Computer Science Syllabus

Ms. Doucette – Northwest Middle School

Welcome to Computer Science! I am so excited to have you in class this 9 weeks and want to tell you about my class and what I will expect from you in order for you to be successful.

Course Outcome:

Course Description:

Computer Science Exploratory is computer science survey course. This course is modular in design to be customized to fit a 9-week, semester or yearlong schedule. The modules take a wide view on computer science by covering topics such as computational components, troubleshooting, data protection & encryption, internet & networks, and ethics & attribution. Students are empowered to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem-solving, and fun.


General Pacing:

The basic outline for this class is as follows:

Each 9 week period:

Each student will be responsible for analyze the relationship between a device’s computational component and its capabilities. Justify the hardware and software chosen to accomplish a task. Use a systematic process to identify the source of a problem within individual and connected devices. Summarize security risks associated with weak passwords, lack of encryption, insecure transactions, and persistence data. Simulate how information is transmitted as packets through multiple devices over the internet and networks.

Materials Needed/Fees:

The following materials will be needed for this class: pencil or pen, erasers.


  • Textbook Information:

There is no text book for this class. All materials come from the computer and Google Docs.

  • Supplemental Materials:

Instructional time is very valuable; therefore, I do not use videos on a regular basis. The videos I do show in my classroom, however, are educational videos that relate to the topic that are part of the computer science experience.

  • How to do research on the internet, effectively
  • Encryption as fast as possible
  • How stuff works – Tech
  • Khan Academy - Cryptography
  • Middle School Research Skills. Citations: Elements of a Website

If you do not approve of a specific resource listed in this syllabus, please make your request to me in writing and an alternative assignment and/or material will be provided.


Homework Policy:

There is no homework giving for this class. All work and assignments are to be done in class. Unless the student does not finish then they may take it home and finish it.

Make-Up Work Policy:

Knox County Board of Education Policy states and Northwest Middle School will follow:

“If a student must be absent from school for any reason, excused or unexcused, up to ten days (10) days upon returning to school, he/she shall be given the opportunity to make up any and all assignments that were missing during the student’s absence. The student must request make-up assignments within three (3) days after returning from the absence. Failure of a student to initiate a request for make-up work within three (3) days will result in lost opportunity for credit for that assignment.”

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain their missed assignments from an absence. At parent’s request, the office will gather missed work for students who are absent 5 or more days. However, due to meetings taking place during teachers’ plan times. It is reasonable to allow at least 24 hours before picking up the assignments.

Late Work Policy

Individual teachers, teams and other officials at Northwest Middle School have the authority and responsibility to impose deadlines for the submission of work. One of our goals as a school is to prepare students for the future by teaching students responsibility, and experiencing the natural consequences of failure to meet reasonable deadlines is the primary manner in which we learn this skill. Please do not expect school administration or teachers to extend or ignore a deadline.

**End of the Semester Exception**

All students absent, will be given the semester to finish missing assignments. All assignments not completed by the end of the semester grading cut-off will be recorded as zeros.

Grading Policy

  • 40% of your grade comes from formative assignments such as: Participation in class discussions, quizzes, class work.
  • 60% of your grade comes from summative assignments such as: projects, presentations and written papers.

Knox County Grading Scale:

93-100 – A

85-92 – B

75-84 – C

70-74 – D

0 – 69 – F

Student Expectations:

My rules are very simple: be prepared for class, be respectful to yourself and others, and be the best student you can be. If you choose to break a rule, you are choosing to have consequences to your action. Those consequences may include: privileges taken away, after school detention, phone call home, parent conference, or ultimately, a referral to the principal. I want you to learn and in order to learn, you must have self control.

Teacher Expectations:

If you need to contact me, feel free to call the school at 594-1345 or email me at .