HELD ON 14 May 2007


MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillor K. Ridge (Cathaoirleach), Councillors K. Byrne and G. Conway.

ALSO PRESENT: Ms. V. Cooke (Meetings Adminstrator), Ms. C. O’Neill (Area Secretary), Mr. J. Boland (Director) and other officials.


The Cathaoirleach welcomed the committee, officials and press to the meeting at the charming Castletown House explaining that she felt it was appropriate to host the meeting at this location considering the impending works proposed for this historic landmark. The members agreed that they should hold at least one meeting in the town of Celbridge per year.

Councillor Conway proposed and all members agreed that a minutes silence should be observed as a mark of respect to the late Senator Kate Walsh R.I.P.



Ref: CE09/0407 Parking bye-laws in Celbridge (Castletown and Elm Park)

The Cathoairleach informed the committee that a meeting has followed with the Roads department after the April meeting and Councillor Byrne has spoken to the Gardai in relation to extending the yellow lines in Castletown and there was no opposition in this regard so the issue of painting the lines now needs to be addressed. As Elm Park has also been targeted for parking the members requested that the Roads department investigate how they might be included in the parking bye-laws.

Ref: CE 04/1006 Aldi Store - Footpaths

The members were informed that Kildare County Council has received drawings on behalf of Aldi and approval has been granted as they comply with the planning permissions granted in respect of this development. It is expected that the installation of these footpaths will now proceed.

Ref: CE13/0407 Taking in Charge - Simmonstown Manor

As there was no further progress the members requested a report for the next meeting.

Ref: CE15/04/07 Amenity Zoning - Elm Park

The members heard that this issue has been forwarded to the planning department for their attention.

Ref: CE01/0407 Deputation - Straffan Development Association

The members were informed that the roads department were planning to meet with the association rather than issue a formal response. The Cathaoirleach asked that no deviation be made from the formal protocol in relation to dealing with deputations and welcomed a visit to the association but only in conjunction with a written response. Councillor Conway offered to contact the secretary of the association with a view to arranging a meeting with the roads department.

Ref: CE12/0407 Traffic Management Plan

Councillor Conway asked if a right hand turn into the village of Celbridge at Aldi from the Aghards Road be examined. It was agreed that a report would be available for the next meeting.

Ref: CE14/0407 Back Lots - Castletown

The members were informed that Mr. S. Wallace would have a report available for the next meeting of the committee.

Ref: CE08/0307 Bus Stop at Killenlea

It was agreed that this item should be reported on at the next meeting.

Ref: CE05/0407 Footpath - Bus Stop at Donaghcomper Graveyard

Councillor Byrne wondered if this project could be funded by development levies recently collected or if there was any funds remaining from Infrastructual Difficiencies Fund. A report was requested for the next meeting.

Ref: CE10/0407 Shackleton Road - speed limitation

The committee asked that all the estate exits on the Maynooth Road in Celbridge be examined in relation to the Traffic Management Plan.

Ref: CE19/0407 - Cattle at Castletown

Councillor Byrne requested that confirmation be sought in the suspicion that the National Herd is being moved to Castletown. The Cathaoirleach welcomed the Office of Public Works (OPW) investing money into Castletown but would appreciate the opportunity for Celbridge Area Committee to establish a good working relationship with the OPW to ensure that this amenity will remain accessible to the public of Celbridge. It was agreed that Corporate Affairs Section would correspond with the OPW to propose the involvement of the area committee and query the national herd.

Ref: CE18/0407 Replacement of litter bin - Ardclough Bridge

The members were informed that this bin is provided by the OPW and it was agreed that further correspondence be sent to them in relation to their plans for provisions, replacing and servicing of such bins. The Cathaoirleach stressed again the urgency with which a working relationship should be established with the OPW.

The Cathoirleach wished to thank all the staff at the Maynooth Area Office for their action in resolving the matter of broken pedestrian lights at the Aldi junction in Celbridge.

The minutes of 20th April, 2007 were proposed by Councillor Conway and seconded by Councillor Byrne.

Progress Report

New Lights at Maynooth / Taghadoe Road

Mr. J. Boland informed that members that a report on this issue will be available for the next meeting.

Roads Work Programme

Mr. Boland assured the members that he will keep the area committee informed and would be happy to meet the members on the ground to discuss the local issues. Kildare County Council are seeking input from access groups, transport providers, residents associations and all public groups in relation to the improvement of traffic management. Mr. Boland stated that he is happy to initiate a public consultation process.


