For those of us fortunate to live here and enjoy a familiarity with Columbia County’s entertainment, recreational and dining options, we may still make use of the benefits offered by the county Tourism Department in seeking something new. For those coming for a visit, the department has developed into a true ambassador for the county – today, we have become a first-class destination for travelers from around the world.

This hasn’t happened by accident. Working hand-in-hand with the attractions that lure visitors from near and far, county Tourism continues to be a driving force in getting the word out. Meanwhile, the natural beauty of our area continues to be a magnet for visitors.

Let’s take a look at the impact of tourism in the county. In the year 2016, the most recent for which statistics are available, spending by tourists to Columbia County amounted to more than $140 million. This, in turn, supported more than 2,000 jobs (an estimated 10% of all county jobs) and generated more than $8 million in tax revenues. This activity put the county at the forefront, percentagewise, of labor income generated via tourism in the Hudson Valley region. At the same time, the 7.7% increase in spending by Columbia County tourists was the largest increase experienced by any county in the region.

Visitors specifically to Columbia County spent 24% on second homes, 21% on food and beverage, 17% on transportation, 16% on lodging, 13% on retail and service stations, and 10% on recreation.

Here’s a fun fact for your next Trivia Night: The top tourism attraction in the county year-in and year-out has been the Lebanon Valley Speedway.

The Tourism Department and the Board of Supervisors are excited about new developments that came along in 2017, including a new tourism user-friendly website design and a new county road and mountain biking guide. The website, Tourism Administrator Anne Cooper has noted, was designed to attract and hold the interest of those visiting the site. Further, its responsive design makes it amenable to viewing on mobile devices and tablets, a major improvement over the former site.

Website visitors are greeted with an array of dining, lodging, and exploration options, as well as a comprehensive calendar of events and all county tourism guides. Also, the Columbia County Tourism mobile app is a handy tool for those who are already here and “on-the-go” in the county, seeking new ideas for what to do.

In recent times, artisanal beverage makers have taken their place in the top tier of attractions – the Tourism Department’s publication has been flying off the shelves. And somehow, I’ve gotten this far without giving the county’s outdoor recreational opportunities their due. Camping, for one, has become immensely popular.

With all of this, those who work to make Columbia County a welcoming destination – from the campsites to the artisanal beverage makers -- deserve major kudos. None of this would be possible without the hard work being put in day-to-day to not only boost our quality of life locally, but to tell the world about Columbia County.