Smailholm Village HallCommittee Meeting

Tuesday 22nd August2017 at 8pm


Present: Jane Roberts, John Barrow, Brian MacFarlane, Susan Mason, Sally Scott-Aiton, Jean Willis

Matters arising from the previous minutes:

Brian let us know that Brian Deans, a recommended electrician, is coming in to quote for new LED lighting in the kitchen as well asgive him a cost for fixing the toilet light this week. He also let the committee know that he had purchased a new ladder for £182 to replace the old one as agreed last meeting and that it was now in the shed. He said that he would cut down the old ladder to use for accessing the external gasoline tank.

Jane intimated that she had been in touch with the Art Classes and there were no plans for an art exhibition this year. Shealso confirmed that the band was booked for this year’s Christmas party.

Hall Cleaning and Maintenance:

John explained that the painter is coming back next Wednesday, hopefully to complete the painting, weather permitting. John is also going to get a quote for painting the guttering and drainpipes from him.

Jane has also been investigating how best to get the paint off the curtains and rubbing alcohol has been suggested.

Brian said that the water urn had been descaled and cleaned out and that he would continue to do this every three months or so as recommended by the manufacturer.

Susan will updatethe cleaning rota and send out a new copy to all involved.

The committee confirmed that they were responsible for cutting the grass in the play park. John agreed to take this on initially.


The committee agreed to take forward the book sale and will look for an October Sunday between 12noon – 2pm, Brian will get back with suitable dates once he has had confirmation from a few external bookings for this month. It was also suggested that at this time of year the committee could includea ‘garden goodies’ stall as well as having the usual tea, coffee and baking.

It was also decided to have another quiz night and the committee agreed that Saturday 28th October at 7.30 pm would be a good time. John is happy to prepare the quiz and base a little of it loosely around Halloween. Sally, Jean and Susan are happy to provide hot food as usual.

Jane intimated that Film Nights were due to start again around the end of September and said that she would like to stop organising and promoting these. John and Sally said that they could help with this.


The committee then discussed the BT upgrading work taking place in the village and Jane explained that the Community Council were hoping to influence BT to extend their upgrading in order that a wider range of customers can have a better wifi signal. She explained that theCommunity Council would be sending out a questionnaire to households in the area so that they could be better informed of the needs of customers in the area. The committee then went on to discuss whether it would be a good idea to have the Hall wifi enabled. Susan agreed to look into the possibilities and costs to do this.

Financial Matters:

Sally let us know that the last Border Touring event ‘Misfits’ made a profit for the hall of £223 and all agreed, it had been an excellent community event. Sally also intimated that Mel Ross would soon get the books for auditing and she asked if the committee were happy to present Mel with a £25 garden token for taking on this role, as they did last year. This was unanimously agreed.

Any Other Business:

Jean asked whether we could have a small amount of petty cash kept in the locked cupboard for any hall cleaning/gardening sundries required, especially for those who were not committee members but volunteered to be on the cleaning/grass cutting rota. Sally agreed to do this. Jean also brought up the problem of the mess left by the paint group. Jane agreed to write a letter to the group organiser to encourage them not to leave a mess in future.

Brian brought up the problem of the trees surrounding the area round the tank. It was suggested that these be cut back over the winter to avoid the area around the tank falling into disrepair.

The shed still requires painting and tidying out, it was decided this could be done on Saturday 16th September starting at 10am.

It was agreed that a clock donated to the hall bric-a-brac was a suitable replacement for the main hall clock which was continually running slow.

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 7th November at 8pm

Smailholm Village Hall Minutes 22/8/17