For Immediate Release For More Information

Contact: [Your name]

[Your phone number]

[Your e-mail address]

[Your town] Resident [Your name] Attends

2015 Nurse In Washington Internship

[YOUR CITY][Date]—[Your town] resident [your name and credentials] attended the Nurse in Washington Internship (NIWI) held by the Nursing Organizations Alliance (The Alliance) in Washington, DC, March 15 – 17, 2015.

[Your last name] joined more than 70 conference attendees, including registered nurses and nursing students from several different states. NIWI provides nurses the opportunity to learn how to influence health care through the legislative and regulatory processes. [He/She] had the opportunity to attend informative and educational sessions, learn from expert nursing advocates and government officials and network with other nurses. All of these activities culminated with visits to [his/her] members of Congress on Capitol Hill.

“Attending the 2015 Nurse in Washington Internship was a valuable experience. The dynamic setting was ideal for educational activities and networking with nurses from across the nation,” says [your last name]. “I look forward to sharing my newly gained knowledge to enhance my influence on health care legislation.”*

[Your last name] is a [type] nurse in [town where your home/employer is located]. [He/She] is a member of [your national/local nursing association—if applicable] and [list other nursing activities and positions].

- Continued -

The Nursing Organizations Alliance is a coalition of nursing organizations united to create a strong voice for nurses. The Alliance provides a forum for identification, education, and collaboration, building on issues of common interest to advance the nursing profession.

For more information about The Alliance or the Nurse in Washington Internship, please contact the Alliance headquarters at (859) 514-9157, or visit our website at


* The included quote is only a suggestion. Please feel free to write your own quote.
How to Publicize Your Attendance at the

Nurse in Washington Internship

Distributing a press release to local media about your attendance at NIWI is a great way to spread the word about your accomplishments to the community. The following are steps you can take to publicize yourself:

1)  Create a press release by following the sample release.

2)  Contact local media to find the best person to receive this information—it will vary from one newspaper to another; the assignment editor usually is the best person to receive press releases at a television station.

3)  If you have a nice headshot photo, send it with the release or make a note that a photo is available for newspaper use. (See the bottom of the sample press release.)

4)  Send the release as quickly as possible via e-mail, U.S. mail or fax. The media doesn’t like to use “old news.”

5)  If a reporter calls you, promptly return the phone call. All forms of the media work on strict deadlines and your promptness may determine whether the story is used!