Daily 5

Read to Self

Day 1

§  Teach the signal you will use to signal to the students to come to the meeting area. Have students practice doing this a few times.

§  Make anchor chart titled “Three Ways to Read a Book”

-Ask the class the different ways to read a book.

-Talk about reading pictures, using an emergent level picture book that doesn’t have a lot of words where the pictures convey the meaning. (i.e. First Day Jitters)

-Talk about reading the words, and model with the same book

§  Make an I-chart with the class for “Read to Self.” One column is for the student, one column is for the teacher. The students tell what it would look like, sound like, and feel like for students, and what the teacher would be doing during Read to Self.

Examples for student column:

-Find own space (bubble)

-Get started right away

-Read quietly

-Build stamina (discuss running)

-Read the whole time

-Stay in one spot

1-3 students model appropriate behavior with their book boxes.

1-3 students model inappropriate behavior with their book boxes and then do it appropriately.

§  Practice “Read to Self” for 3-5 minutes. Assign spots for students to sit and read or let students choose.

§  Signal the students to come back to the meeting area for Check In. Students reflect on how it went.

§  Three more minutes of practice and check-in.

§  Signal to come back to the meeting space. Closure: Share and review the lessons of the day. Review what was in the student column and how the students did when they practiced (thumbs up or sideways).

Day 2

§  Review the two ways already stated to read a book. Mode the third way, “Retell a Familiar Text.” Add it to the anchor chart.

§  Review the I-chart for Read to Self.

§  Discuss the purpose of Read to Self (fun and improve reading)

§  Model appropriate and inappropriate behaviors.

§  Discuss building stamina and challenge students to add 1-2 minutes to their reading time yesterday.

§  Practice “Read to Self” for 4-7 minutes. Assign spots or have students choose where to sit and read.

§  Signal to come back to the meeting space.

§  Closure: Share and review the lessons of the day. Students assess themselves by thumbs up or sideways.

Day 3

§  Review previous days lessons.

§  Discuss where to sit and how to choose where to sit.

§  Continue with above adding 1-2 minutes each day, extending stamina.

§  Come back to check in reviewing the days behaviors.

§  Closure: students assess how they did using thumbs up or thumbs sideways.

Day 4

§  Continue to review the I-chart.

§  Teach how to choose good-fit books. Use shoe activity.

§  Continue reading for an additional 1-2 minutes each day.

§  Check in and assess.

Day 5 and Beyond

§  Review the I-Chart for Read to Self

§  One minute review of “Three Ways to Read a Book”

§  Again discuss building stamina and how they will try to read for 1-2 minutes longer than the day before striving for 30 minutes of independent reading.

§  Practice “Read to Self” for 1-2 minutes longer than the preceding day.

§  Give signal to come back to the reading space.

§  Closure: Share and review of the days lessons. Students assess how they did. Model behaviors for next time if necessary.

Read to Someone

Day 1

§  Introduce the Read to Someone component of the Daily 5. Ask why we would want to have students read to someone.

§  Model and practice EEKK (elbow, elbow, knee, knee) with a student. Demonstrate how each person holds on side of the book.

§  Model the quiet voice level that can be used while sitting EEKK. Model using an incorrect voice level.

§  Begin a new anchor chart titled “Ways to Read to Someone” and add “Check for Understanding.“

§  Model how to use the check mark to check for understanding. After the teacher’s partner finishes reading the first page of the book I would summarize what he read. “I just heard you read that ______.”

§  Model how to respond when the understanding is incorrect. “That’s not what I read.” The page is reread and I listen more carefully. Again I would summarize what I heard.

§  Brainstorm an I-Chart for Read To Someone.


-Use a soft voice

-Read the whole time

-Stay in one spot

-Get started right away

§  Have three sets of partners model correct Read to Someone behaviors.

§  Three sets of partners model incorrect Read to Someone behaviors.

§  Send student pairs out to an assigned spot to get started Reading to Someone for 3-4 minutes.

§  Signal students to return to meeting place.

§  Closure: Review I-chart. Discuss any behaviors that should be added. Students use thumbs to assess.

Day 2

§  Review previous days learning.

§  Direct attention to “Ways to Read to Someone” anchor chart. Review check for understanding practiced on day one.

§  Introduce second strategy and add to the anchor chart: “I Read, You Read”

§  The most fluent person reads a page or paragraph. Then the partner will read the exact same page or paragraph trying to make the reading sound just like the first reader.

§  Model appropriate and inappropriate behaviors.

§  Introduce another strategy to choose from, “Read Two Different Books”.

