Teaching and Learning Flying - Airplane Instrument Rating

Attitude Instrument Flying

Attitude instrument flying (AIF) may be defined as the control of an aircraft's spatial position by using the flight instruments rather than outside visual references.

Proper interpretation of flight instruments yields essentially the same information about the aircraft's spatial orientation as outside visual references. Safe, precise, proficient performance of any instrument flight maneuver depends fundamentally on mastery of basic AIF. Competence in AIF flying not only makes possible safe, precise flight in IMC, but also enhances the safety and accuracy of VFR flight. Thorough understanding of the operation and use of all the flight instruments plus regular practice leads to prompt recognition of instrument failure and transition to safe partial panel attitude instrument flight.

Instrument Rating PTS (FAA-S-8081-4D)
IV. A. To determine that the applicant can perform basic flight maneuvers
1. Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements related to attitude instrument flying during straight-and-level, climbs, turns and descents while conducting various instrument procedures.
2. Maintainsaltitude within +/- 100 feetduring level flight,headings within +/- 10°,airspeed within +/- 10 knots, andbank angles within +/- 5°during turns.
3. Uses proper instrument crosscheck and interpretation, and applies the appropriate pitch, bank and trim corrections when applicable.

To encourage mastery of AIF to increase pilot proficiency and enhance the safety of flight
To develop the student's knowledge and skill in AIF to meet instrument pilot PTS

·  Instruments more precise than visual references
·  Two basic methods
Control and performance
Primary and supporting
Pitch instruments
attitude indicator (AI)
altimeter (ALT)
airspeed indicator (ASI)
vertical speed indicator (VSI)
Bank instruments
attitude indicator (AI)
heading indicator (HI)
magnetic compass (MC)
turn coordinator (TC)
Power instruments
airspeed indicator (ASI)
engine instruments
manifold pressure gauge (MP)
tachometer (RPM)
For any maneuver or flight condition
Primary instruments
One in each group (pitch, bank, power)
Provide most pertinent and essential information
Indication stable with correct flight (shows greatest change with improper aircraft control)
Secondary instruments
Back up and supplement primary instruments
·  Fundamental skills
o  Cross-check
Continuous, logical observation of instruments for attitude and performance information

Proficient pilot adjusts scan rate and sequence to specific flight situation
Common errors
o  Interpretation
Applied knowledge of
instrument construction and operating principles
aircraft performance capabilities (POH)
Learn what performance to expect and combination of instruments to interpret for each flight condition
o  Control
Four components
Common error - Tension - use relaxed touch
·  The Three Step Scan(Rod Machado)
o  Select attitude and power. Trim and confirm.
Know and use predetermined attitudes and power settings for basic flight conditions
Confirm proper attitude indicator response to control input
Turn triangle of agreement
1.  attitude indicator
2.  turn coordinator
3.  magnetic compass
Pitch triangle of agreement
4.  attitude indicator
5.  vertical speed indicator
6.  alternate static system (activate to resolve disagreement)
o  Radial scan the primary instruments.
Start at and alternate back to the attitude indicator
o  Trim using the VSI and monitor scan the Big 6
Trim rudder
Trim elevator for constant VSI in SLF or constant rate climb or descent
Scan the six flight instruments and repeat
·  SLF
Pitch / Bank / Power
Primary / ALT / HI / ASI
Secondary / AI, VSI / AI, TC / MP, RPM
o  Turns
Turn, constant airspeed - Full panel
Pitch / Bank / Power
Primary / ALT / TC / ASI
Secondary / AI, VSI / AI / MP, RPM

o  Change of airpseed
Airspeed change in SLF - Full panel
Pitch / Bank / Power
Primary / ALT / HI / MP(RPM) -> ASI
Secondary / AI, VSI / AI, TC / ASI -> MP(RPM)

Airspeed change in turn - Full panel
Pitch / Bank / Power
Primary / ALT / TC / MP(RPM) -> ASI
Secondary / AI, VSI / AI / ASI -> MP(RPM)

o  Constant airspeed climbs and descents
Climb (or descent), straight, constant airspeed
Full panel
Pitch / Bank / Power
Primary / AI -> ASI / HI / MP(RPM)
Secondary / AI, VSI / AI, TC / -> ASI

o  Constant rate climbs and descents
Climb (or descent), straight, constant rate
Full panel
Pitch / Bank / Power
Primary / VSI / HI / ASI
Secondary / AI / AI, TC / MP(RPM)

·  Demonstrate while desribing instrument scan
·  Coach student practice (actual or simulated IMC)
o  SLF
o  Turns
o  Change of airpseed
o  Constant airspeed climbs and descents
o  Constant rate climbs and descents
Critique student performance

·  Fixation, omission, emphasis during cross-check
·  Overcontrolling
Smooth, gently control pressures
Use two step corrections
1.  Just enough control pressure to stop needle movement
2.  A bit more to start smooth correction
·  Uncoordinated use of controls
Keep the ball centered
·  Improper trim control
Trim to relieve control pressures
Small, frequent adjustments

14 CFR parts 61,91
Instrument Flying Handbook, FAA-H-8083-15, 1999
Instrument Rating PTS, FAA-S-8081-4D, April 2004
Instrument Instructor PTS, FAA-S-8081-9B, June 2001
The Instrument Flight Manual, Sixth EditionWilliam K. Kershner
Mastering Instrument Flying, Third EditionHenry Sollman and Sherwood Harris
Intrument Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep, 4th EditionIrvin N. Gleim
Rod Machado's Instrument Pilot's Survival Manual, 2nd EditionRod Machado