding 3 years of age

52.Heavy Horse (Pure or part bred)

53.Cob Type (Pure or part bred)

54.Mountain & Mooreland (Part bred)

Classes41 - 47 qualify for Best Breed trophy presented by Mrs T McCarthy, The Cottage, Mey.

Classes 42 – 44 qualify for Champion Shetland Rose Bowl presented by Jane Peace, Orkney.

Cup presented by Mr & Mrs W Campbell & family, Banks Cottage, Weydale for class 53.

Cup presented by Mr & Mrs D Kennedy, Whitegate, Canisbay for Parish In hand Champion

Overall Parish Champion presented by Cameo Jewellers, Wick.

Champion Horse presented by the Canisbay Show Committee. This will be judged after all ridden and in hand classes are judged (Parish winners are not included unless placed 1st in relevant class).

(Rosettes 1st – 4th)

The show jumping and novelty classes are scheduled to run after the Champion of Champions is judged.

Novelty Section

No entries are applicable to Champion of Champions within the ‘novelty’ section. There is no maximum entry within the ‘Novelty’ section (You can enter one class from the Ridden, another class from In hand and as many classes within the Novelty Section)

55. Veteran – horse/pony aged 18 years and over

56. Young HandlerHandler to be aged 6 years and under

57. Young HandlerHandler to be aged 12 years and under

58. Shetland Driving Turnout

59.Other Driving Turnout

60.Fancy Dress

Trophies presented by Mrs Donna Morton & Family, Orphir Orkney for Classes 56 and 57.

Trophies presented by Mrs M Edmundson, East Mey for Classes 55, 58 and 59.

Trophy presented by Canisbay Show Committee for Class 60.

(Rosettes 1st – 4th)

Unaffiliated Show Jumping Section

61. Shetland Show Jumping - Rosettes to 4th place. Medals presented by Mrs T McCarthy.

This class is open to riders aged 7 years and under. Pony not exceeding 10.2hh. On or off lead rein.

Poles will be on the ground!

62. Peedy Weedy Jumping - Rosettes to 4th place.

This class is open to riders aged 10 years and under. Pony not exceeding 12.2hh on or off lead rein.

Maximum height of fences in 1st round will not exceed 1’ 6”.

63. Mini Novice Jumping - Rosettes to 4th place.

This class is open to all. Any horse/pony/rider combination never to have won 1st or 2nd in any show jumping classes. This class will be open to riders of all ages and will be open to both horses and ponies.

Maximum height of fences in 1st round will not exceed 2”.

64. Novice Jumping - Rosettes to 4th place.

This class is open to all. This class will be open to riders of all ages and will be open to both horses and ponies. Maximum height of fences in 1st round will not exceed 2’ 3”.

65. Intermediate Jumping - Rosettes to 4th place.

This class is open to all. This class will be open to riders of all ages and will be open to both horses and ponies. Maximum height of fences in 1st round will not exceed 2’ 6”.

Canisbay Show Rules & Conditions

  1. No responsibility will be accepted by the organisers for anything that may happen to competitors, their animals, property or helpers in connection with or arising from this show. It will be considered a condition of entry that each entrant agree to indemnify the Canisbay Show Committee against any legal action arising there from.
  1. All animals must be the property and been in possession of the Exhibitor from 29th May 2012 and up to the date of the Show.
  1. No nomination entries will be accepted, both horse/pony and rider/exhibitor must be named.
  1. Each horse/pony can be entered in one class from the Ridden section and one class from the In hand section, unless otherwise stated on the schedule. There is no limit to the number of entries within the Novelty and Show Jumping Sections.
  1. Horses/Ponies must be in the Show Field by 08:30am. Judging of Ridden and In hand classes will start promptly at 09:00am. All other animals must be on the Show Field by 9.30am. Judging of theses classes will start promptly at 10.00am
  1. Exhibitors must display Catalogue Numbers when being judged.
  1. Exhibitors age to be taken on day of show.
  1. The decision of the Judges will in all cases be final. Any protests by Exhibitors must be lodged in writing to the Secretary by 15:00 on the day of the Show.
  1. The committee reserves the right to alter, add or cancel any class, and to refuse any entry without stating a reason. Classes may not run to schedule stated on the entry form. Classes may clash, however we will try our best to avoid this. If clashes are unavoidable, the exhibitor must choose which class to complete in.
  1. Parish rosettes can only be awarded to residents within the Canisbay Parish. The horse or pony must also belong to the Canisbay Parish.
  1. The correct headwear must be worn at all times when mounted, conforming to the British Standard PAS015, EN1384 and ASTM/SE, bearing the kite mark or SE1. A body protector is also recommended to ensure safety of the rider.
  1. All horses or ponies must be four years old or over in any ridden, driven or show jumping classes.
  1. Competitors must be in possession of the horses/ponies passport in order to compete.
  1. Cattle must be accompanied with their passports
  1. Sheep must be tagged or tattooed. All lambs born after 1st January 2010 must be Electronically Tagged. Complete Section A1 and part of A2 and retain copy of Movement Document. Then send to Database
  1. There is no compulsory summer dipping this year, but in the interest of ALL exhibitors it is recommended that all sheep are dipped prior to the show with a scab approved dip
  1. In the Show Jumping competition the first round is not against the clock. Those jumping clear in the first round will go on immediately to the jump off section. This will be against the clock.
  1. No misuse of the whip, equipment or practice fences will be allowed.
  1. All entries must be received by 28th May 2012.
  1. All entry monies must be received with entries.
  1. Any entries received by Email or Telephone will only be accepted once the entry fee is received.

Prize money for Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Horse and Poultry sections are 1st £3, 2nd £2, & 3rd £1.

Entry fee for Horse Section £3 per class

Entry fee for Unaffiliated Show Jumping £5 per class

23rd Canisbay Show Entry Form – Saturday 16th June 2012 - Horses

Class / Rider/Exhibitor Name / Riders/ Exhibitor Date Of Birth / Horses Name / Horses Date Of Birth / Horses Height / Breed Of Horse / Entry Fee

Entries from: Name: ______

Address: ______



Telephone Number: ______

E-mail: ______

23rd Canisbay Show Entry Form – Saturday 16th June 2012 – Any other Section

Class / Exhibitor Name / No of Entries / Entry Fee

Entries from: Name: ______

Address: ______



CPH Number: _____/_____/______

Telephone Number: ______

E-mail: ______