Senior Speaker Review Sheet


Name Period


1.  List and give an example of the 4 types of abuse.

2. One out of __ teens will experience abuse or know someone who is abused before

leaving high school?

3. One out of __ college students experience abuse?

4. What are the two most common forms of abuse?

5. All of the following are warning signs of an abusive relationship except:

a. possessiveness b. controlling attitude c. blaming d. unconditional love

6. Abuse is about having (what) over someone?

7. List 3 situations that put you at greater risk for experiencing violence.

8. What percent of abuse cases are reported by females?

First Choice Resource Center

9. One out of ______sexually active people contract HPV.

10. How many people become infected with 1 or more STDs each year?

11. Condoms can protect you from getting HIV by what %?

12. List all bacterial STDs?

13. What % of STDs is contracted by 15-24 yr. old?

14. What type of STD cannot be cured?

15. What can cure bacterial infections?

16. By age 50 what % of women will contract HPV?

17. Which STD can be spread through skin to skin contact?

18. Before the age of 20 what % of women are pregnant at least once?

Gamblers Anonymous

19. What is the helpline phone number for gamblers?

20. How do gamblers get money to gamble when they don’t have money?

21. List 4 forms of gambling.

22. List 3 signs of someone who is addicted to gambling.

Joe Corazza- Attorney

23. List and define the two types of possession.

24. What is defined as the selling and transferring of drugs from one person to another?

25. What degree punishment is 10-20 years in jail?

26. Seizure of property used in illegal activity is defined as what?


27. List 3 facial features of a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome baby?

28. What trimester of pregnancy does the nervous system and brain become damaged?

Morris County Sexual Assault Center-Abdul Staten

29. One out of ___ college women are victims of sexual assault.

30. A 13-15 year old cannot have sexual relations to someone who is how many years older than them?

31. Vaginal, oral or anal penetration without consent is defined as what?

32. What percent of sexual assault cases are against women by men?

33. Most sexual assaults occur by people who their attacker knows-True or false?

34. What is the age of consent in New Jersey?

Organ and tissue donations

35. How many people can be saved by one person’s donation?

36. List all organs that can be donated.

37. Less than_____of people die each year become organ donors. Can you be buried in casket if you donate your organs?

38. There are more people on the transplant waiting list than there are organs available.

39. How can you become an organ donor(List 3)? At what age can you choose to be a donor?

Officer Hale

40. What is the curfew time for HS students who live in Jefferson?

41. What is the punishment if you get arrested at the age of 18 for selling drugs?

42. What does PTI stand for and who qualifies for it?

Jackie(Morristown Medical Center)-Distracted Driving

43. Every ______minutes a teen driver crashes.

44. What is the leading cause of death for kids ages 16-20?

45. What is the highest month for accidents for teens? What day?

Ashley-Students Against Being Bullied Presentation

46. What is the third leading cause of death among teens?

47. What are the four most common forms of bullying?

48. One out of ____ teens are bullied?

49. What is bullycide?

50. Bullycide attempts occur how often?