Motion - Councillor Byrne

To ask when the Celbridge Village renewal scheme will be completed particularly the footpath along the main wall of the Roman Catholic priests house and the planting of trees on the main street

The meetings administrator stated that she will refer this item to the planning department and will report back to the members at the next meeting.


Motion - Councillor Byrne

To ask that the following safety measures be examined and attended to in Castletown Estate Celbridge.

(a) To provide traffic calming measures on the drive which runs through the estate.

(b) That a yellow box or signal lights be provided at the two exits from the estate.

(c) To ask that the estate be surveyed for the provision of public lighting.

Motion - Councillor Conway

That traffic calming measures be put in place on the Drive, Castletown Estate road.

Motion - Councillor Ridge

Will the Director of Services for the Roads review the feasibility of placing a pedestrian crossing on the Maynooth Road (Castletown enterance/exit) junction Celbridge?

As these three motions were connected the Cathaoirleach addressed them together.

Mr Boland assured the members that he was aware of various issues which are being raised by the area committee on an ongoing basis regarding this location including

The possibility of providing a school warden

Pedestrian crossing

Other markings and layouts.

The members will be aware that there is a considerable complexity associated with arrangements at this location in light of the nature of the location of the proximity of buildings, some deficiency in the footpath infrastructure, as well as the confluence of a very busy junction. The road design team, in conjunction with the Traffic Consultants (TPI) have been asked to have a very detailed look at arrangements at this location in order to, hopefully, come up with a more coherent plan in order to address the issues being raised and that this would be available for the July monthly meeting. The cathaoirleach asked if the OPW could be requested to install a public light inside the gates of Castletown and again the point of establishing a good working relationship was recommended between the OPW and the area committee. Mr. Boland assured the members that he will speak to the Traffic Consultants in relation to the Castletown Gate entrance. Councillor Conway stressed that Castletown should be put on the list to provide funding for traffic calming as soon as possible.


Motion - Councillor Ridge

Will the Director of Services for Roads review the roster arrangements for the school warden service in Celbridge in an effort to accommodate a safe crossing facility for the children of Primrose Hill National School?

The members were informed that this matter has been examined by the Road Safety Officer on a preliminary basis. The feasibility, or otherwise, of dovetailing the roster of the existing warden with Scoil Bhríd is being examined. However, there may well be issues in relation to the different opening hours as well as the conditions of employment of the existing warden. The area committee are to be appraised in due course. The cathaoirleach agreed to forward the details of the representations she has received to the Road Safety Officer in order to solve these problems.


Motion - Councillor Ridge

Will the Roads Department set out the progress made on the provision of the second car park in Celbridge?

Mr. Boland was pleased to advise that this initiative is progressing well. A level of agreement has been reached regarding the provision of a second carpark for circa 50 cars at the Castletown Inn. Design work has been completed. However, it will be necessary to enter into a definite commercial proposal with the landowner. Again, the area committee will be kept fully informed.


Motion - Councillor Conway

Can the right of way in Abbeyfarm at the Grove be closed.

A report was read to the committee stating that this can be considered subject to the following criteria:-

All costs, including legal costs, to be borne by local landowners

Full consensus regarding the proposed closure

The completion of a statutory process

The consent of the various Council departments.

Councillor Conway asked if a public consultation could commence as soon as possible. Mr. Boland stated that we should proceed with caution as there have been difficulties in the past in these processes. Councillor Byrne stated that as this estate is not taken in charge that the County Council would not have a role in commencing any such proceedings and he does not believe that a consensus could be reached in this matter. Councillor Byrne asked if the walls between Ballymakealy and Celbridge Abbey could be heightened. Councillor Conway was anxious that some action be taken in this case as the anti-social behaviour is causing acute distress to the residents involved. Mr. Boland understood the anxiety of the residents but felt that the vandalism should be acted on firstly by the Gardai. The cathaoirleach was regretful that Celbridge was omitted from the pilot of the Community Policing Scheme Policy and looks forward to Celbridge being included in this scheme when the pilot is completed. Mr. Boland stated that this item should be referred to the Development Control Section to ascertain if there are measures they could recommend in this case.


Motion - Councillor Ridge

That Kildare County Council provide a written report including costing of feasibility of providing a right hand lane at Scoil na Mainstreach junction, Shackleton, Celbridge.

The cathaoirleach asked if the grass verge to the left of this junction could be used to provide a right hand lane as this is a very dangerous situation at present. Mr. Boland assured the members that he will have a detailed inspection of this junction.


Motion – Councillor Ridge

That Kildare County Council provide a written report including costing on the provision of a drop off area outside Primrose Hill National School, Celbridge.

Mr. Boland stated that he will provide a costing for this project at the next meeting.


