Statewide Storage Task Force (SSTF)


Monday, November 9, 2015

(Scribe: Tabatha Pursley, UF)

  1. Roll Call, gathered from Elluminate participant list
  • Attending: Ben Walker (UF – Moderator), Tabatha Pursley (UF), Hang SooHoo (UF), Dan Schoonover (FSU), Cheryl McCoy (USF),Patricia Profeta (FCS), Valerie Boulos (FIU), Stephanie Clark (UWF), Daniel Cromwell (FLVC), Frank Allen (UCF ), Jonathan Miller (Rollins/ICUF), Maris Hayashi (FAU).
  • Not Attending: Judy Russell (UF), ), Jody Hewitt (UF), Zach English (FAU), Pricilla Henry (FAMU), Michael Arthur (UCF), Mary Page (UCF), Becky Donlan (FGCU), Faye Jones (FSU-Law), Cheryl Gowing (UM), Lisa Fish (UM), Lisa Tatum (FLVC), Wendy Ellis (FLVC).
  1. Review and approve September 14, 2015 minutes
  2. Call for additional topics
  3. UF/FLARE updates (Ben/Judy)
  4. CSUL update
  5. Budget update
  6. Assessments go out to the Fiscal office of each institution
  7. Payments received – UWF, FSU (partial), UCF, FAU, FGCU, New College
  8. Convert ALF to HDF
  9. Remove old shelving, erect new shelving
  10. Updates and announcements
  11. FLARE progress report
  12. Transfers
  13. UM: 16,284 serials transferred and trayed (more shipments coming)
  14. UF: 41,138 serials transferred (HSCL), 88% trayed
  15. Provides access to a different type of collection
  16. Rosemont Group
  17. West, CIC, ASERL, FLARE met in Chicago
  18. Continue meetings to improve coordination of collection retention agreements
  19. West, ASERL and FLARE are using JRNL; West is also using PAPR program
  20. More analysis in FLARE and ASERL for unique and rare material
  21. Determine if JRNL is the best tool; if not, draft a tool that would be more effective based on collective experience
  22. Meet again in mid-winter
  23. More collaboration not only in the state, but also nationally
  24. OCLC’s Collection Evaluation tool
  25. Do we have rare items? (5 or fewer copies statewide/countrywide) Should they be transferred to FLARE?
  26. Be more proactive about collection; donations
  27. Make sure access is retained
  28. Switch to project based from annual subscription
  29. FLARE is trying to get better data on remaining storage space
  30. Valerie Boulos (FIU): ASERL looking at use Gold Rush tool; more monographic but might help with ingesting items into FLARE with less duplicates
  31. Ben Walker (UF): Could be useful; more graphic, easy to make comparisons between collections and institutions. Hoping we will be able to use it for journals as well.
  1. Partner activities
  2. Valerie Boulos (FIU): Getting ready to take to faculty senate library committee a three-phase journal reduction project; starting with dead run titles and move into JSTOR then Wiley. They will be paying close attention to materials for FLARE so a transfer may be coming in the spring or summer. Shelves are at 85% capacity, hoping to clear space for books but may be used for public space.
  3. Ben Walker (UF): FLARE is finishing HSCL materials within a few weeks and will be moving into Miami items directly after. Pallet of foreign language monographs from HSCL will be done soon. All of UCF and West Florida has been catalogued. Next project is last copies.
  1. Other business and topics
  2. Policy review (items 3 and 4:
  3. Make sure items have an OCLC record, barcode, volumes, dates of holdings before transfer, no uncatalogued material
  4. Cleaned up some old language, changed University Shared Storage Collection to FLARE, updated the link to where the policy guidelines are – will go to Cecil for approval in December.
  5. New policies
  6. Last copy of a serial: All academic libraries in Florida are granted the right to deposit last copies of serials being withdrawn from their collections in FLARE for preservation.
  7. Get some involvement from state college partners and private institutions
  8. Direct from monograph policy
  9. Judy and Ben will put this forward to CSUL
  10. What to do with last copies in FLARE when requested: building use only to minimize theft
  11. DanSchoonover (FSU): What is the possibility of digitizing them?
  12. Ben Walker (UF): Preferred, but if someone really wants the print version, what should the policy be?
  13. Continue to discuss options for digitizing rare and deteriorated items
  14. Library Use Only as an interim policy - Ben will draft
  15. JRNL session: request from FIU
  16. Late November, early December
  17. Web sessions available here: and
  18. Updated session useful for others?
  19. FAU, FIU and FSU all interested in having meetings about JRNL
  20. Tape it and make into a webinar?
  21. JRNL team at UF will pull together some details and send out a survey about what issues people would like to see addressed.
  22. First meeting tentatively set for December
  23. JRNL is evolving with participation from West and ASERL. We are still trying to sort out what will be best for all groups involved.
  1. Next meeting January 11, 2016 - *May be pushed back because of ALA midwinter