The Bishop’s Choir School


Program eligibility & overview

The Bishop’s Choir School is a unique program open to children in grades 2-12 regardless of religious affiliation. Choristers will learn about music by singing hymns and anthems in rehearsals and in services at Christ Church Cathedral, with occasional events at other parishes in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts.

The program is open to children at every ability level. No previous experience is required or expected. Students may join at any time, and the program runs every year from September to June.

The Diocese of Western Massachusetts supports The Bishop’s Choir School financially, which enables the Cathedral to offer the program tuition-free.

The program is delivered by Bob Hansler, Director of Music, with the help of parents and other volunteers, and it uses the Royal School of Church Music’s Voice for Life materials. These materials provide a robust (but not rigid) structure for developing musicians in a choral setting, with measurable targets and a wealth of tools to accomplish this development. One aspect of the program is the use of individual workbooks. These are provided to the choristers free of charge; however, if one is lost, parents will be asked to purchase a replacement (at a cost of ~$10-$12).

Liturgical vestments (robes), awards, and other materials are also provided free of charge, and these should be safeguarded.

The mission of the Bishop’s Choir School is to:

·  Provide solid music education in a friendly and fun environment of mutual respect and achievement;

·  Create an opportunity for children to grow in musical and spiritual strengths that nurture their growth;

·  Provide children of diverse abilities and backgrounds with a program of music appreciation and choral performance that seeks to fulfill each child’s musical potential.

How to register

1.  Set up a meeting with Bob Hansler. This brief conversation with Bob, the student, and the parent or guardian is an opportunity to discuss the program and any questions parent or child might have.

2.  Fill out the registration form online. This form can be accessed through the website at the top of the page.

3.  Review the rehearsal and service schedule, and let Bob know about any absences.

4.  Read this list of policies and procedures.

Rehearsal Schedule and Policies

Weekly rehearsals take place on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. If your child arrives early, they must come with either homework or some other activity. All choristers must sign in and out with the door parent. No chorister may leave the building without permission.

At no time is a child to be absent without informing the staff.

It is not possible for the Choir School to provide transportation for children for rehearsals and services. Parents are encouraged to work together to make sure that everyone has a ride.

We expect that upon completion of an event, parents, guardians, or other designated responsible adults will pick up their children promptly at the end of rehearsals or services. The consequences of neglecting to do this will result in a $25 per hour babysitting fee per child starting at the time at which the activity was to end. If the delay in picking up the child is greater than two hours, the child will not be able to participate in the Choir School for the remainder of the program year.

Service Schedule

Rehearsals take place before the service begins; choristers should be wearing robes at the beginning of rehearsal.

Service time Occasion Be ready at:

Friday, February 2, 7 p.m. Candlemas Vespers 6:15 p.m.
Saturday, March 31, 8 p.m. Great Vigil of Easter 6:45 p.m.
Sunday, April 15, 5 p.m. Vespers 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, May 10, 7 p.m. Ascension Day Holy Eucharist 6:15 p.m.
Sunday, June 3, 5 p.m. Choral Evensong 3:45 p.m.

Student attendance and behavior

The Bishop’s Choir School is a musical and educational outreach of The Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts. Choristers should remember that they are the public face of worship and representatives of the Choir School at all times.

An important aspect of the Voice for Life program is that students progress through different stages and workbooks. This progress is gauged through assessments in five categories: vocal production, musical skills and understand, knowledge of historical and musical contexts, belonging to the choir, and the choir’s role in the community. Students may not progress to the next workbook/level until they have met the requisite targets in each category. Behavior and attendance are a part of these assessments. Choristers will need their parents’ support if they are to excel in these areas! You can help by ensuring that your kids are present and on time, and you can help foster responsibility in your child by making them responsible to pass on information about future absences.

We expect that choristers will maintain an attendance rate above 75%, with services counting as double. Below this level of attendance, progress as a group and as individual singers is difficult.

No electronic devices are permitted during rehearsals or services. If these items are discovered, they will be taken and may only be retrieved by a parent or guardian.

Have your child tell Bob Hansler about future absences before or after rehearsal, or send a note with him/her. If an unavoidable conflict comes up suddenly, email Bob at or call 413-736-2742 to notify him. (Email is best.) Advance notification is important, as it affects lesson planning and can affect choices in music for services.

If behavior or attendance issues persist, a conversation about a child’s continued participation in the choir may need to take place.

Inclement weather

In the event of inclement weather, the Cathedral may cancel rehearsals. If Springfield public schools are cancelled due to weather, then The Bishop’s Choir School will also be cancelled for the day. However, rehearsals do continue through school breaks, such as winter break. Services are rarely cancelled, but in the event of bad weather, absences will be excused. Cancellations will be announced via email to parents.


Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us. For this reason, the Cathedral maintains a policy that helps to ensure the safety of children during activities. Leaders participate in regular Safe Church training. If you would like a copy of this policy, contact Bob Hansler.

Thank you for your interest in this program!