FY18 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program FAQ

I checked the FFVPin CNIPS and none of my schools have been invited even though I have 4 elementary schools claiming 100% in CEP. One of these schools called me about applying so I felt I should double check to make sure there were no oversights for our district. I tried to explain that even though their school claims 100% there are other districts with more F/R enrolled students.

All sites with a combined Free/Reduced percentage of 50% or more are eligible to apply for the FFVP grant. At this time, all sites with a Free/Reduce percentage of 50% or more have been invited in the CNIPS system. Please log into CNIPS and review the invited sites.

Regarding the CNIPS process-

What if we have a school that is using up the funds through Sept. BUT does not want to applyfor the 17-18 application?

How do we handle this so KDE is aware they do not want to apply for 17-18?

Please have the sponsor email the RFA mailbox explaining that the site is currently using remaining 2016-2017 FFVP funds and does not wish to participate in FFVP in 2017-2018. Please identify the school district and site name the sponsor wishes to exclude from the 2017-2018 FFVP grant.

We at xxxxxxx County Schools were preparing to apply for the FY18 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program for xxxxx Elementary, our elementary with the highest free and reduced lunch rate (99.74%). However, when the list of invited sites was posted to the KDE Competitive Grants page yesterday, we noticed XXX is not on the list. The RFA says to contact KDE if you feel a school has, in error, not been invited — we feel this is the case with XXX. There’s a great need for a program like this at XXX, and we’d like the chance to at least compete for it.

Can XXX apply?

All sites with a combined Free/Reduced percentage of 50% or more are eligible to apply for the FFVP grant. At this time, all sites with a Free/Reduce percentage of 50% or more have been invited in the CNIPS system. Please log into CNIPS and review the invited sites.

I am inquiring more information about the FFVP. I am a new food service director and didn't see my school listed on the invited sites list. Which data report am I looking for in CNIPS to see if we qualify before submitting an application? OCT DATA OR APRIL DATA?

All sites with a combined Free/Reduced percentage of 50% or more are eligible to apply for the FFVP grant. At this time, all sites with a Free/Reduce percentage of 50% or more have been invited in the CNIPS system. Please log into CNIPS and review the invited sites

I have a school that is finishing up their funds from 16-17 but does not want to continue and apply for 17-18, how do I handle in cnips?

Please have the sponsor email the RFA mailbox explaining that the site is currently using remaining 2016-2017 FFVP funds and does not wish to participate in FFVP in 2017-2018. Please identify the school district and site name the sponsor wishes to exclude from the 2017-2018 FFVP grant.

When looking over the invited sites on the KDE website for XXXXXX County, there were many not listed that are very high F&R%. There are 12 sites that are not listed that was currently in the program at 100% F&R. Can you tell me why they would not be invited to apply?

How do I handle this in cnips with them already having an application active for the rest of the FY17 funds?

All sites with a combined Free/Reduced percentage of 50% or more are eligible to apply for the FFVP grant. At this time, all sites with a Free/Reduce percentage of 50% or more have been invited in the CNIPS system. Please log into CNIPS and review the invited sites.

On the invited list for FFVP qualified schools, two of my elementary schools are listed. On CNIPS it looks like all three of my schools are invited to apply. Which one is correct?

All sites with a combined Free/Reduced percentage of 50% or more are eligible to apply for the FFVP grant. At this time, all sites with a Free/Reduce percentage of 50% or more have been invited in the CNIPS system. Please log into CNIPS and review the invited sites.

XXXXXX County was listed on the prior version of "invited" sites. Can you tell me why it was moved off that list? XXXXX County was on the "invite" page. Now it is on the "eligible" page. Can you tell me why it was moved? Also, will this make a difference in selection?

All sites with a combined Free/Reduced percentage of 50% or more are eligible to apply for the FFVP grant. At this time, all sites with a Free/Reduce percentage of 50% or more have been invited in the CNIPS system. Please log into CNIPS and review the invited sites.

Schools may move from the initially invited list due to changes in either this school or other schools’ enrollment.