1. What was the Wilmot Proviso?

2. Most white families of the Antebellum south owned how many slaves?

3. What contributed to the growth of free African Americans? PRE-Civil War

4. Why is the battle of Antietam important? What happened as a result?

5. What state (that now had 60,000 people) was popular sovereignty first applied?

6. List the impact of the Compromise of 1850. Which part of this compromise was most controversial?

7. What were the effects of the Embargo Act of 1807?

8. How did Mexico govern Texas? What relationship did Texas have with the Americans?

9. What was the Monroe Doctrine and what was the result?

10. What caused the Federalists to hold the Hartford Convention? What were their grievances?

11. What was the result of the Marbury v. Madison case?

12. The French and Americans formed an Alliance in 1778? What was the result of that alliance?

13. Name the characteristics of a Quaker.

14. Why did Thomas Paine write Common Sense? (what was it's purpose?)

15. Through most of the 1600's (17th century), who did the Chesapeake Colonies use as laborers?

16. Describe the headright system.

17. List all the details of the Missouri Compromise.

18. What was the Stamp Act and why did Parliament pass the Act?

19. After the Civil War, how did many freedmen make a living?

20. During the Compromise of 1850, how did Northerners view slavery? At this point, did they feel it should be abolished completely or did they believe it should remain in certain areas?

21. What principle did the Dred Scott decision establish?

22. When did the Reconstruction Era end? And Why? (What was decided)

23. Sharecropping and the crop lien system were put in place after the Civil War. What resulted from this?

24. Which abolitionist called for immediate emancipation of the slaves without compensation?

25. How and why did Shay's rebellion occur?

26. Who would be FOR the Great Awakening of the 1730'S-1740'S and who would not take much interest in this revival?

27. What are the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest? What did both have in common?

28. Why did Britain pass the Navigations Acts?

29. What was negotiated in Jay's Treaty?

30. Why did Jefferson and Madison write the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?

31. Describe the experience of married women in the colonies? What rights did they have or did not have? Be specific

32. Besides the cotton gin, what is another important contribution of Eli Whitney?

33. Under the Articles of Confederation, what power(s) did the US government have? What powers did they not have?

34. What led Congress to want to punish the South for their rebellion and the Civil War?

35. Why did slave laborers increase greatly between 1810 and 1860?

36. What transportation changes led to the opening of the West to more settlers from 1790-1830?

37. Describe the experience of African American soldiers during the Civil War?

38. Under the Dred Scott decision by the Supreme court, how would slavery be decided upon in the territories?

39. Why was the Northwest Ordinance passed - for what purpose?

40. List the characteristics of Jacksonian Democracy.

41. Which rebellion took place in 1794 when farmers refused to pay an excise tax?

42. Which colony was expected to provide a teacher for families of 50 or more?

43. After the Civil War, what political questions needed to be addressed?

44. Why did the North go to war with the South at the start of the war? How did this change and what became the focus?

45. For what reason did Parliament pass the Stamp Act?

46. Who were the instigators of Shay's Rebellion and why did the rebellion occur?

47. What did Anne Hutchinson teach that resulted in her being banished?

48. Who helped start (funded) the Jamestown colony?

49. Why was the opening of the Erie Canal so important?

50. Where did most of the immigrants come from in the first half of the 1800's?

51. What did Deism teach?

52. What did the "Great Compromise" address and decide during the Constitutional Convention?

53. List all the things Quakers were known for. (at least 4-5 items)

54. For what reasons did the Puritans migrate to New England? (name at least three)

55. What was one of the main reasons for the cause of the War of 1812?

56. Why did the Federalists pass the Alien and Sedition Acts?

57. The Federalist papers were published mainly to persuade which state to pass the Constitution?

58. What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?

59. Why was the Philadelphia Convention called for?

60. Who were called "Carpetbaggers?"

61. What was decided in the Compromise in 1877 to end Reconstruction? (which presidential election did this effect?)

62. Name one of the first effects when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued.

63. What educational reforms took place during the antebellum (pre-Civil War) years.