Motion – Councillor Ridge

That Kildare County Council provide a written costing of the provision of a footpath along the Boreen Road, Straffan. (as per Straffan development association submission made on 20m April last)

The members agreed that this matter has been raised on a number of occasions in the past. As has been previously outlined, there are difficulties associated with such a scheme, particularly in relation to the need to acquire land from the local landowner. Depending on the length of the scheme proposed, the costs are likely to be in the region of €250 per linear metre. This excludes land costs which could be significant. In addition, there would also be a requirement to provide public lighting etc. Accordingly, there is no prospect of no funding being forthcoming in the short term. The matter could, however, be reviewed if the land could be made available free of charge. The cathaoirleach agreed to discuss this matter further with the residents association.


Motion – Councillor Conway

That a pedestrian light, traffic calming measures are put in place on the Agards Road in front of Thornhill Meadows. Also that yellow boxes are placed at the housing estates existing on this road.

The members were informed that regrettably, there is no funding available for further measures at this location in the short term. The possibility, however, of installing a further yellow box could be examined. Councillor Conway asked that a costing be made available for the next meeting.


Question – Councillor Conway

Have the problems with Ardclough Sewege been resolved?

The members were informed that routine maintenance will be carried out, in the short term, to control discharges and minimise effects on the environment. Ardclough was included as part of North Kildare Bundled Sewerage Scheme as part of Kildare County Council’s Water Services Investment Programme Assessment of Needs 2007-2014. Councillor Conway requested that the area committee be informed as to where the Ardclough is prioritised in the Assessment of Needs and if it could be expedited as some gardens are being destroyed and it is causing considerable difficulties.


Motion – Councillor Byrne

That the council examine the Toni river where it exits into the green area of Dara Court housing estate Celbridge to establish what safety measures it wishes to put in place to prevent young children entering the drainage pipe.

The meetings administrator assured the members that she will refer this item to the Housing and Water Services departments for reporting at the next meeting.


Question – Councillor Byrne

To ask if the council would provide/replace or repair litter bins at the following locations in Celbridge.

(a) At the corner of Saint Patrick’s Park and main street (replace bin that is broken)

(b) Old cement bin outside Embassy Chinese takeaway to be replaced with standard bin.

(c) New bin between Castletown Inn and Jasmine house main street.

(d) New bin on village side of footbridge.

(e) New bin between traffic lights and saint Wolstans School.

The meetings administrator assured the members that she will refer this item to the Environment department and report back at the next meeting. Councillor Byrne stressed that the judging for the Tidy Towns Competition takes places in eight weeks time and these bin replacement are urgently required.


Motion – Councillor Byrne

That signs be provided to residents associations in Celbridge to indicate that dog fouling is prohibited and that the area committee be informed if specific by-laws are required to enforce these measures.

Councillor Byrne stated that he had been informed that each Councillor needed to submit details of various housing estates to Environment department and they would arrange for dog fouling signs.


Motion – Councillor Conway

That a protection fence be put in place around the ESB pylon in the car park of the North Kildare Project School

The members were informed that this would be a matter for the ESB but Councillor Conway asked that it be confirmed whether this car park is in fact owned by Kildare County Council or the school in question. A report was requested for the next meeting.


Any other business

Next Meeting

The cathaoirleach informed the committee that the next meeting will be held on Friday 15th June, 2007 in Aras Chill Dara at 10am.

Abbey Hall – Celbridge

Councillor Conway stated that this building is being put on the market for sale or lease and asked if the County Council could investigate purchasing or leasing this for the provision of youth services in the community.

Land beside GAA Field

Councillor Conway asked what the current status of the four acres beside Primrose Gate is following the last Area Plan. The members requested an update for the next meeting.

Signs at Bridge in Celbridge

Councillor Conway asked that the Parking Bye-Laws sign be removed and smaller parking bye-laws signs be erected on approaching roads instead. Also there are two unsightly poles at the bridge that need to be replaced. As the judging for tidy towns is approaching the members requested that these actions be carried out as soon as possible.

Abbeyfarm – Foul smell

Councillor Byrne asked that there be a solution reached into the foul smell coming from the Straffan Sewerage Scheme which is affecting a number of housing estates in Celbridge.

Wall at Abbeyfarm

Councillor Byrne asked that the council owned dividing wall between the Abbeyfarm estate and the road be repaired as it is very dangerous and should be rectified immediately.

Donaghcomper Cemetery

Councillor Byrne stated that there are only ten spaces left in the graveyard at Donaghcomper and action is needed immediately.

The meeting then concluded.