Cllr. C. Reilly presided

Apologies received from Cllr. A. Brennan

Present: Cllrs. P. Fitzsimons, P. Toibin, J. Duffy, J. Holloway, J. Reilly, T. Reilly, S. Cassells

Officials present:Mr. Eugene Cummins, Town Manager

Mr. Shane Donnelly, Town Clerk

Mr. Fiona Fallon, Town Engineer

Mr. Jimmy Young, Senior Staff Officer


Confirmation of the Preliminary Budget Meeting which took place on Tuesday 11th December, 2007 at 7.30pm in the Navan Town Council Chamber, Town Hall, Navan, Co. Meath.

On the proposal of Cllr J Reilly, seconded by Cllr C Reilly, the minutes of the Preliminary Budget Meeting which took place on Tuesday 11th December, 2007 at 7.30pm in the Navan Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath were adopted by the Members.

Confirmation of the Statutory Budget Meeting which took place on Tuesday 8th

January, 2008 at 7.00pm in the Navan Town Council Chamber, Town Hall, Navan,

Co. Meath were adopted by the Members.

On the proposal of Cllr J Reilly, seconded by Cllr C Reilly, the minutes of the Statutory Budget Meeting which took place on Tuesday 11th December, 2007 at 7.30pm in the Navan Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath were adopted by the Manager

Confirmation of Minutes of January Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on Tuesday 8th January, 2008 at 7.30pm in the Navan Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Navan, Co Meath.

On the proposal of Cllr J Reilly, seconded by Cllr C Reilly, theMinutes of January Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on Tuesday 8th January, 2008 at 7.30pm in the Navan Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Navan, Co Meath were adopted by the Members.

On the proposal of Cllr T Reilly seconded by Cllr J Reilly, it was agreed by the Members to suspend Standing Orders to discuss the increase in anti-social behaviour in Navan Town recently.

Cllr. T. Reilly outlined that there was a serious assault on a young man by a gang over the weekend and that it was the fourth such assault in recent times. Cllr T Reilly requested that a Meeting be arranged with the Garda Superintendent and if possible a Member of the Judiciary to discuss the matter.

The Members raised the following issues:

A joint Policing Committee is required to assist An Garda Siochana

The Provision of CCTV camera’s needs to be fastracked

Opening hours of nightclubs needs to be re-examined

Following the discussion and on the proposal of Cllr T Reilly, seconded by Cllr J Holloway it was agreed by the Members that the Town Clerk would write to the Navan Superintendent and request his attendance at a Meeting to discuss the issue further.


AMAI Spring Conference:

The Members received and noted information on the Spring Conference of the AMAI which had been previously circulated. The Town Clerk advised the Members that the Conference was being held in Trim this year and as many members as possible should attend to support their fellow Councillors.

The members paid tribute to Cllr. V. McHugh of Trim Town Council for all his hard work in bringing the AMAI Spring Seminar to Trim.

It was agreed by the Members that the Town Clerk would write to Cllr McHugh and express their kind wishes.


The Members received and noted Correspondence from Meath Tourism requesting the Council to nominate a Member to sit on the Board of Directors of Meath Tourism following the resignation by Cllr Anne Gibney.

On the proposal of Cllr J Reilly seconded by Cllr T Reilly the Members nominated Cllr P Toibin to sit on the Board of Directors of Meath Tourism.

As Mayor C. Reilly had to leave the Meeting and apologies were received from the Deputy Mayor Cllr A Brennan, on the proposal of Cllr C Reilly, seconded by Cllr P Fitzsimons, it was agreed by the Members that Cllr T Reilly would act as Chairperson for the remainder of the Monthly Meeting.

Cllr’s P Fitzsimons and S Cassells also informed the Members that they would have to excuse themselves from the remainder of the Monthly Meeting.


Notice of Question – Cllr. J. Reilly

“Can the Manager provide a progress report on the “Taking in Charge” of Herbert Place.”

The Members received the following written response to the above question from the Town Manager

The Council are currently arranging a CCTV Survey of the Foul Sewer/Surface Water System in Herbert Place.

Detailed inspection of all roads and footpaths is also being arranged.

A full report will be available for the May Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council.

