FEIPF Project code: 20xx/unique code

Project Summary

A one day (weekend) event that showcases the skills of cluster group members and other local professionals to local teachers, youth workers, rangers etc. and general public. This aimed to be a fun, interactive day with hands on activities, demonstrations, talk-shops and networking opportunities for all; raising the profile of FEI related work and ethos throughout the cluster, sharing what is and what could be happening. Key outcomes were to:

  • Sprout new partnership projects
  • Strengthen networks and make known the people and resources that are available within the cluster area
  • Inspire people from all backgrounds to visit their woodlands and/or volunteer to manage and conserve the habitats and species present
  • Make people aware of the employment opportunities woods can provide

Project Title / Building capacity – Part 2
Open Action Event
Key words / Interactive event, partnership, networks
Project start & finish dates / 22 September 2012
Project location/s / The Shed, Kinnoull Hill, Perth. Grid reference: NO 145 236 Postcode: PH2 7DD
Lead organiser/ organisation / Penny Martin (Open Action Day) Tayside FEI cluster group
Other people/ organisations involved (non-funding) / Claire Hewitt, Storyteller; The Scottish Crannog Centre: (Barrie Andrian, Dirk Sporleder, Steve Thomas); Clive Bowman, Community Tree Cycle;Georgia Crook, artist;
Kate Hookham, Living Classrooms
Bonnie Maggio FEI Scotland Coordinator; Alice Warren (freelance); Penny Martin, FEI/ Living Classrooms; Susan Armstrong (formerly teacher, Breadalbane HS); Cath Latham, SWIIS Foster Care; Matt Robinson, Abernethy, Ardeonaig; Lynnette Borradaile, freelance OL consultant; Paul Henry (freelance, geodesic domes)
Other useful contacts/links / Alison Wilson, PKC Outdoor Learning officer
Project Funding / TOTAL INCOME:
grants: £908 allocated from 4,976.00 Partnership fund
raised/ donations: £0
in kind:8 people gave volunteer time to support the event and run workshops; no charge for Shed hire Kinnoull by FCS
Key funding partners/sources / FEI Partnership Fund
Support in kind – most workshop leaders contributed their time for no fee
Contract partners (if any) / The Scottish Crannog Centre, Community Tree Cycle;SWIIS Foster Care,Living Classrooms, FEI Scotland; Abernethy Outdoor Centre, Ardeonaig, plus freelance/ volunteers - Alice Warren,Susan Armstrong, Lynnette Borradaile, Paul Henry, Claire Hewitt, Georgia Crook.
Expenditure profile / TOTAL EXPENDITURE:
Publicity - printing, postage, materials£177.94
Project Management £150.00
Workshop leader fees & expenses £319.4
Donation Living Classrooms £100.00
Target audience/s / Outdoor action event was pitched at teachers, families, general public
Purpose of project / Tayside FEI Open for Action event:
A one day (weekend) event that showcases the skills of cluster group members and other local professionals to local teachers, youth workers, rangers etc. and general public. The event aimed to offer a fun, interactive day with hands on activities, demonstrations, talk-shops and networking opportunities for all; raising the profile of FEI related work and ethos throughout the cluster, sharing what is and what could be happening, aiming to:
  • Sprout new partnership projects
  • Strengthen networks and make known the people and resources that are available within the cluster area
  • Inspire people from all backgrounds to visit their woodlands and/or volunteer to manage and conserve the habitats and species present
  • Make people aware of the employment opportunities woods can provide

Detail of activities / Tayside FEI Open for Action event activities on offer:
  • Woodland Words & Wonders storytelling
  • Hazel Coppice Crafts
  • Woodland crafts
  • Mini kites
  • Exploring spectrum of involvement with children outdoors
  • Campfire Bread Baking
  • Cloth Leaf prints
  • Using Forest School approaches with foster children and young people (inside Shed)
  • Ideas on a walk
  • Geodesic dome making

Outputs / Tayside FEI Open for Action event:
Press coverage for the cluster group (Perthshire Advertiser)
Images of the events, on the cluster group pages and Facebook pages.
Resources produced / Tayside FEI Open for Action event:
•Strengthened network of cluster group members & improved skills
•Gained more members especially teachers within the PKC school network
•More kit for use by group – stationery, tool box, first aid kit etc.
•Information and advice about the Shed, Kinnoull Hill
•Press release templates & Risk benefit assessments for a range of activities
•Public liability cover for group and TCV membership benefits through its Community Network for conservation action
Outcomes / Tayside FEI Open for Action event has
•Acted as a stimulus to sprout new partnership projects (new ideas being discussed)
•Strengthened networks and make known the people and resources that are available within the cluster area
•Inspired those taking part to be creative with woodland resources and be more aware of Kinnoull Hill and the Shed as a resource
•Possibly has helped those taking part more aware of the employment opportunities woods can provide
•Helped to develop better understanding about event planning
Evaluation / Evaluating the Open Action event:
1)event participants:We attempted to measure the number of people attending event where each workshop area were given a check sheet and workshop leaders noted numbers attending (Adult/ Child). In practice this created estimated numbers where some workshop leaders were busy. Actual numbers attending individual workshops ranged from 5 to 33 across the day, with a mixture of adults and children. Overall total number was estimated 35+ attendees.
For feedback on the event overall, there were two cloth bags by the Shed with labels: ‘I enjoyed this event’ (smiley face) /’ didn’t enjoy’ (sad face) – asking participants to find a pinecone and put it in the relevant basket. Card leaf tags were also available for written comments. However, in practice workshop leaders were too distracted to encourage people to offer feedback. In the end only 2 pinecones and a comments ‘leaf’ were returned, but these were all positive. The leaf said “a wonderful adventure for the children and family. Thank you
3)event contributors: A Survey Monkey survey was carried out after the event to gauge feedback on whether contributors felt the event met its aims and outcomes, benefits to them/ their organisation, and suggested improvements for future events/ next steps. All workshop leaders were invited to take part in the survey. There were 6 responses. In terms of meeting the event aims, most strongly agreed that the event helped to strengthen networks and showcase the cluster group people and resources (50%). Most agreed it helped to sprout new partnership projects (50%) although one person disagreed. However, all were equivocal whether the remaining aims were met in terms of encouraging people to visit woodlands, manage them better or raise awareness of employment opportunities (neither agree/ disagree).Most (83%) very much enjoyed taking part in the day, and felt it was very worthwhile ( 67%), and would want to take part in another event (83%). In terms of improvements for next time, better promotion was key (100%). Most rated the venue as very good (67%). Teachers, general public/families were seen as the priority audience, followed by young people. As survey response numbers were low this feedback is indicative only. Further details from the survey are available from the project manager.
Key actions /
  • Cluster group members were willing to share skills for free, offering workshops in kind on the day
  • There is diversity of skills within the group, making a varied event.
  • Project management services and related core costs were largely offered in kind by Living Classrooms/FEI Scotland.
  • Some schools showed support for the event by ensuring leaflets were sent home with every child.

Advice to others / Ensure group briefing and debriefing time built into events.
Clarify costs/ fees before event
Promote the importance of evaluation and feedback, and ensure a robust method of collecting numbers attending is in place.
Consider parking facilities at event location – is there sufficient space?
Share post event evaluation with cluster group especially contributors
Discuss the possibility of a repeat (improved) event next year with early promotion to target audience
Image Library / Yes - Pictures of the event
Media Library / No video
Press Library / Yes. Perthshire Advertiser coverage. Image available
Project Report / Yes & Survey Monkey evaluation report