MEMT / Name: ______
CST Standard: 7.4 / Period: ______
World History
Africa Test – Study Guide / Date: ______

1.  What is Africa? (Ask Mr. C.)

2.  Define: clans (Glossary)

3.  What is the largest desert in Africa? (p. 157, ¶ 4)

4.  Define: kinships (Glossary)

5.  ______was a city in ______. (p. 159 ¶ 1)

6.  How did people of Ghana increase the value of the gold they traded? (p. 159, ¶ 2)

7.  Describe three ways in which the people of Ghana used salt. (Ask Mr. C.)

8.  What item did West Africans often trade for salt? (p. 159, ¶ 2)

9.  What was the capital city of Ghana? (p. 159, ¶ 4)

10. What were West Africans most loyal to? (p. 151, ¶ 1)

11. What was the religion of most Arab traders to Ghana? (p. 159, ¶ 5)

12. What system did Arab traders bring to Ghana? (p. 159, ¶ 6)

13. What empire replaced Ghana as the major power in West Africa in 1240? (p. 165, ¶ 2)

14. Who became Mali’s ruler in 1312? (p. 166, ¶ 1)

15. What religion did Mansa Musa believe in when he came to power? (p. 166, ¶ 1)

16. In West Africa villages, what did most people’s lives center on? (p. 152, ¶ 1)

17. Timbuktu was a leading center of ______. (Ask Mr. C.)

18. How did the king of Ghana gain his wealth? (p. 159, ¶ 3)

19. Was West Africa an isolated area concerning trade? (Ask Mr. C.)

20. What are the three vegetation zones in West Africa? (p. 157, ¶ 3)

21. Which two groups have conspired to deny Africa its history? (Africa Video Qs)

22. Who did white European settlers claim built the great African civilizations? (Africa Video Qs)

23. This word means the legends, myths, and beliefs that a culture passes from generation to generation by word of mouth. (p. 153, Main Heading)

24. Who were the storytellers of West Africa? (p. 153, ¶ 4)

25. Complete this sentence: “African masks and sculptures are ______representations of their gods.” (WYCI)