Notice of Question – Cllr J Duffy

“An allocation of €29,840 for the road surfacing of Blackwater Drive under the program of Class 3 roads restoration was adopted at a Navan Area Council meeting on 18th February 2005. What is the position of those proposed works and the current status of the €29,840?”

The Members received the following response to the above question from the Town Manger:

An allocation of €29,840 was made in relation to road surfacing works at Blackwater Drive in 2005. However, it was decided that as the estate was not in the charge of the Council, funding was reallocated to carryout much needed works at Troytown Heights Estate.

Further consideration to having works carried out in this estate cannot be given until such time as this estate is taken charge.


Notice of Motion – Cllr. J. Holloway

“That in the light of the ever increasing traffic congestion in Johnstown Wood in the area at the back entrance to St Stephen’s Primary School associated with the use of this entrance area as a set down and drop off area for those taking their children to school by car, Navan Town Council calls on Meath County Council to address this issue in terms of Road Safety and Planning, and that a Report on Road Safety at this location be drawn up as a matter of extreme urgency and as first step towards dealing with this problem”

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr J Duffy.

It was agreed by the Members that the Town Clerk would refer the matter to Meath Co Council’s Road Safety Officer for his attention.

Notice of Motion – Cllr. J. Holloway

“That Navan Town Council carry out restoration of the boundary of Dean Cogan Place with the N3 and similar restoration of area each side of footpath from Dean Cogan Place to O’Growney Terrace.”

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr T Reilly.

Notice of Motion – Cllr. J. Duffy

“To combat a growing anti social behaviour and to protect and restore the personal security confidence of all but particularly amongst the many elderly living in St. Brigids Villas that Navan Town Council puts in place measures that will restrict the continual trespassing of the service lanes at the rear”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Duffy and seconded by Cllr J Holloway.

The Members raised the following issues:

Council should look at provision of some palisade fencing to restrict movement at rear of houses in some way.

Residents would be willing to have some building in area of vacant ground.

Would it be possible for gates to be erected at various locations so to inhibit movement

The provision of CCTV cameras at this location needs to be examined.

Notice of Motion – Cllr P Toibin

“That each year the Maor and the Leas Maor are asked to present a ‘St Patrick’s Day Visit Action Plan’ to the Town Council. The purpose of this Action Plan is to detail activities of benefit to the people of Navan which will be undertaken during their respective St Patrick’s Day Visits. This plan should be presented at the meeting of the Town Council preceding their visits. That the Town Council also tasks both the Maor and the Leas Maor to present a report detailing activities and meetings had and their significance to the town of Navan at the Town Council meeting subsequent to their visits”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr P. Toibin and seconded by Cllr. J. Reilly.

Proposing Cllr. Toibin outlined it would be important that the Mayor and Deputy would be able to make links with various groups on their travels and report on same to their fellow Town Councillors.

The members raised the following issues:-

Time constraints on such trips may not permit compliance with the Motion.

It might be more appropriate following attendance at various conferences.

A vote by way of show of hands was then called for by Chairman, Cllr T Reilly in relation to the Notice of Motion:

Total Number of Members present: 5

In favour --2

Against --3

As their were two votes in favour and 3 against, the Chairman announced that the Notice of Motion was defeated.

Notice of Motion – Cllr P Toibin

‘That Navan Town Council will ensure that cycle lanes are included in all new road building and road upgrading projects within the town in the future and that cycle lanes are installed on all existing routes within the town starting with those routes which serve schools and Johnstown. That Navan Town Council install safe facilities for locking bicycles at a number of locations around Navan Town. Areas to beconsidered should include, the Shopping Centre, the Churches, the post Office etc”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr P Toibin and seconded by Cllr. J. Reilly.

Proposing Cllr Toibin outlined the following:

  • 11 children in country killed on bicycles every year.
  • Provision of cycle lanes would help deal with problem of obese children and carbon emissions.
  • All roads within town environs should have cycle lanes.

Each of the Members supported the Notice of Motion and agreed that this should be considered as part of the review of the Navan Development Plan process.


The members received and noted the Manager’s Orders made since the last meeting.


There were no issues raised under any other business.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______


Signed: ______

Town Clerk

Date: ______

MinutesPage 1 of 6

Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: Email: