Extending Student Visas

DIBP requirements


Assessment factors for granting a student visa 500 Student - Schools include providing evidence about:

o  Financial capacity to meet education, living and travel expenses

o  English language proficiency of a level acceptable to the course provider

o  Likelihood of compliance with the conditions of the visa

o  Other matters considered relevant, including the age of the applicant

o  Previous visa compliance history, if any.

Applicants must also satisfy general requirements, including being of good character and health, having acceptable health insurance, and having no outstanding debts to the Commonwealth of Australia.

Extending visas


·  Student visas are commonly issued on the basis of the estimated course completion pathway.

·  The expiry date for the visa allows for the completion of the course as originally estimated. When a student is unable to maintain this pathway and will not be able to finish by the estimated completion date (i.e. they commenced later than originally agreed, or have had to defer their studies, or, through another event have had their pathway disrupted), the student may need to extend their visa.

·  If a student’s visa is expiring early, please contact the International Education Division (IED) as soon as possible to request an extension confirmation of enrolment (CoE) and confirmation of appropriate accommodation and welfare (CAAW) letter (if applicable).

·  Whilst the IED can issue an extended CoE/CAAW, it is the student’s responsibility to re-apply to DIBP for an extension of their visa.

·  Instructions on how to apply for a new 500 Student - Schools through DIBP can be located here: http://www.immi.gov.au/forms/Documents/applying-student.pdf

·  If a student’s visa is due to expire and needs to be renewed or extended, the school and the student share the responsibility to ensure that this is done well before the expiry date. Schools must record the student’s new visa expiry date on CASES 21.