Partners read two different books and check for understanding. Add this choice to the anchor chart.

§  Discuss and model how partners check for understanding with two different books.

§  Students are partnered up and placed around the room as in Day 1. Today partners will decide together which of the three ways they will read. Aim for one more minute than yesterday building stamina slowly.

§  The process continues and ends the same as Day One with repeated modeling, practice, and checking in to build stamina.

Day 3

§  Review the learning from the first two days of launching Read to Someone.

§  Under the EEKK on the anchor chart add “How to Choose Books.”

§  Discuss how to choose books by introducing the ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ strategy.

Model with a student: “How about if we read your book together first and then we read mine?” Talk about how that deal saved a lot of wasted time.

§  Model how to use Rock, Paper, Scissors with the winner choosing the book. Add these ideas to the chart.

§  Review Read to Someone I-Chart.

§  Send partners out to assigned spots to practice Read to Someone for an additional one to two minutes more than day two.

§  Give the signal to return to the meeting space.

§  Closure: share and review the lessons of the day. Students assess how they did using thumbs.

Day 4

§  Review the I-chart for Read to Someone.

§  Explain that the students will decide for themselves where to read with their partner today.

§  After partners are selected for the students a few pairs go out to get their book boxes; decide how they will do Read to Someone; move to a place in the room where they can be successful; and pick their books. Continuing this a few more partners at a time avoids a stampede and ensures a smooth and orderly start to the Read to Someone session.

§  Continue checking in, assessing and building stamina.

Day 5

§  Review the I-chart for Read to Someone.

§  Introduce an anchor chart: “How to Choose a Partner”.

§  Discuss how a partner is not always a closest friend. Add this to the chart: “Not always your closest friend.”

§  Discuss how to let the group know that you need a partner appropriately and inappropriately. Add ideas to the anchor chart: Close your mouth and raise your hand. Look around the groups. Walk to a person your see whose hand is also raised and say, “Will you please be my partner?” Partner says, “Sure.”

§  Discuss and model correct tone of voice to use.

§  Practice with a few students to secure the behaviors.

§  Have students pick a partner and go out to Read to Someone.

§  Continue for an additional 1-2 minutes from day 4.

§  Gather to discuss charts, concerns, and successes.

§  Continue to build stamina and check in to assess.

Day 6

§  Review previous day’s learning and charts.

§  Discuss what the student know about a coach’s job in a sport.

§  Compare to a reading coach and begin a new chart with “Reading Coach” on the top. Explain, model and practice how to be a good reading coach.

§  Model how to silently count to three and then ask, “Coaching or time?”

If the partner picks time, model how to sit patiently and wait. If the partner says, ‘Coaching’ discuss how to use a coaching sheet:

Reading Words

-What strategy have you used?

-Go back and reread.

-Skip the work and come back.

-Chunk sounds together.

-What word could fit here?

-Look at the pictures-the word is right here.

-I am going to sound this word out with you.

-I am going to tell you the word.


-I will retell what has happened so far.

-Fill in the who, what, where, and why.

-Would it help if I summarized the story for you?

Coach picks a strategy that might help the partner who needs coaching.

Each of the strategies is taught individually and added to the coaching sheet afterward. Eventually referring to the sheet is unnecessary as the strategies become intuitive.

§  Model for the children and then have them model correct and incorrect behaviors.

§  Partners go out to Read to Someone and build stamina.

Each day add a few more minutes until students are up to 30 minutes. Continue reviewing, modeling, and assessing.

Listen to Reading

Day 1

§  Brainstorm I-chart of expected behaviors.

§  Model and practice material setup of tape/CD recorder, book, and using recorder.

§  Model and practice listening and following along with words and/or pictures. Obviously students will not all get to practice at once because there are not enough recorders for all. Others will do Read to Self or Read to Someone.

§  Continue learned procedures of modeling, practicing, assessing and building stamina.

Day 2

§  Review I-chart.

§  Model and practice putting materials away neatly. Those who didn’t get to use a recorder yesterday will get a chance today.

§  Continue learned procedures.

Day 3

§  Review I-chart.

§  Model and practice listening to a short story, finishing it, and starting a new story.

§  Model and practice what to do if work time is up before the story is finished.

§  Continued learned procedures.

Day 4

§  Review I-chart.

§  Discuss using computer for listening to books.

§  Model and practice with computer cart or in computer lab.

§  Check in, assess.

Day 5

§  Review I-chart.

§  Continue giving students opportunities to practice with recorders and computers. Others choose one of the other Daily 5 components until recorders or computers are available.