Fountainhead Recreational and Maintenance Corporation
4714 Fountainhead Drive, Houston, TX 77066-2637 – (281)893-4820

Clubhouse/Pool Rental Agreement

INSTRUCTIONS: Please read this entire application and the attached Clubhouse & Pool Regulation before attempting to complete it. Applications must be fully completed, signed and checks enclosed before the rental date will be reserved. Keep the Clubhouse/Pool Regulations for reference and drop the completed applicationandchecks in the brick mailbox at the Fountainhead Clubhouse at 4714 Fountainhead Drive.

  1. Applicant: Homeowner’s Name ______

Fountainhead Property Address ______

Daytime Phone or Cell# ______Evening Phone #______

  1. Function: Type of Function:______

Requested Date(s) and Time(s):______

Anticipated number of attendees: ______

Will any alcoholic beverages be present? (Circle one) Yes No

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Fountainhead R&M Corporation Clubhouse and Pool Regulations. I have read these regulations, understand them and agree to follow them. I also agree to accept complete responsibility and liability for all attendees during the function. I further agree to release Fountainhead R&M Corporation and/ or its agents from all damages and/ or injuries which may arise as a result of this agreement.

  1. Rental Fee(s): Swimming Pool Only (Can not be rented with clubhouse) - $100 ______

Base Clubhouse Rental Fee (Main Hall & Kitchen Only) - $85 ______

*Add TV/Game Room - $40 ______

*Add Billiard Room - $20 ______

*Additional Table Rental - $15 ______

Total Rental Fee – Check #1 Total -______

  1. Deposit: Refundable Key/Damage/Cleanup Deposit - $250 Check #2 - $250

Printed Name of Homeowner Signature of Homeowner Date Signed

Rates Effective 1/2006, Form Revised 5/2012

Fountainhead R&M Corporation, Clubhouse & Pool Regulations

  1. The clubhouse or pool can only be rented by an adult Fountainhead resident who must remain on the premises at all times during the function and until all attendees have left. The clubhouse or pool cannot be reserved for a third party. The maximum number of guests is 100 attendees. A function principally attended by children or teenagers must be well chaperoned and are limited to a total of 50 attendees.
  2. All past and current year Fountainhead R&M Maintenance Fees must be paid in full. A current, validated ID badge must be presented at the time the key is picked up.
  3. The base clubhouse rental fee of $85 includes the Main Hall, kitchen and restroom facilities. The TV / game room and / or billiard room may be added for additional fee(s) (see rental form).
  4. A $250 refundable key / damage / cleanup deposit and the appropriate rental fees are required before receiving the clubhouse key or arrangements are made for life guards for a pool party. An R&M Board Member may refund all or part of the deposit after inspection of the rented areas.
  5. All fee(s) and the deposit are due at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the function. The tentative reservation will be canceled if the fees & deposit are not paid at least 2 weeks in advance.
  6. Simultaneous rental of the swimming pool and clubhouse is not allowed. Neither resident nor guests may use the swimming pool while attending a function within the clubhouse.
  7. Reservations can be made no more than six (6) months in advance and will not be considered reserved until the appropriate fee(s) and deposit are paid at least two (2) weeks in advance. Reservations canceled less than fourteen (14) days in advance will result in forfeiture of all fee(s).
  8. The Fountainhead R&M Board reserves the right to refuse the user of R&M facilities for functions that it considers questionable.
  9. For profit and / or admission fee events are not permitted.
  10. No open flames (candles, lamps, etc.) or balloons of any kind are allowed to be used inside of the clubhouse. Balloons may be used outside of the clubhouse, but must be removed after function.
  11. No staples, thumbtacks or tape of any kind maybe used on painted or papered walls.
  12. The renter must mop the tile floors, clean the kitchen area (including countertops, stove, ovens, microwave refrigerator, etc.) and tidy bathrooms upon completion of their function. Furniture and game equipment must be returned to their proper places. All trash (including in bathrooms) must be taken out and placed in outside trash cans. Clean plastic trash bags (provided by renter) must be placed in kitchen trash cans.
  13. Renters are liable for all damage which occurs during their function. Bearing in mind that the clubhouse and swimming pool are in a residential area, party and vehicle noise must be kept to a minimum. The renter is responsible for the behavior of all function attendees.
  14. All function activity must end by Midnight (12:00am) and cleanup completed immediately after (no later than 1:30am). Cleanup can not be left until the next day since there may be another reservation for that day. The clubhouse or swimming pool keys should be dropped into the brick mailbox in front of the clubhouse after everything is cleaned up and locked up.
  15. If alcoholic beverages are going to be present at your function, you are required to hire the Fountainhead Security Officer(s) to be on the premises, regardless of the number of attendees.
  16. No alcoholic beverages may be sold on the premises. No alcoholic beverages are allowed outside of the clubhouse. No alcoholic beverages are allowed at functions at the swimming pool.
  17. Swimming pool functions are allowed only during the pool season and must be outside of regular pool house. Swimming pool function must be reserved at least two (w) weeks in advance to ensure that life guard(s) will be available. One life guard is required for each 25 attendees. The fountainhead Security Officermust be hired for traffic control if there are more than 50 attendees.
  18. The renter must clean the swimming pool facilities after their function. All trash must be picked up (including in bathrooms and outside thefenced are) and placed in the trash cans. All swimming pool furniture must be returned to its proper place.

Revised 7/2012