Barry Goldwater High School

IB English A1 HL 5-6

Summer Assignment


Dear Students:

Welcome to the BGHS IB/AP Language Arts program. The BGHS Language Arts Department requires summer reading assignments for all of the advanced levels. You may want your own copy of the play to take notes in and use for essays and tests. You may find the books at libraries, bookstores, or online. The mandatory selection for junior IB English 5-6 is
Herman Hesse Siddhartha
Online link :
You will need to complete the assignment on the following page using an organized method during the reading. In addition, you will need to note the use of rhetorical devices such as irony, allegory and imagery.
To be eligible to take the Assessment on the (1st or 2nd day) over Siddhartha, the Summer Activity must be completed and you will need to bring your notes to class

Listed below are other selections that will be read and analyzed over the year. Note that all the books from the first semester will be used for the IB oral exam known as the IOP and that the second semester books will be used for the IB Written Assessment.

1st Semester:

Hesse Siddhartha

Kingston The Woman Warrior

Heller Catch 22

2nd Semester:

Ibsen A Doll’s House

Sophocles Antigone

Zamyatin We

For further information, you may visit the BGHS web page at This site links to “My Teacher Index,” or visit the district web site at This site links to IB. Feel free to e-mail me during the school year.


Diette Oshrin

Use an organizer/thinking map to organize this information.[Cornell Notes, tree map, double bubble, etc] Be sure to indicate the page # on which the quotes appear.

I.  Characterization.

Character Description: Describe the main characters in terms of (a) their personalities/ archetype, and (b) their contribution to Siddhartha’s journey.

·  Vasudeva

·  Govinda

·  Kamala

·  Gotama

·  The Samanas

·  Kamaswami

Archetypes. Identify and explain the archetypal role of three to five of the characters. Note any role changes.

II.  Motifs and Themes.

v  Symbols. Look in the text of the novel for three to five symbols. Take notes on where and how each symbol is used. Choose a method that best organizes this information. Be sure to include a brief description of how each symbol is incorporated (ie: does it represent a person, tone, theme, etc).

v  Tip: Look for: water, om, ferryman, smile, children, snakes, gardens, etc.

Social Commentary. Hesse uses Siddhartha as a vehicle for social commentary about modern society/religions. Find at least 2 examples of each of the following “threads” from the play.

§  Polarity

§  Family Roles

§  Morality

§  Materialism

III.  Irony, Allegory, Imagery. – Find and record examples of each of these in the beginning, middle and ending of the novel. Make note of what lesson, tone or characterization they are trying to reinforce.

IV.  S.O.A.P.S.Tone Paragraph (Speaker, Subject, Style, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Tone). Write a well developed SOAP.STone Paragraph focusing on the author’s theme (using one of the social commentary items) and supporting your thesis with any details necessary from the novel. (If you need help with this watch: This will be used as the starting point for an in-class essay.