Name: KEY

Comprehension and Vocabulary Test: Rogue Wave

  1. The series of events in a story is known as the PLOT (1pt)
  1. Why is conflict important to the plot of a story? (2pts)

Conflict is important to the plot of a story because it helps drive the plot forward. It makes the story interesting and gives the characters something to work towards.

  1. What does “making an inference” mean? Use your own words and be brief. (2pts)

When you make an inference, you make an educated guess about why something happened or why a character acted a certain way. You are guessing about something that the author hints at, but doesn’t directly say.

  1. What is the difference between “making an inference” & “making a prediction”? (2pts)

When you make an inference, you are guessing about why something has taken place. However, when you make a prediction, you are guessing about what will happen next in the story.

  1. When we first meet Scout and learn about the characteristics of a rogue wave, we are in the EXPOSITION stage of the plot. (1 pt)
  1. A story’s greatest moment of interest is known as the CLIMAX(1pt)
  1. “The Old Sea Dog stayed on the surface for a little while longer, having delivered her survivors to safety; then her air pocket breathed its last and she slipped beneath the water, headed for the bottom.”

In which stage of the plot does the above excerpt take place? (1pt)

  1. exposition
  2. rising action
  3. climax
  4. resolution
  1. What makes a rogue wave especially dangerous?(1pt)
  2. They travel great distances
  3. They are driven by winds
  4. They cannot be predicated
  5. They occur in warm waters
  1. What evidence in the text supports the inference that Sully was a competent sailor?(1pt)
  1. Scout thought he was a good teacher
  2. He’d been around boats most of his life.
  1. He’d borrowed the boat from a family friend.
  2. He thought the Sea Dog was the best in her category.
  1. What gave Sully hope that Scoot could survive for some time in the cabin?(1pt)
  2. The Sea Dog was heavy and sturdy
  3. There was enough room to stand and walk around
  4. There was at least a three-foot air pocket.
  5. The hatch doors were still closed.
  1. Which word best describes Sully's feelings while he was diving repeatedly, trying to free Scoot?

  1. confused
  2. resentful
  3. frustrated
  4. confidant
  1. Why did Sully think that they might be found by another boat?(1pt)
  2. They were within twenty miles of the coast
  3. The weather was clear
  4. TheSea Doghad the latest equipment
  5. He was waving frantically.
  1. Scoot began to feel certain that she'd survive... (1pt)
  2. when she remembered the flashlight
  3. when she heard Sully pounding.
  4. when she came out of shock.
  5. when she found the toolbox.

  1. What does the author reveal about Scoot's character from her thoughts and actions while she is trapped in the cabin? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer. (4pts)

In the beginning of this storyline, Scoot is overcome with fear, thinking that something has happened to Sully, and that she will die alone there. However, the fear is with her for only a few moments. She soon turns her attention to getting out of this situation and saving herself. Because Scoot acts this way in the face disaster, we know that she is brave, resilient, determined, and confident.

  1. Identify the two settings in this story. How does the author shifting between these setting help build suspense? (3pts)

The two settings in the story are the upturned hull Sully is on, and the upturned cabin below, where Scoot is stuck.Alternating between these two settings helps build suspense by alternating between the obstacles that each character faces.