Study guide for Islam and Crusades Test

  1. The Ottoman Turks took what city in 1453 to end the Byzantine Empire? Constantinople
  2. Who do the Shi’ites accepted as the true ruler of Islam? Descendent of Mohammed
  3. Who did Alexius I ask Christians for help in fighting? Muslims
  4. Abu al-Abbas set up what dynasty in 750?
  5. The destruction of what city by the Mongols made Cairo the new center of Islamic Civilization?
  6. Islam believes in what two things similar to Christianity? 1 god and reach salvation by following the laws of the church leading a just life
  7. Islam considers Muhammad to be a profit like what two men? Jesus and Moses
  8. The person chosen by a Council of Elders to rule a tribe? Caliph
  9. In 622 Muhammad left Mecca for what city and what was it renamed? Medinna
  10. Islam is different than Christianity in believing that the leader is? A Prophet
  11. The Five Pillars is what code of Islam? Law
  12. Allah was the supreme god of what group? Islam
  13. Khadija was a rich widow who married whom? Mohammed
  14. A hajj is a pilgrimage to what city? Mecca
  15. The Quran is a guidebook for what two things in Islam? Life and Salvation
  16. This group was a semetic type speaking people in the Middle East? Jews
  17. Ramadan is what in the Muslim calendar ( 2 things)Holy month
  18. The Ka’bah is a central shrine located in what Islamic City? Mecca
  19. What is at the heart of Islam? 5 Pillars
  20. What happened when a Muslim fleet attacked Constantinople? Crusades
  21. What is a Bazaar?
  22. Kibla is a wall in a mosque facing? Mecca
  23. What famous library was in Baghdad? Alexandria
  24. What is a Muslim House of Worship called? Mosque
  25. What is an Astrolabe used by sailors for? Navigation
  26. The Hadith is a collection of whose sayings?
  27. The Dome of the Rock is where who ascended into Paradise? Mohammed
  28. This was a famous mosque in Constantinople?
  29. The practice of requiring women to cover their bodies in public comes from? Attempting not to lead the men into temptation.
  30. Explain the process of serf to Knight. You should have this…
  31. What is a manor? All of the Lord’s land in medieval times
  32. What is lay investiture? The appointment of church officials
  33. What is excommunication? Being kicked out of the church
  34. What is the great schism? When the catholic church had 2 popes…..
  35. First 3 crusades…who fought, who won, why fought? You should have this…
  36. What was the “Black Death”? How did it spread? Why did it start? Ooooooo fleas on rats fleas on rats