
43rd HPC User Forum at CEA

"Using HPC to Drive Economic and Scientific Competitiveness"

October 3-4, 2011 – Bruyères-le-Châtel, France

CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission

Meeting Location Information: CEA / DAM lie de France, Bruyères-le-Châtel, 91297 Arpajon Cedex (next door to TeraTec) Telephone 01 69 26 40 00

Meeting Focus Area: Technologies for advancing supercomputing and supercomputer technology evolution: processors, algorithms new technologies.


12:00 Lunch

13:00 HPC User Forum Welcome/Introductions, Steve Finn (Chair, HPC User Forum), Earl Joseph (IDC) and Steve Conway (IDC)

13:15 Welcome/Introductions and Overview of HPC in France and at CEA, Jean Gonnord, CEA

13:30 The Importance of HPC Technology Innovation, and the Role of Collaborations, Pierre Leca and Jean-Philippe Nomine, CEA

14:00 Making HPC More Applicable to Biology and Cancer Research, Jack Collins, National Cancer Institute

14:30 Vendor Technical Update: Bull

14:45 Break

15:15 HPC Industrial Partnerships, Merle Giles, NCSA/University of Illinois

15:45 Vendor Technical Updates: Bright Computing and Spectra Logic

16:15 European Exascale Software Initiative, Jean-Yves Berthou, EDF

16:45 HPC at JPL, Chris Catherasoo, California Institute of Technology

17:15 After-Meeting Socializing

18:30 End of First Day


43rd HPC User Forum

"Using HPC to Drive Economic and Scientific Competitiveness"

October 3-4, 2011 – Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France

CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission

Meeting Location Information: CEA / DAM lie de France, Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 91297 Arpajon Cedex (next door to TeraTec) Telephone 01 69 26 40 00

Meeting Focus Area: Technologies for advancing supercomputing and supercomputer technology evolution: processors, algorithms new technologies.


9:00 Welcome/Logistics – Earl Joseph and Steve Finn, Summarizing the September 2011 User Forum

9:15 Advances in Cloud Computing, Denis Caromel, CNRS-INRIA

9:45 HPC at NASA, Rupak Biswas, NASA Ames Research Center

10:15 The CEA-GENCI-Intel-UVSQ Exascale Computing Research Centre, Marie-Christine Sawley, Intel

10:45 Break

11:00 Panel on Partnerships for HPC Technology Development

12:00 EU Parallel Software Landscape, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway

12:30 Vendor Technical Update: QLogic

12:45 Data Intensive Computing, Paul Muzio, City University of New York

1:15 Meeting wrap up and plans for future HPC User Forum meetings, Earl Joseph and Steve Finn

1:15 Lunch followed by tours of CEA